COMP 1010

COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Computer Science 1
TERM: Fall 2019
Assignment 1
• Name your sketches using your name, the assignment number, and the question number, exactly as in this
example: LastnameFirstnameA1Q1.
• Your programs must run upon download to receive any marks.
• Submit one PDE file for each question.
• Assignments must follow the programming standards document published on the course website on UMLearn.
• After the due date and time assignments may be submitted but will lose 2% of marks per hour late or portion
• You may submit a question multiple times, but only the most recent version will be marked.
• These assignments are your chance to learn the material for the exams. Code your assignments independently.

代做COMP 1010作业、代写Java,c++实验作业
We use software to compare all submitted assignments to each other, and pursue academic dishonestly
Q1: An Animal
You should be able to do this question after Week 2 in the course.
Write a non-active Processing program (containing no setup() or draw()
functions) which will draw some sort of animal in the canvas. It can be anything
you like: a tiger, a dog, a mouse, any animal. Be creative. The rules are:
• It must contain from 6 to 16 shapes (lines, ellipses, rectangles, or other
shapes). The sample mouse shown here uses 11 shapes (2 rectangles, 5
ellipses, and 4 lines).
• It must contain at least one line, at least one ellipse or circle, and at least one square,
rectangle, triangle, or quadrilateral (quad).
• It should contain several different colours.
• It can be a very abstract animal, like the one shown. You don’t have to be a great artist.
• Don’t make it too complex. Stick to the limit of 16 shapes. That will make the
remaining questions easier.
• You must use a 500 x 500 canvas for this question.
• The animal must fill the canvas, either horizontally (as the mouse does), or vertically.
• It should be roughly centred in the window.
In Questions 2 and 3, your animal will grow, shrink, and move. As soon as any program is
“finished”, you usually have to start making changes to it, and that will happen with this
program, too. To make that easier to do, you must do the following things:
• All X coordinates, Y coordinates, heights, widths, and colours, must be defined by
constants. You will probably need at least 10, and perhaps as many as 30 if you choose to
do a very complex animal. There is no limit on the number of constants you use.
• The X and Y coordinates should be specified relative to the centre of the window. This
will make the following questions much easier. Heights and widths will be in pixels. For
example, this constant is used to define part of the example mouse.
final int BODY_WIDTH=width/2; //total width of body section
• All of your drawing commands should use your constants, the built-in height and
width variables, and perhaps simple numbers like 1 or 2. No other numbers. For
example, the ellipse that forms the main body of the mouse was drawn with the statement
ellipse(width/2, height/2, width/2 , height/2 - bodyWidth);
• If some calculation is needed many times in many statements, do it only once and store
the result in a variable. Then use that variable many times. For example, a better version
of the above statement would be the one below, where MOUSE_BODY_WIDTH and
MOUSE_BODY_X were pre-calculated, since those values were needed many times to draw
the entire animal. (Hint: It would be a really good idea to pre-calculate the coordinates of
the centre of the canvas.)
Q2: A Moving Animal
This question requires material from Week 3. Convert your
program from Question 1 into an Active Processing program,
with the mouse controlling both the size and position of the
animal. Make the following changes and additions to your
Question 1 program.
1. Save a copy of your original Question 1 program. You
must hand in the original static version, as well as this
modified active version. Rename this one so that it ends
with “A1Q2”.
2. Add five variables to your program, which control the
animal’s size and position. There should be an X
coordinate, a Y coordinate, size, and a MIN_SIZE and MAX_SIZE value. The X and Y
coordinates should specify the position of the approximate centre of the animal (the same
spot that used to be at the centre of the canvas, but could now be anywhere). The size
variables should give the minimum size the animal should reach when near the top of the
canvas and the maximum size the animal should reach when nearing the bottom.
3. Create the usual setup()and draw() functions. Create a drawAnimal() function (or
call it drawCat () or drawMouse(), or whatever name is appropriate for you). Create
a moveAnimal() function (or use a similar name).
4. Move all your existing code from Q1 into the appropriate place in these new functions.
All of the code that draws your animal should go into the drawAnimal() function, not
into the draw() function directly. The functions should call each other as needed.
5. The moveAnimal() function should use the mouse position to set the X, and Y, and size
values for your animal (the ones described in point 2). The X and Y values should exactly
match the mouse position. The size variable can be calculated by using the MIN_SIZE,
MAX_SIZE and mouseY such that, when the mouse is at the top of the screen, the animal
is at it’s MIN_SIZE, and when it’s at the bottom, it will be at it’s MAX_SIZE. This will
be a very short function.
6. Now you need to change all of the commands that draw your animal, so that they take
into account its position and size. If you took the hint in Question 1, controlling the
position should be very easy. To control the size, you will have to “scale” almost all of
the constants from Question 1, using the animal’s current size, and its original size (500).
For example, BODY_HEIGHT used to control the height of the example animal’s body.
Now it must be BODY_HEIGHT*animalSize/ORIGINAL_SIZE.
7. When using int values, be careful. BODY_HEIGHT*animalSize/ORIGINAL_SIZE
works but animalSize/ORIGINAL_SIZE*BODY_HEIGHT will usually just give you 0.
Always do the multiplication first. And don’t try to store
animalSize/ORIGINAL_SIZE in an int variable, as nice as that would be. You’ll just
get 0.
8. Now change the size of the canvas to 1000 by 1000 pixels, or to any other size. If you’ve
written your program well, everything should still work, with no modification. Did it?
9. Optional: If you want to use float, from Week 4 material, go ahead. It would make
things somewhat simpler. But it’s not required.
Q3: A Self-propelled Animal
Convert your program from Question 2 so that your animal will move across the canvas, and
change size, all by itself. Here’s how it should work: When you click the mouse in the canvas,
your animal should slowly and smoothly move to that position (or close to it).
Make the following changes and additions to your Question 2 program.
1. Save a copy of your original Question 2 program. You must hand in that version, as well
as this new version. Rename this one so that it ends with “A1Q3”.
2. Add a mouseClicked() function (void mouseClicked()). This is a special
function, like setup() and draw(), which is automatically called every time there is a
mouse click in the canvas. The mouseX and mouseY variables give the location of the
click. The location of the last mouse click should be stored in appropriately-named state
3. Change your moveAnimal() function (or whatever you have chosen to name it) so that
your animal will now move slowly and steadily toward the location of the most recent
mouse click. Use a constant to control your animal’s speed. In each frame, it should move
1/Nth of the way from its current position to the location of the mouse click. (But don’t
call the constant N – use a better name.) Note: When the animal gets close to the desired
location, it will reach a point where its position will change by less than 1 pixel per
frame. Since you are using int variables, you will get a change of 0 pixels per frame,
and your animal will stop a bit too soon. This is OK. (If you wish to use float variables
to solve this problem, go ahead.)
4. The size of your animal should depend on the Y coordinate of its current location in the
canvas, not on the location of the last mouse click, or on the current position of the
mouse. Its size should change slowly and smoothly, just as its position does.

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时间: 2024-08-30 17:16:35

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