scheme 矩阵运算


( define ( accumulate op init seq )

( cond

[ ( null? seq ) init ]

[ else

( op ( car seq )

( accumulate op init ( cdr seq ) ) ) ] ) )

( define ( accumulate-n op init seqs )

( cond

[ ( null? ( car seqs ) ) ‘() ]

[ else

( cons ( accumulate op init ( map car seqs ) )

( accumulate-n op init ( map cdr seqs ) ) ) ] ) )

( define ( dot-product v m )

( accumulate + 0 ( map * v m ) ) )

( define ( mat-*-vec mat vec )

( map ( lambda ( row )( dot-product row vec ) ) mat ) )

( define ( transpose mat )

( accumulate-n cons ‘() mat ) )

( define ( mat-*-mat m n )

( let ( [ n ( transpose n ) ] )

( map ( lambda ( row )( mat-*-vec n row ) ) m ) ) )



( import ( rnrs ) )

( define type-error

( lambda ( what )

( assertion-violation ‘mul "not a number or matrix" what ) ) )

( define match-error

( lambda ( what1 what2 )

( assertion-violation ‘mul "incompatible operands" what1 what2 ) ) )

( define make-matrix

( lambda ( rows cols )

( do ( [ mat ( make-vector rows ) ]

[ r 0 ( + r 1 ) ] )

( ( = r rows ) mat )

( vector-set! mat r ( make-vector cols ) ) ) ) )

( define matrix?

( lambda ( mat )

( and ( vector? mat )

( vector? ( vector-ref mat 0 ) )

( > ( vector-length mat ) 0 ) ) ) )

( define matrix-ref

( lambda ( mat row col )

( vector-ref ( vector-ref mat row ) col ) ) )

( define matrix-set!

( lambda ( mat row col val )

( vector-set! ( vector-ref mat row ) col val ) ) )

( define matrix-rows ( lambda ( mat )( vector-length mat ) ) )

( define matrix-cols ( lambda ( mat )( vector-length ( vector-ref mat 0 ) ) ) )

( define mat-*-vec

( lambda ( mat vec )

( let* ( [ rows ( matrix-rows mat ) ]

[ cols ( matrix-cols mat ) ]

[ res ( make-matrix rows cols ) ] )

( do ( [ r 0 ( + r 1 ) ] )

( ( = r rows ) res )

( do ( [ c 0 ( + c 1 ) ] )

( = c cols )

( vector-set! res r c ( * vec ( matrix-ref mat r c ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

( define mat-*-mat

( lambda ( mat1 mat2 )

( let* ( [ rows1 ( matrix-rows mat1 ) ]

[ cols1 ( matrix-cols mat1 ) ]

[ rows2 ( matrix-rows mat2 ) ]

[ cols2 ( matrix-cols mat2 ) ]

[ res ( make-matrix rows1 cols2 ) ] )

( unless ( = cols1 rows2 )

( match-error mat1 mat2 ) )

( do ( [ r 0 ( + r 1 ) ] )

( ( = r rows1 ) res )

( do ( [ c 0 ( + c 1 ) ] )

( ( = c cols2 ) )

( do ( [ k 0 ( + k 1 ) ]

[ val 0 ( + val

( * ( matrix-ref mat1 r k )

( matrix-ref mat2 k c ) ) ) ] )

( ( = k rows2 )

( matrix-set! res r c val ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

( define mul

( lambda ( x y )

( cond

[ ( number? x )

( cond

[ ( number? y )( * x y ) ]

[ ( matrix? y )( mat-*-vec y x ) ]

[ else ( type-error y ) ] ) ]

[ ( matrix? x )

( cond

[ ( number? y )( mat-*-vec x y ) ]

[ ( matrix? x )( mat-*-mat x y ) ]

[ else ( type-error x ) ] ) ]

[ else ( type-error x ) ] ) ) )

时间: 2024-08-08 01:27:40

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