ylbtech-dbs:12306-票 |
A,数据库关系图(Database Diagram) 返回顶部 |
B,数据库设计脚本(Database Design Script)返回顶部 |
--2,查询车次,假设:菏泽-->曹县 --菏泽-->曹县 select tn.trainNumberCode,tn.trainNumberType ,tn.departureStationId,(select Station from Station where stationId=tn.departureStationId)‘departureStation‘ ,tn.destinationStationId,(select Station from Station where stationId=tn.destinationStationId)‘destinationStation‘ ,tn.departureTime,tn.destinationTime from TrainNumber tn where tn.trainNumberId in( select t.trainNumberId from Timetable t inner join Timetable t2 on t.trainNumberId=t2.trainNumberId where t.sortCode<t2.sortCode and t.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘菏泽‘) and t2.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘曹县‘))
--2,查询车次,假设:菏泽-->曹县 --菏泽-->曹县 select * from TrainNumber tn where tn.trainNumberId in( select t.trainNumberId from Timetable t inner join Timetable t2 on t.trainNumberId=t2.trainNumberId where t.sortCode<t2.sortCode and t.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘菏泽‘) and t2.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘曹县‘)) select * from TrainNumber tn where tn.trainNumberId in( select t.trainNumberId from Timetable t inner join Timetable t2 on t.trainNumberId=t2.trainNumberId where t.sortCode<t2.sortCode and t.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘菏泽‘) and t2.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘定陶‘)) select * from TrainNumber tn where tn.trainNumberId in( select t.trainNumberId from Timetable t inner join Timetable t2 on t.trainNumberId=t2.trainNumberId where t.sortCode<t2.sortCode and t.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘定陶‘) and t2.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘曹县‘)) --曹县-->菏泽 select * from TrainNumber tn where tn.trainNumberId in( select t.trainNumberId from Timetable t inner join Timetable t2 on t.trainNumberId=t2.trainNumberId where t.sortCode<t2.sortCode and t.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘曹县‘) and t2.stationId=(select stationId from Station where station=‘菏泽‘))
use TrainTicket go go --1,Z01列次时刻表 select t.[type],t.sortCode‘站序‘,s.station‘站名‘,CONVERT(varchar(8),t.departureTime,108)‘到时‘,t.destinationTime‘发时‘ from Timetable t inner join Station s on t.stationId=s.stationId where trainNumberId=‘F681391E-8FBB-49FC-8159-AE7FA5FF5A36‘ order by sortCode
C,功能实现代码(Function Implementation Code)返回顶部 |
作者:ylbtech 出处:http://ylbtech.cnblogs.com/ 本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接,否则保留追究法律责任的权利。 |
时间: 2024-10-18 09:42:38