图-用DFS求连通块 UVa 1103

这道题目甚长, 代码也是甚长, 但是思路却不是太难。然而有好多代码实现的细节, 确是十分的巧妙。 对代码阅读能力, 代码理解能力, 代码实现能力, 代码实现技巧, DFS方法都大有裨益, 敬请有兴趣者耐心细读。(也许由于博主太弱, 才有此等感觉)。

题目: UVa 1103

In order to understand early civilizations, archaeologists often study texts written in  ancient languages. One such language, used in Egypt more than 3000 years ago, is based  on characters called hieroglyphs. Figure C.1 shows six hieroglyphs and their names. In  this problem, you will write a program to recognize these six characters.

Figure C.1: Six hieroglyphs


The input consists of several test cases, each of which describes an image containing  one or more hieroglyphs chosen from among those shown in Figure C.1. The image is given  in the form of a series of horizontal scan lines consisting of black pixels (represented  by 1) and white pixels (represented by 0). In the input data, each scan line is encoded in hexadecimal notation. For example, the sequence of eight pixels 10011100 (one black pixel, followed by two white pixels, and so on) would be represented in hexadecimal  notation as 9c. Only digits and lowercase letters a through f are used  in the hexadecimal encoding. The first line of each test case contains two integers,  H and W. H (0 < H200) is the number of scan lines in the image. W (0 < W50) is the number of hexadecimal characters in each line. The next H lines  contain the hexadecimal characters of the image, working from top to bottom. Input images  conform to the following rules:

  • The image contains only hieroglyphs shown in Figure C.1.
  • Each image contains at least one valid hieroglyph.
  • Each black pixel in the image is part of a valid hieroglyph.
  • Each hieroglyph consists of a connected set of black pixels and each black pixel  has at least one other black pixel on its top, bottom, left, or right side.
  • The hieroglyphs do not touch and no hieroglyph is inside another hieroglyph.
  • Two black pixels that touch diagonally will always have a common touching black pixel.
  • The hieroglyphs may be distorted but each has a shape that is topologically equivalent  to one of the symbols in Figure C.1. (Two figures are topologically equivalent if each can  be transformed into the other by stretching without tearing.)

The last test case is followed by a line containing two zeros.


For each test case, display its case number followed by a string containing one character  for each hieroglyph recognized in the image, using the following code:

Ankh: A Wedjat: J Djed: D Scarab: S Was: W Akhet: K

In each output string, print the codes in alphabetic order. Follow the format of the sample  output.

The sample input contains descriptions of test cases shown in Figures C.2 and C.3.  Due to space constraints not all of the sample input can be shown on this page.

Sample Input

100 25
...(50 lines omitted)...
...(44 lines omitted)...
150 38
...(75 lines omitted)...
...(69 lines omitted)...
0 0

Sample Output

Case 1: AKW
Case 2: AAAAA
时间: 2024-12-19 09:32:17

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