
You can‘t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing in the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will make all the difference.

  Your time is limited. So don‘t waste it living someone else‘s life. Don‘t be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people‘s thinking. Don‘t let the noise of other‘s opinions drown down your own inner voice. You‘ve got to find what you love. And that is true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is gonna fill large part of your life. And the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

  If you haven‘t found it yet, keep looking and don‘t settle. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

  But you gonna have some ups, you gonna have some downs. Most people give up on themselves easily. You know the human spirit is powerful? (?)There‘s nothing that powerful. It‘s hard to kill the human spirit. Anybody can feel good when they have their health, their bills paid, they have happy relationships. Anybody can be positive then. Anybody can have large ambition then. Anybody can have faith on those circumstances. The real challenge of growth mentally, emotionally, spiritually comes when you get knocked down. It takes courage to act. (?)How to be in humbly when you are being defeated. It takes courage to start over again.

  Fear kills dreams. Fear kills hope. Fear put people in the hospital. Fear can age you, can hold you back from doing something that you know within yourself, that you are capable of doing but it will paralyze you.

  At the end of your feelings, it‘s nothing. But at the end of every principle, it‘s a promise. (?)Behind you look philos, you might not be absolutely at the end you look philos. But behind every principle, it‘s a promise. (?)As some of you aren‘t what you like, the reason why you not reach your goal right now, it‘s all about your feelings. And you are all on your feelings. You aren‘t feeling like waking up. So who does? Everyday you say no to your dreams, you might be push your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year. That one single day, that one day you didn‘t get up could push you stuck back I don‘t know how long.

  Don‘t allow your emotions to control you. We are emotional. But we wanna begin to discipline your emotion. (?)If you don‘t discipline it, it contains your emotions, they will use you!

  You want it, and you gonna go all out to had it. It‘s not going to be easy when you want to change. It‘s not easy. If it were that easy, everyone would do it. But if you are serious, you go all out. I am in control here. I am not gonna let this get me down. I‘m not gonna let this destroy me. I‘m coming back. And I‘ll be stronger and better because of it. You have to make a determination(视频中说的是decoration?). This is what you stand for. You are standing up for your dreams. You are standing up for piece of mind. You are standing for health. Take full responsibility for your life. It‘s accepted where you are and responsibility that you wanna take yourself where you want to go.

  You can decide that I‘m gonna live each day as if it were my last. Live your life with your passion, with some drive. Decide that you/re gonna push yourself. The last chapter to your life has not been written yet. And it doesn‘t matter about what happened yesterday. It doesn‘t matter about what happens to you. What matters is what you are gonna do about.

  This year I will make this goal become reality. I won‘t talk about it anymore. I can. I can. I can.

  The portion I took important for everybody - don‘t give up, don‘t give a yearn. There‘s always an answer to everything.
时间: 2024-10-19 03:23:29



年轻的时候不努力奋斗,等老了拿什么话说当年?! Robot抓取来源:去原网站 原文地址:刷爆美国朋友圈的超燃短片:年轻人为什么要奋斗?



致敬 54岁的刘德华

不知道什么时候开始喜欢刘德华的,一路听他的歌,特别是听了"17岁" 的演唱会之后发现真的被感动了,这里记录下华仔的演唱会 <96红磡演唱会> <刘德华99红磡演唱会> <刘德华2001夏日Fiesta演唱会> <刘德华2002你是我的骄傲 香港演唱会> <刘德华2004Vision Tour 香港演唱会> <刘德华2004-2005幻影中国巡回演唱会> <刘德华2007Wonderful World 香港演唱

Sep 10th 2018



努力吧老铁们! 这是一篇无关技术的文章,而是对自己整个大四一年工作经验的总结,记录着自己的学习方法和学习习惯,记录着自己从最开始的一个安卓小白,到现在可以独自承担原生安卓项目.记录着自己在工作之余学习H5前端技术,到现在可以熟练掌握H5前端技术独自完成WebApp混合开发.又到了每年的毕业季,这篇博客是对自己这一年努力的总结,也希望自己的经历可以可以帮助更多的大三.大四正在找工作的努力奋斗的学生. 第一家公司职业生涯的开始 2016年6月份,在大三还没有结束的时候,我已经开始投简历准备大三考完试


作者:Creamy络链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/45564525/answer/100780273来源:知乎著作权归作者所有.商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处. 因为阶级固化下年轻人丧失希望,这四五年经济泡沫发展没给百姓多少福利反而降低了生活期望,很多年轻人看不到什么希望,或者希望太渺小太遥远,而慢节奏的享乐主义下来.人会不安贫乐道,会乐于奋斗,拼搏,是源于对未来有好的憧憬,以及对自身将来会提升的财富和实力的未知.而一旦人对未来没有好的憧憬


年轻人哪,不能太舒服了 文/徐嗖 一 昨天,和一群北漂的兄弟吃饭,他们都来自三四线城市,回到家乡一定能找着一个安逸的工作,领着一份不算高却足以让自己轻松过日子的薪水. 可现在,他们一个在金融公司打工,每天通勤就得一个多小时:一个在大型国企做法务,每天事儿杂的,就差给别人端茶送水.洗衣叠被了:还有一个在会计所当会计,忙时加班能到晚上十一二点…… 问起他们为什么要北漂,答案却出奇地有默契:北京机会更多,比起舒服,出人头地才是自己真正的追求.况且,只有“脱贫”了,以后才有真正的舒服. 一个朋友说:北京


年轻人你活着不是为了看K线! 在网上看到一篇文章,写得还不错,转给大家看一下,内容如下: 这篇文章本来是该几年前写的,奉劝大家不要去玩股票.因为那个时候我的<中国崛起的经济学分析>这本书刚刚出版,里面用“破坏性要素参与分配”的理论来分析了中国经济.在写作过程中我发现这个理论也可以顺便用来解释股票市场,让大家看清楚股票市场的本质.但当时的大盘指数才1980点,我怕写出来很多人会被我“忽悠”,把手里的股票“割肉”卖掉,回头会恨死我.所以就忍了. 我的观点很简单:股票市场不是年轻人应该去的地方.对年

二十岁出头,你一无所有,但你却拥有一切 【献给像我一样20多岁的年轻人】

这篇是转载的,为什么要专门发表一下,正如下面所说的: 我从来没有看到过一句话,如此让我共鸣.二十岁出头,你一无所有,但你却拥有一切,因为你还有牛逼的梦想. 可那又怎样,只有行动,才能解除你所有的不安 (一)嘴上说说的人生 那年我在离家的时候一个劲地往自己的硬盘里塞<灌篮高手>,我妈一副嗤之以鼻的表情 看着我,似乎是在说:"这么大的人了居然还这么喜欢看动漫." 我不知道怎么回应她,只好耸耸肩,因为我实在无法对我亲爱的娘亲说明这部动漫对我的 意义. 你知道,有些歌有些东西就是有