mac安装.net core

Install for macOS 10.11 or higher (64 bit)

  1. 1

    Install pre-requisites

    In order to use .NET Core, you first need to install the latest version of OpenSSL. The easiest way to get this is from Homebrew.

    After installing brew, do the following:

    1. brew update
    2. brew install openssl
    3. mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
    4. ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
    5. ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/

    Video: Installing .NET Core and Visual Studio Code in a Mac

  2. 2

    Install .NET Core SDK

    The best way to install .NET Core 1.1 on macOS is to download the official installer.

    Download .NET Core SDK

    This installer will install the latest stable version of the tools and put them on your PATH so you can run dotnet from the Console.

    .NET Core 1.1 is the latest version. For long term support versions and additional downloads check the all downloads section.

    Note: if you have any problems with installation on macOS, please consult our known issues page.

  3. 3

    Initialize some code

    Let‘s initialize a sample Hello World application!

    1. dotnet new console -o hwapp
    2. cd hwapp
  4. 4

    Run the app

    The first command will restore the packages specified in the project file, and the second command will run the actual sample:

    1. dotnet restore
    2. dotnet run

    And you‘re ready!

    You now have .NET core running on your machine!

    Visit the .NET Documentation to get access to additional tutorials, samples and the full .NET Core documentation.


    Want some tools?

    Get an editor to help you be more productive with .NET Core.

时间: 2024-07-31 02:07:22

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mac安装brew 软件包管理工具Homebrew

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一.Mac安装mysql 首先下载mysql,地址: 然后已知安装就好了,会出现让你记住密码的提示,然后就安装好了.... 更改密码,可以参考: 二.终端操作mysql 首先在系统偏好里面找到mysql,如下图左一,然后点开,运行mysql,使其呈现running,如下图右一.     然后打开终端,输入mysql


Mac安装MySQL没有Win下那么智能(无脑), 还须要一些配置步骤. 网上教程不够具体, 找了几篇综合起来才安装好, 因此留个印记, 帮其它人降低点时间损耗: 1. 去官网下一个mysql-*.*.*-osx10.9-x86_64.dmg, 注意选择对应CPU位数的 2. 安装完后, 改密码 :/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password YourPassword 3. 从这一步開始有差别了: (1) 假设你是用Mac自带的terminal