学号 2019-2020-1 《数据结构与面向对象程序设计》第六周学习总结
- 多态引用可以在不同时间指向不同类型对象,即运行一致性的方法出现不一致的行为。
- 使用父类声明的引用变量可以指向子类的对象,接口也可以实现多态
- 使用try-catch来实现未捕获的异常的处理。可以使得异常被捕获进而不导致程序出现错误退出。
- 使用try写入可能产生异常的语句,使用catch来编写在捕获异常后继续执行的代码(可以为空)。
- 自定义异常
- throw:抛出异常
- throws:用于方法名的后面,做一个声明,表示下面可能会有这个异常,但是具体还是要用throw来抛出异常。
- 在自定义异常中throws和throw必须是成对出现的,除非是用try-catch语句解决 - 异常的传递 :从产生位置沿方法调用链向上传递
- 问题1:抽象类、抽象方法的作用是什么?
- 问题1解决方案:抽象类表示一般的概念,有一些没有声明的方法,以供子类重写。抽象方法提供方法签名,由子类继承它们。
- 问题2:保留字super的作用都有哪些?
- 问题2解决方案:可以用super引用来调用父类的构造方法,也可以进入父类的方法和实例数据(不管是否被隐藏)
- 问题1:尝试运行老师给的测试代码,结果出现输出异常
- 问题1解决方案:问题的原因一方面是我将应用混合运行,另一方面是我并不理解代码功能。
- 问题2:XXXXXX
- 问题2解决方案:XXXXXX
- ...
- Abstract methods are used when defining
- A .interface classes
- D .arrays
- E .classes that have no methods
- An interface is a class that has defined some of its components, but leaves other components (methods) for you to implement. So, these components (methods) are referred to as abstract and defined in the interface class as abstract.
- 理解:是要重写父类中的所有抽象方法,即接口让我们实现方法,而非没有方法
- Which of the following is true regarding Java classes?
- A .All classes must have 1 parent but may have any number of children (derived or extended) classes
- E .All classes can have either 0 or 1 parent class and any number of children (derived or extended) classes
- Further, since all Java classes inherit either directly or indirectly from the Object class, all Java classes have exactly 1 parent class.
- 理解:java类与Object类有直接见解的关系,所以每个类都有一个父类,那Object类自己呢?Object是所有类的父类,也包括它自己
- A variable declared to be of one class can later reference an extended class of that class. This variable is known as
- D .polymorphic
- The term polymorphic means that the variable can have many forms. Under ordinary circumstances, Java is strongly defined that is, a variable, once declared to be of a type, can never change to be of a different type. The exception to this is that polymorphic variables can be any type of derived class (although not at the same time, the variable can change from one type to another).
- 理解:引用变量在不同时刻指向不同类型对象的能力即为多态
- In order to determine the type that a polymorphic variable refers to, the decision is made
- by the Java run-time environment at run time
- The polymorphic variable can take on many different types, but it is not know which type it has taken on until the program is executing. At the time the variable is referenced, then the decision must be made. That decision is made by the run-time environment based on the latest assignment of the variable.
- 理解:多态在程序运行中发挥作用
- Using the reserved word, super, one can
- A .access a parent class‘constructor(s)
- B . access a parent class‘methods and instance data
- E .none of the above
- The super reserved word provides a mechanism for accessing a parent class‘methods and instance data (whether or not they are hidden). In addition, a parent class‘constructor(s) may be accessed using super. So the correct answer is the combination of A and B which isn‘t an option so the correct answer is E.
- 理解:其实两者都可以,也可以调用父类的抽象方法构造方法与实例数据
- Interface classes cannot be extended but classes that implement interfaces can be extended.
- B .false
- Any class can be extended whether it is an interface, implements an interface, or neither. The only exception to this is if the class is explicitly modified with the word "final" in which case it cannot be extended.
- 理解:接口也可以被扩展,只有前面带final的不行。
- If class AParentClass has a protected instance data x, and AChildClass is a derived class of AParentClass, then AChildClass can access x but can not redefine x to be a different type.
- B .false
- A derived class can redefine any of the instance data or methods of the parent class. The parent class‘version is now hidden, but can be accessed through the use of super, as in super.x.
- 理解:可以用super更改x的数据类型
- You may use the super reserved word to access a parent class‘private members.
- 理解:Super will allow access to all non-private members of a parent class but, not to the private ones.
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- 本周结对学习情况
- 20182302
- 结对学习内容
- 共同讨论文件操作基础内容
- 用不同方法实现多态
- 设计程序进行异常捕获
- 上周博客互评情况
- 20182302
- 20182302
- 对目前所学习的知识没有一个很好的掌握理解,比较茫然
代码行数(新增/累积) | 博客量(新增/累积) | 学习时间(新增/累积) | 重要成长 | |
目标 | 5000行 | 30篇 | 400小时 | |
第五周 | 1600/2900 | 2/11 | 20/110 | |
第六周 | 981 /3881 | 2/12 | 25/135 | |
第三周 | 500/1000 | 3/7 | 22/60 | |
第四周 | 300/1300 | 2/9 | 30/90 |
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- 计划学习时间:30小时
- 实际学习时间:25小时
- 改进情况:目前学习效率仍然不高
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时间: 2024-11-05 18:50:42