【CentOS 7.1】使用163的镜像

CentOS 7.1.1503

安装镜像 http://mirrors.163.com/centos/7.1.1503/os/x86_64/

帮助文档 http://mirrors.163.com/.help/centos.html

// backup

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# mv CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo.bak

mv: overwrite ‘CentOS-Base.repo.bak‘? y

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]#

// wget

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# wget http://mirrors.163.com/.help/CentOS7-Base-163.repo

--2015-06-24 18:40:24--  http://mirrors.163.com/.help/CentOS7-Base-163.repo

Resolving mirrors.163.com (mirrors.163.com)...,

Connecting to mirrors.163.com (mirrors.163.com)||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 1572 (1.5K) [application/octet-stream]

Saving to: ‘CentOS7-Base-163.repo.1‘

100%[======================================>] 1,572       --.-K/s   in 0s

2015-06-24 18:40:24 (192 MB/s) - ‘CentOS7-Base-163.repo.1‘ saved [1572/1572]

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]#

// cp

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# cp CentOS7-Base-163.repo CentOS-Base.repo

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]#

// yum clean all

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# yum clean all

Failed to set locale, defaulting to C

??????fastestmirror, langpacks

Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository centosplus is listed more than once in the configuration

正在清理软件源: base extras updates

Cleaning up everything

Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors

// yum makecache

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# yum makecache

Failed to set locale, defaulting to C

??????fastestmirror, langpacks

Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository centosplus is listed more than once in the configuration

base                                                     | 3.6 kB     00:00

extras                                                   | 3.4 kB     00:00

// yum update

[[email protected] yum.repos.d]# yum update

Failed to set locale, defaulting to C

??????fastestmirror, langpacks

Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository updates is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration

Repository centosplus is listed more than once in the configuration

Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile


--> ??????

---> ??? abrt.x86_64. ?? ??

---> ??? abrt.x86_64. ?? ??

---> ??? abrt-addon-ccpp.x86_64. ?? ??

---> ??? abrt-addon-ccpp.x86_64. ?? ??

时间: 2024-12-18 04:19:07

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哎,今天在使用163的源进行更新的时候出现如下错误提示! 2]# vim README.md [[email protected] php-5.6.12]# yum clean all 已加载插件:fastestmirror Cleaning repos: base elrepo extras updates 清理一切 Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors [[email protected] php-5.6.12]# yum makecache 已加载插件:f


平时自己在家学习的时候,有时候会用到一些虚拟机环境.最初安装的时候为了节省本地的磁盘空间,选择最小安装模式,后期使用的时候,如果用到什么其他的软件包,再去另外安装.但是使用网络上的yum源,可能会因为种种原因,不能访问,或者速度收到限制,影响效率,因此我们可以使用安装OS时使用的光盘镜像,来搭建一个本地yum源. 方法如下: 1. 在虚拟机设置中,挂载光盘镜像文件: 2. 使用下面的方法配置: # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ # ta

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CentOS 6.5添加163源

1.首先备份/etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo mv /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.backup 2.下载网易的repo文件 http://mirrors.163.com/.help/CentOS6-Base-163.repo  放入/etc/yum.repos.d/(操作前请做好相应备份) 3.修改 CentOS-Media.repo,把 baseurl 改

CentOS 6.9自建开源镜像站

1. 演示环境: IP OS Nginx版本 Rsync版本 清华大学开源软件镜像站 CentOS   6.9 x86_64 1.10.2 3.0.6 https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ 备注:同步的上游yum源必须要支持rsync协议,否则不能使用rsync进行同步.国内的很多开源镜像站都不支持rsync,这里以清华大学开源软件镜像站为例. 2. 安装前准备: (1)服务器时间校对 (2)配置epel源 3. 安装配置Ngin