
Developers can check out the list below of jQuery plugins that provide full screen support. These plugins provide full screen website, image galleries, editor, slider, menu, loading bar, Youtube videos and modal windows.

1. fullPage.js

fullPage.js is a simple and easy to use plugin to create full screen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or one page sites). It allows the creation of full screen scrolling websites, as well as the addition of some landscape sliders inside the sections of the site.

2. fullsizable

fullsizable is a jQuery plugin that allows designers to make use of the available browser space for more enjoyable image viewing.

3. jQuery Fullscreen Editor

jQuery Fullscreen Editor plugin transforms text fields to customizable editors, either it can be used within a form or as a stand alone.

4. YoutubeBackground

This jQuery plugin for Youtube API allows designers to embed  YouTube videos into their web pages as a video background.

5. Full Content

Full Content is a jQuery plugin that enables full screen single-page websites with url hash & animated scrolling.

6. HoldOn.js

HoldOn.js is a jQuery plugin to prevent user interaction while a webpage is loading or busy by displaying a full screen loading indicator.

7. Alton

Alton is a jQuery-powered scrolling plugin that utilizes custom vertical scrolling effects in order to present and navigate through web content in a unique manner. It utilizes scrolljacking idea, but greatly improves the often-poorly-implemented scrolljacking experiences designers might be used to.

8. JiSlider

JiSlider is a simple jQuery Plugin used to create an Image Slider. The settings can be modified to create the desired the slider.

9. animatedModal.js

animatedModal.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a full screen modal with CSS3 transitions. Designers can use the transitions from animate.css or create their own transitions.

10. jQuery – fatNav

jQuery favNav creates a chubby full screen menu with nice hamburger toggle.


时间: 2024-08-05 23:40:50



这样来写布局 一个TitleView作为顶部搜索栏: @implementation TitleView - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; if (self) { // Initialization code [self initTilte]; } return self; } -(void)initTilte{ UITextField* field = [[UITextField al


基于jQuery全屏焦点图切换插件responsiveslides是一款带左右箭头,索引按钮的自动轮播切换特效下载.效果图如下: 在线预览   源码下载 实现的代码. html代码: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { // Slideshow $("#slider").responsiveSlides({ auto: true, pager: false, nav: true, speed:


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移动端全屏滑动的小插件,简单,轻便,好用,只有3k swiper,myswiper,page,stage

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1,将 .bat文件放入到以下路径中 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 或 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup 2,设置浏览器全屏,在上图的快捷方式中设置如下图: 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yinhao-jack/p/10637210.html


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