Windows Message Codes

WM_ACTIVATE                       0x0006
WM_ACTIVATEAPP                    0x001C
WM_AFXFIRST                       0x0360
WM_AFXLAST                        0x037F
WM_APP                            0x8000
WM_APPCOMMAND                     0x0319
WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME                0x030C
WM_CANCELJOURNAL                  0x004B
WM_CANCELMODE                     0x001F
WM_CAPTURECHANGED                 0x0215
WM_CHANGECBCHAIN                  0x030D
WM_CHANGEUISTATE                  0x0127
WM_CHAR                           0x0102
WM_CHARTOITEM                     0x002F
WM_CHILDACTIVATE                  0x0022
WM_CLEAR                          0x0303
WM_CLOSE                          0x0010
WM_COMMAND                        0x0111
WM_COMMNOTIFY                     0x0044
WM_COMPACTING                     0x0041
WM_COMPAREITEM                    0x0039
WM_CONTEXTMENU                    0x007B
WM_COPY                           0x0301
WM_COPYDATA                       0x004A
WM_CREATE                         0x0001
WM_CTLCOLORBTN                    0x0135
WM_CTLCOLORDLG                    0x0136
WM_CTLCOLOREDIT                   0x0133
WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX                0x0134
WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX                 0x0132
WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR              0x0137
WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC                 0x0138
WM_CUT                            0x0300
WM_DEADCHAR                       0x0103
WM_DELETEITEM                     0x002D
WM_DESTROY                        0x0002
WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD               0x0307
WM_DEVICECHANGE                   0x0219
WM_DEVMODECHANGE                  0x001B
WM_DISPLAYCHANGE                  0x007E
WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD                  0x0308
WM_DRAWITEM                       0x002B
WM_DROPFILES                      0x0233
WM_ENABLE                         0x000A
WM_ENDSESSION                     0x0016
WM_ENTERIDLE                      0x0121
WM_ENTERMENULOOP                  0x0211
WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE                  0x0231
WM_ERASEBKGND                     0x0014
WM_EXITMENULOOP                   0x0212
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE                   0x0232
WM_FONTCHANGE                     0x001D
WM_GETDLGCODE                     0x0087
WM_GETFONT                        0x0031
WM_GETHOTKEY                      0x0033
WM_GETICON                        0x007F
WM_GETMINMAXINFO                  0x0024
WM_GETOBJECT                      0x003D
WM_GETTEXT                        0x000D
WM_GETTEXTLENGTH                  0x000E
WM_HANDHELDFIRST                  0x0358
WM_HANDHELDLAST                   0x035F
WM_HELP                           0x0053
WM_HOTKEY                         0x0312
WM_HSCROLL                        0x0114
WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD               0x030E
WM_ICONERASEBKGND                 0x0027
WM_IME_CHAR                       0x0286
WM_IME_COMPOSITION                0x010F
WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL            0x0284
WM_IME_CONTROL                    0x0283
WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION             0x010E
WM_IME_KEYDOWN                    0x0290
WM_IME_KEYLAST                    0x010F
WM_IME_KEYUP                      0x0291
WM_IME_NOTIFY                     0x0282
WM_IME_REQUEST                    0x0288
WM_IME_SELECT                     0x0285
WM_IME_SETCONTEXT                 0x0281
WM_INITDIALOG                     0x0110
WM_INITMENU                       0x0116
WM_INITMENUPOPUP                  0x0117
WM_INPUT                          0x00FF
WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE                0x0051
WM_KEYDOWN                        0x0100
WM_KEYFIRST                       0x0100
WM_KEYLAST                        0x0109
WM_KEYUP                          0x0101
WM_KILLFOCUS                      0x0008
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK                  0x0203
WM_LBUTTONDOWN                    0x0201
WM_LBUTTONUP                      0x0202
WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK                  0x0209
WM_MBUTTONDOWN                    0x0207
WM_MBUTTONUP                      0x0208
WM_MDIACTIVATE                    0x0222
WM_MDICASCADE                     0x0227
WM_MDICREATE                      0x0220
WM_MDIDESTROY                     0x0221
WM_MDIGETACTIVE                   0x0229
WM_MDIICONARRANGE                 0x0228
WM_MDIMAXIMIZE                    0x0225
WM_MDINEXT                        0x0224
WM_MDIREFRESHMENU                 0x0234
WM_MDIRESTORE                     0x0223
WM_MDISETMENU                     0x0230
WM_MDITILE                        0x0226
WM_MEASUREITEM                    0x002C
WM_MENUCHAR                       0x0120
WM_MENUCOMMAND                    0x0126
WM_MENUDRAG                       0x0123
WM_MENUGETOBJECT                  0x0124
WM_MENURBUTTONUP                  0x0122
WM_MENUSELECT                     0x011F
WM_MOUSEACTIVATE                  0x0021
WM_MOUSEFIRST                     0x0200
WM_MOUSEHOVER                     0x02A1
WM_MOUSELAST(2K,XP,2k3)           0x020D
WM_MOUSELAST(95)                  0x0209
WM_MOUSELAST(NT4,98)              0x020A
WM_MOUSELEAVE                     0x02A3
WM_MOUSEMOVE                      0x0200
WM_MOUSEWHEEL                     0x020A
WM_MOVE                           0x0003
WM_MOVING                         0x0216
WM_NCACTIVATE                     0x0086
WM_NCCALCSIZE                     0x0083
WM_NCCREATE                       0x0081
WM_NCDESTROY                      0x0082
WM_NCHITTEST                      0x0084
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK                0x00A3
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN                  0x00A1
WM_NCLBUTTONUP                    0x00A2
WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK                0x00A9
WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN                  0x00A7
WM_NCMBUTTONUP                    0x00A8
WM_NCMOUSEHOVER                   0x02A0
WM_NCMOUSELEAVE                   0x02A2
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE                    0x00A0
WM_NCPAINT                        0x0085
WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK                0x00A6
WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN                  0x00A4
WM_NCRBUTTONUP                    0x00A5
WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK                0x00AD
WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN                  0x00AB
WM_NCXBUTTONUP                    0x00AC
WM_NEXTDLGCTL                     0x0028
WM_NEXTMENU                       0x0213
WM_NOTIFY                         0x004E
WM_NOTIFYFORMAT                   0x0055
WM_NULL                           0x0000
WM_PAINT                          0x000F
WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD                 0x0309
WM_PAINTICON                      0x0026
WM_PALETTECHANGED                 0x0311
WM_PALETTEISCHANGING              0x0310
WM_PARENTNOTIFY                   0x0210
WM_PASTE                          0x0302
WM_PENWINFIRST                    0x0380
WM_PENWINLAST                     0x038F
WM_POWER                          0x0048
WM_POWERBROADCAST                 0x0218
WM_PRINT                          0x0317
WM_PRINTCLIENT                    0x0318
WM_QUERYDRAGICON                  0x0037
WM_QUERYENDSESSION                0x0011
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE                0x030F
WM_QUERYOPEN                      0x0013
WM_QUERYUISTATE                   0x0129
WM_QUEUESYNC                      0x0023
WM_QUIT                           0x0012
WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK                  0x0206
WM_RBUTTONDOWN                    0x0204
WM_RBUTTONUP                      0x0205
WM_RENDERALLFORMATS               0x0306
WM_RENDERFORMAT                   0x0305
WM_SETCURSOR                      0x0020
WM_SETFOCUS                       0x0007
WM_SETFONT                        0x0030
WM_SETHOTKEY                      0x0032
WM_SETICON                        0x0080
WM_SETREDRAW                      0x000B
WM_SETTEXT                        0x000C
WM_SETTINGCHANGE                  0x001A
WM_SHOWWINDOW                     0x0018
WM_SIZE                           0x0005
WM_SIZECLIPBOARD                  0x030B
WM_SIZING                         0x0214
WM_SPOOLERSTATUS                  0x002A
WM_STYLECHANGED                   0x007D
WM_STYLECHANGING                  0x007C
WM_SYNCPAINT                      0x0088
WM_SYSCHAR                        0x0106
WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE                 0x0015
WM_SYSCOMMAND                     0x0112
WM_SYSDEADCHAR                    0x0107
WM_SYSKEYDOWN                     0x0104
WM_SYSKEYUP                       0x0105
WM_TABLET_FIRST                   0x02C0
WM_TABLET_LAST                    0x02DF
WM_TCARD                          0x0052
WM_THEMECHANGED                   0x031A
WM_TIMECHANGE                     0x001E
WM_TIMER                          0x0113
WM_UNDO                           0x0304
WM_UNICHAR                        0x0109
WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP                0x0125
WM_UPDATEUISTATE                  0x0128
WM_USER                           0x0400
WM_USERCHANGED                    0x0054
WM_VKEYTOITEM                     0x002E
WM_VSCROLL                        0x0115
WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD               0x030A
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED               0x0047
WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING              0x0046
WM_WININICHANGE                   0x001A
WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE              0x02B1
WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK                  0x020D
WM_XBUTTONDOWN                    0x020B
WM_XBUTTONUP                      0x020C
0x0000                            WM_NULL
0x0001                            WM_CREATE
0x0002                            WM_DESTROY
0x0003                            WM_MOVE
0x0005                            WM_SIZE
0x0006                            WM_ACTIVATE
0x0007                            WM_SETFOCUS
0x0008                            WM_KILLFOCUS
0x000A                            WM_ENABLE
0x000B                            WM_SETREDRAW
0x000C                            WM_SETTEXT
0x000D                            WM_GETTEXT
0x000E                            WM_GETTEXTLENGTH
0x000F                            WM_PAINT
0x0010                            WM_CLOSE
0x0011                            WM_QUERYENDSESSION
0x0012                            WM_QUIT
0x0013                            WM_QUERYOPEN
0x0014                            WM_ERASEBKGND
0x0015                            WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE
0x0016                            WM_ENDSESSION
0x0018                            WM_SHOWWINDOW
0x001A                            WM_WININICHANGE
0x001B                            WM_DEVMODECHANGE
0x001C                            WM_ACTIVATEAPP
0x001D                            WM_FONTCHANGE
0x001E                            WM_TIMECHANGE
0x001F                            WM_CANCELMODE
0x0020                            WM_SETCURSOR
0x0021                            WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
0x0022                            WM_CHILDACTIVATE
0x0023                            WM_QUEUESYNC
0x0024                            WM_GETMINMAXINFO
0x0026                            WM_PAINTICON
0x0027                            WM_ICONERASEBKGND
0x0028                            WM_NEXTDLGCTL
0x002A                            WM_SPOOLERSTATUS
0x002B                            WM_DRAWITEM
0x002C                            WM_MEASUREITEM
0x002D                            WM_DELETEITEM
0x002E                            WM_VKEYTOITEM
0x002F                            WM_CHARTOITEM
0x0030                            WM_SETFONT
0x0031                            WM_GETFONT
0x0032                            WM_SETHOTKEY
0x0033                            WM_GETHOTKEY
0x0037                            WM_QUERYDRAGICON
0x0039                            WM_COMPAREITEM
0x003D                            WM_GETOBJECT
0x0041                            WM_COMPACTING
0x0044                            WM_COMMNOTIFY
0x0046                            WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
0x0047                            WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED
0x0048                            WM_POWER
0x004A                            WM_COPYDATA
0x004B                            WM_CANCELJOURNAL
0x004E                            WM_NOTIFY
0x0050                            WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST
0x0051                            WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE
0x0052                            WM_TCARD
0x0053                            WM_HELP
0x0054                            WM_USERCHANGED
0x0055                            WM_NOTIFYFORMAT
0x007B                            WM_CONTEXTMENU
0x007C                            WM_STYLECHANGING
0x007D                            WM_STYLECHANGED
0x007E                            WM_DISPLAYCHANGE
0x007F                            WM_GETICON
0x0080                            WM_SETICON
0x0081                            WM_NCCREATE
0x0082                            WM_NCDESTROY
0x0083                            WM_NCCALCSIZE
0x0084                            WM_NCHITTEST
0x0085                            WM_NCPAINT
0x0086                            WM_NCACTIVATE
0x0087                            WM_GETDLGCODE
0x0088                            WM_SYNCPAINT
0x00A0                            WM_NCMOUSEMOVE
0x00A1                            WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN
0x00A2                            WM_NCLBUTTONUP
0x00A3                            WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
0x00A4                            WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN
0x00A5                            WM_NCRBUTTONUP
0x00A6                            WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK
0x00A7                            WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN
0x00A8                            WM_NCMBUTTONUP
0x00A9                            WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK
0x00AB                            WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN
0x00AC                            WM_NCXBUTTONUP
0x00AD                            WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK
0x00FF                            WM_INPUT
0x0100                            WM_KEYDOWN
0x0101                            WM_KEYUP
0x0102                            WM_CHAR
0x0103                            WM_DEADCHAR
0x0104                            WM_SYSKEYDOWN
0x0105                            WM_SYSKEYUP
0x0106                            WM_SYSCHAR
0x0107                            WM_SYSDEADCHAR
0x0109                            WM_UNICHAR
0x010D                            WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION
0x010E                            WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION
0x010F                            WM_IME_COMPOSITION
0x0110                            WM_INITDIALOG
0x0111                            WM_COMMAND
0x0112                            WM_SYSCOMMAND
0x0113                            WM_TIMER
0x0114                            WM_HSCROLL
0x0115                            WM_VSCROLL
0x0116                            WM_INITMENU
0x0117                            WM_INITMENUPOPUP
0x011F                            WM_MENUSELECT
0x0120                            WM_MENUCHAR
0x0121                            WM_ENTERIDLE
0x0122                            WM_MENURBUTTONUP
0x0123                            WM_MENUDRAG
0x0124                            WM_MENUGETOBJECT
0x0125                            WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP
0x0126                            WM_MENUCOMMAND
0x0127                            WM_CHANGEUISTATE
0x0128                            WM_UPDATEUISTATE
0x0129                            WM_QUERYUISTATE
0x0132                            WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX
0x0133                            WM_CTLCOLOREDIT
0x0134                            WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX
0x0135                            WM_CTLCOLORBTN
0x0136                            WM_CTLCOLORDLG
0x0137                            WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR
0x0138                            WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC
0x0200                            WM_MOUSEFIRST
0x0201                            WM_LBUTTONDOWN
0x0202                            WM_LBUTTONUP
0x0203                            WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
0x0204                            WM_RBUTTONDOWN
0x0205                            WM_RBUTTONUP
0x0206                            WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
0x0207                            WM_MBUTTONDOWN
0x0208                            WM_MBUTTONUP
0x0209                            WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK
0x020A                            WM_MOUSELAST(NT4,98)
0x020B                            WM_XBUTTONDOWN
0x020C                            WM_XBUTTONUP
0x020D                            WM_MOUSELAST(2K,XP,2k3)
0x0210                            WM_PARENTNOTIFY
0x0211                            WM_ENTERMENULOOP
0x0212                            WM_EXITMENULOOP
0x0213                            WM_NEXTMENU
0x0214                            WM_SIZING
0x0215                            WM_CAPTURECHANGED
0x0216                            WM_MOVING
0x0218                            WM_POWERBROADCAST
0x0219                            WM_DEVICECHANGE
0x0220                            WM_MDICREATE
0x0221                            WM_MDIDESTROY
0x0222                            WM_MDIACTIVATE
0x0223                            WM_MDIRESTORE
0x0224                            WM_MDINEXT
0x0225                            WM_MDIMAXIMIZE
0x0226                            WM_MDITILE
0x0227                            WM_MDICASCADE
0x0228                            WM_MDIICONARRANGE
0x0229                            WM_MDIGETACTIVE
0x0230                            WM_MDISETMENU
0x0231                            WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE
0x0232                            WM_EXITSIZEMOVE
0x0233                            WM_DROPFILES
0x0234                            WM_MDIREFRESHMENU
0x0281                            WM_IME_SETCONTEXT
0x0282                            WM_IME_NOTIFY
0x0283                            WM_IME_CONTROL
0x0284                            WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL
0x0285                            WM_IME_SELECT
0x0286                            WM_IME_CHAR
0x0288                            WM_IME_REQUEST
0x0290                            WM_IME_KEYDOWN
0x0291                            WM_IME_KEYUP
0x02A0                            WM_NCMOUSEHOVER
0x02A1                            WM_MOUSEHOVER
0x02A2                            WM_NCMOUSELEAVE
0x02A3                            WM_MOUSELEAVE
0x02B1                            WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE
0x02C0                            WM_TABLET_FIRST
0x02DF                            WM_TABLET_LAST
0x0300                            WM_CUT
0x0301                            WM_COPY
0x0302                            WM_PASTE
0x0303                            WM_CLEAR
0x0304                            WM_UNDO
0x0305                            WM_RENDERFORMAT
0x0306                            WM_RENDERALLFORMATS
0x0307                            WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD
0x0308                            WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD
0x0309                            WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD
0x030A                            WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD
0x030B                            WM_SIZECLIPBOARD
0x030C                            WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME
0x030D                            WM_CHANGECBCHAIN
0x030E                            WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD
0x030F                            WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE
0x0310                            WM_PALETTEISCHANGING
0x0311                            WM_PALETTECHANGED
0x0312                            WM_HOTKEY
0x0317                            WM_PRINT
0x0318                            WM_PRINTCLIENT
0x0319                            WM_APPCOMMAND
0x031A                            WM_THEMECHANGED
0x0358                            WM_HANDHELDFIRST
0x035F                            WM_HANDHELDLAST
0x0360                            WM_AFXFIRST
0x037F                            WM_AFXLAST
0x0380                            WM_PENWINFIRST
0x038F                            WM_PENWINLAST
0x0400                            WM_USER
0x8000                            WM_APP                    

#define WM_NULL                                 0x0000
#define WM_CREATE                               0x0001
#define WM_DESTROY                              0x0002
#define WM_MOVE                                 0x0003
#define WM_SIZEWAIT                             0x0004
#define WM_SIZE                                 0x0005
#define WM_ACTIVATE                             0x0006
#define WM_SETFOCUS                             0x0007
#define WM_KILLFOCUS                            0x0008
#define WM_SETVISIBLE                           0x0009
#define WM_ENABLE                               0x000a
#define WM_SETREDRAW                            0x000b
#define WM_SETTEXT                              0x000c
#define WM_GETTEXT                              0x000d
#define WM_GETTEXTLENGTH                        0x000e
#define WM_PAINT                                0x000f
#define WM_CLOSE                                0x0010
#define WM_QUERYENDSESSION                      0x0011
#define WM_QUIT                                 0x0012
#define WM_QUERYOPEN                            0x0013
#define WM_ERASEBKGND                           0x0014
#define WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE                       0x0015
#define WM_ENDSESSION                           0x0016
#define WM_SYSTEMERROR                          0x0017
#define WM_SHOWWINDOW                           0x0018
#define WM_CTLCOLOR                             0x0019
#define WM_WININICHANGE                         0x001a
#define WM_DEVMODECHANGE                        0x001b
#define WM_ACTIVATEAPP                          0x001c
#define WM_FONTCHANGE                           0x001d
#define WM_TIMECHANGE                           0x001e
#define WM_CANCELMODE                           0x001f
#define WM_SETCURSOR                            0x0020
#define WM_MOUSEACTIVATE                        0x0021
#define WM_CHILDACTIVATE                        0x0022
#define WM_QUEUESYNC                            0x0023
#define WM_GETMINMAXINFO                        0x0024
#define WM_LOGOFF                               0x0025
#define WM_PAINTICON                            0x0026
#define WM_ICONERASEBKGND                       0x0027
#define WM_NEXTDLGCTL                           0x0028
#define WM_ALTTABACTIVE                         0x0029
#define WM_SPOOLERSTATUS                        0x002a
#define WM_DRAWITEM                             0x002b
#define WM_MEASUREITEM                          0x002c
#define WM_DELETEITEM                           0x002d
#define WM_VKEYTOITEM                           0x002e
#define WM_CHARTOITEM                           0x002f
#define WM_SETFONT                              0x0030
#define WM_GETFONT                              0x0031
#define WM_SETHOTKEY                            0x0032
#define WM_GETHOTKEY                            0x0033
#define WM_SHELLNOTIFY                          0x0034
#define WM_ISACTIVEICON                         0x0035
#define WM_QUERYPARKICON                        0x0036
#define WM_QUERYDRAGICON                        0x0037
#define WM_WINHELP                              0x0038
#define WM_COMPAREITEM                          0x0039
#define WM_FULLSCREEN                           0x003a
#define WM_CLIENTSHUTDOWN                       0x003b
#define WM_DDEMLEVENT                           0x003c
#define WM_GETOBJECT                            0x003d
#define undefined_1                             0x003e
#define undefined_2                             0x003f
#define WM_TESTING                              0x0040
#define WM_COMPACTING                           0x0041
#define WM_OTHERWINDOWCREATED                   0x0042
#define WM_OTHERWINDOWDESTROYED                 0x0043
#define WM_COMMNOTIFY                           0x0044
#define undefined_3                             0x0045
#define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING                    0x0046
#define WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED                     0x0047
#define WM_POWER                                0x0048
#define WM_COPYGLOBALDATA                       0x0049
#define WM_COPYDATA                             0x004a
#define WM_CANCELJOURNAL                        0x004b
#define undefined_4                             0x004c
#define WM_KEYF1                                0x004d
#define WM_NOTIFY                               0x004e
#define WM_ACCESS_WINDOW                        0x004f
#define WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST               0x0050
#define WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE                      0x0051
#define WM_TCARD                                0x0052
#define WM_HELP                                 0x0053
#define WM_USERCHANGED                          0x0054
#define WM_NOTIFYFORMAT                         0x0055
#define undefined_5                             0x0056
#define undefined_6                             0x0057
#define undefined_7                             0x0058
#define undefined_8                             0x0059
#define undefined_9                             0x005a
#define undefined_10                            0x005b
#define undefined_11                            0x005c
#define undefined_12                            0x005d
#define undefined_13                            0x005e
#define undefined_14                            0x005f
#define undefined_15                            0x0060
#define undefined_16                            0x0061
#define undefined_17                            0x0062
#define undefined_18                            0x0063
#define undefined_19                            0x0064
#define undefined_20                            0x0065
#define undefined_21                            0x0066
#define undefined_22                            0x0067
#define undefined_23                            0x0068
#define undefined_24                            0x0069
#define undefined_25                            0x006a
#define undefined_26                            0x006b
#define undefined_27                            0x006c
#define undefined_28                            0x006d
#define undefined_29                            0x006e
#define undefined_30                            0x006f
#define WM_FINALDESTROY                         0x0070
#define WM_MEASUREITEM_CLIENTDATA               0x0071
#define undefined_31                            0x0072
#define undefined_32                            0x0073
#define undefined_33                            0x0074
#define undefined_34                            0x0075
#define undefined_35                            0x0076
#define undefined_36                            0x0077
#define undefined_37                            0x0078
#define undefined_38                            0x0079
#define undefined_39                            0x007a
#define WM_CONTEXTMENU                          0x007b
#define WM_STYLECHANGING                        0x007c
#define WM_STYLECHANGED                         0x007d
#define WM_DISPLAYCHANGE                        0x007e
#define WM_GETICON                              0x007f
#define WM_SETICON                              0x0080
#define WM_NCCREATE                             0x0081
#define WM_NCDESTROY                            0x0082
#define WM_NCCALCSIZE                           0x0083
#define WM_NCHITTEST                            0x0084
#define WM_NCPAINT                              0x0085
#define WM_NCACTIVATE                           0x0086
#define WM_GETDLGCODE                           0x0087
#define WM_SYNCPAINT                            0x0088
#define WM_SYNCTASK                             0x0089
#define undefined_40                            0x008a
#define WM_KLUDGEMINRECT                        0x008b
#define WM_LPKDRAWSWITCHWND                     0x008c
#define undefined_41                            0x008d
#define undefined_42                            0x008e
#define undefined_43                            0x008f
#define WM_UAHDESTROYWINDOW                     0x0090
#define WM_UAHDRAWMENU                          0x0091
#define WM_UAHDRAWMENUITEM                      0x0092
#define WM_UAHINITMENU                          0x0093
#define WM_UAHMEASUREMENUITEM                   0x0094
#define WM_UAHNCPAINTMENUPOPUP                  0x0095
#define WM_UAHUPDATE                            0x0096
#define undefined_44                            0x0097
#define undefined_45                            0x0098
#define undefined_46                            0x0099
#define undefined_47                            0x009a
#define undefined_48                            0x009b
#define undefined_49                            0x009c
#define undefined_50                            0x009d
#define undefined_51                            0x009e
#define undefined_52                            0x009f
#define WM_NCMOUSEMOVE                          0x00a0
#define WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN                        0x00a1
#define WM_NCLBUTTONUP                          0x00a2
#define WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK                      0x00a3
#define WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN                        0x00a4
#define WM_NCRBUTTONUP                          0x00a5
#define WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK                      0x00a6
#define WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN                        0x00a7
#define WM_NCMBUTTONUP                          0x00a8
#define WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK                      0x00a9
#define undefined_53                            0x00aa
#define WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN                        0x00ab
#define WM_NCXBUTTONUP                          0x00ac
#define WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK                      0x00ad
#define WM_NCUAHDRAWCAPTION                     0x00ae
#define WM_NCUAHDRAWFRAME                       0x00af
#define EM_GETSEL                               0x00b0
#define EM_SETSEL                               0x00b1
#define EM_GETRECT                              0x00b2
#define EM_SETRECT                              0x00b3
#define EM_SETRECTNP                            0x00b4
#define EM_SCROLL                               0x00b5
#define EM_LINESCROLL                           0x00b6
#define EM_SCROLLCARET                          0x00b7
#define EM_GETMODIFY                            0x00b8
#define EM_SETMODIFY                            0x00b9
#define EM_GETLINECOUNT                         0x00ba
#define EM_LINEINDEX                            0x00bb
#define EM_SETHANDLE                            0x00bc
#define EM_GETHANDLE                            0x00bd
#define EM_GETTHUMB                             0x00be
#define undefined_54                            0x00bf
#define undefined_55                            0x00c0
#define EM_LINELENGTH                           0x00c1
#define EM_REPLACESEL                           0x00c2
#define EM_SETFONT                              0x00c3
#define EM_GETLINE                              0x00c4
#define EM_LIMITTEXT                            0x00c5
#define EM_CANUNDO                              0x00c6
#define EM_UNDO                                 0x00c7
#define EM_FMTLINES                             0x00c8
#define EM_LINEFROMCHAR                         0x00c9
#define EM_SETWORDBREAK                         0x00ca
#define EM_SETTABSTOPS                          0x00cb
#define EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR                      0x00cc
#define EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER                      0x00cd
#define EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE                  0x00ce
#define EM_SETREADONLY                          0x00cf
#define EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC                     0x00d0
#define EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC                     0x00d1
#define EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR                      0x00d2
#define EM_SETMARGINS                           0x00d3
#define EM_GETMARGINS                           0x00d4
#define EM_GETLIMITTEXT                         0x00d5
#define EM_POSFROMCHAR                          0x00d6
#define EM_CHARFROMPOS                          0x00d7
#define EM_SETIMESTATUS                         0x00d8
#define EM_GETIMESTATUS                         0x00d9
#define EM_MSGMAX                               0x00da
#define undefined_56                            0x00db
#define undefined_57                            0x00dc
#define undefined_58                            0x00dd
#define undefined_59                            0x00de
#define undefined_60                            0x00df
#define undefined_61                            0x00e0
#define undefined_62                            0x00e1
#define undefined_63                            0x00e2
#define undefined_64                            0x00e3
#define undefined_65                            0x00e4
#define undefined_66                            0x00e5
#define undefined_67                            0x00e6
#define undefined_68                            0x00e7
#define undefined_69                            0x00e8
#define undefined_70                            0x00e9
#define undefined_71                            0x00ea
#define undefined_72                            0x00eb
#define undefined_73                            0x00ec
#define undefined_74                            0x00ed
#define undefined_75                            0x00ee
#define undefined_76                            0x00ef
#define undefined_77                            0x00f0
#define undefined_78                            0x00f1
#define undefined_79                            0x00f2
#define undefined_80                            0x00f3
#define undefined_81                            0x00f4
#define undefined_82                            0x00f5
#define undefined_83                            0x00f6
#define undefined_84                            0x00f7
#define undefined_85                            0x00f8
#define undefined_86                            0x00f9
#define undefined_87                            0x00fa
#define undefined_88                            0x00fb
#define undefined_89                            0x00fc
#define undefined_90                            0x00fd
#define WM_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGE                  0x00fe
#define WM_INPUT                                0x00ff
#define WM_KEYDOWN                              0x0100
#define WM_KEYUP                                0x0101
#define WM_CHAR                                 0x0102
#define WM_DEADCHAR                             0x0103
#define WM_SYSKEYDOWN                           0x0104
#define WM_SYSKEYUP                             0x0105
#define WM_SYSCHAR                              0x0106
#define WM_SYSDEADCHAR                          0x0107
#define WM_YOMICHAR                             0x0108
#define WM_UNICHAR                              0x0109
#define WM_CONVERTREQUEST                       0x010a
#define WM_CONVERTRESULT                        0x010b
#define WM_INTERIM                              0x010c
#define WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION                 0x010d
#define WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION                   0x010e
#define WM_IME_COMPOSITION                      0x010f
#define WM_INITDIALOG                           0x0110
#define WM_COMMAND                              0x0111
#define WM_SYSCOMMAND                           0x0112
#define WM_TIMER                                0x0113
#define WM_HSCROLL                              0x0114
#define WM_VSCROLL                              0x0115
#define WM_INITMENU                             0x0116
#define WM_INITMENUPOPUP                        0x0117
#define WM_SYSTIMER                             0x0118
#define WM_GESTURE                              0x0119
#define WM_GESTURENOTIFY                        0x011a
#define WM_GESTUREINPUT                         0x011b
#define WM_GESTURENOTIFIED                      0x011c
#define undefined_91                            0x011d
#define undefined_92                            0x011e
#define WM_MENUSELECT                           0x011f
#define WM_MENUCHAR                             0x0120
#define WM_ENTERIDLE                            0x0121
#define WM_MENURBUTTONUP                        0x0122
#define WM_MENUDRAG                             0x0123
#define WM_MENUGETOBJECT                        0x0124
#define WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP                      0x0125
#define WM_MENUCOMMAND                          0x0126
#define WM_CHANGEUISTATE                        0x0127
#define WM_UPDATEUISTATE                        0x0128
#define WM_QUERYUISTATE                         0x0129
#define undefined_93                            0x012a
#define undefined_94                            0x012b
#define undefined_95                            0x012c
#define undefined_96                            0x012d
#define undefined_97                            0x012e
#define undefined_98                            0x012f
#define undefined_99                            0x0130
#define WM_LBTRACKPOINT                         0x0131
#define WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX                       0x0132
#define WM_CTLCOLOREDIT                         0x0133
#define WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX                      0x0134
#define WM_CTLCOLORBTN                          0x0135
#define WM_CTLCOLORDLG                          0x0136
#define WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR                    0x0137
#define WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC                       0x0138
#define undefined_100                           0x0139
#define undefined_101                           0x013a
#define undefined_102                           0x013b
#define undefined_103                           0x013c
#define undefined_104                           0x013d
#define undefined_105                           0x013e
#define undefined_106                           0x013f
#define CB_GETEDITSEL                           0x0140
#define CB_LIMITTEXT                            0x0141
#define CB_SETEDITSEL                           0x0142
#define CB_ADDSTRING                            0x0143
#define CB_DELETESTRING                         0x0144
#define CB_DIR                                  0x0145
#define CB_GETCOUNT                             0x0146
#define CB_GETCURSEL                            0x0147
#define CB_GETLBTEXT                            0x0148
#define CB_GETLBTEXTLEN                         0x0149
#define CB_INSERTSTRING                         0x014a
#define CB_RESETCONTENT                         0x014b
#define CB_FINDSTRING                           0x014c
#define CB_SELECTSTRING                         0x014d
#define CB_SETCURSEL                            0x014e
#define CB_SHOWDROPDOWN                         0x014f
#define CB_GETITEMDATA                          0x0150
#define CB_SETITEMDATA                          0x0151
#define CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT                0x0152
#define CB_SETITEMHEIGHT                        0x0153
#define CB_GETITEMHEIGHT                        0x0154
#define CB_SETEXTENDEDUI                        0x0155
#define CB_GETEXTENDEDUI                        0x0156
#define CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE                      0x0157
#define CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT                      0x0158
#define CB_SETLOCALE                            0x0159
#define CB_GETLOCALE                            0x015a
#define CB_GETTOPINDEX                          0x015b
#define CB_SETTOPINDEX                          0x015c
#define CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT                  0x015d
#define CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT                  0x015e
#define CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH                      0x015f
#define CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH                      0x0160
#define CB_INITSTORAGE                          0x0161
#define CB_MSGMAX_OLD                           0x0162
#define CB_MULTIPLEADDSTRING                    0x0163
#define CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO                      0x0164
#define CB_MSGMAX                               0x0165
#define undefined_107                           0x0166
#define undefined_108                           0x0167
#define undefined_109                           0x0168
#define undefined_110                           0x0169
#define undefined_111                           0x016a
#define undefined_112                           0x016b
#define undefined_113                           0x016c
#define undefined_114                           0x016d
#define undefined_115                           0x016e
#define undefined_116                           0x016f
#define undefined_117                           0x0170
#define undefined_118                           0x0171
#define undefined_119                           0x0172
#define undefined_120                           0x0173
#define undefined_121                           0x0174
#define undefined_122                           0x0175
#define undefined_123                           0x0176
#define undefined_124                           0x0177
#define undefined_125                           0x0178
#define undefined_126                           0x0179
#define undefined_127                           0x017a
#define undefined_128                           0x017b
#define undefined_129                           0x017c
#define undefined_130                           0x017d
#define undefined_131                           0x017e
#define undefined_132                           0x017f
#define LB_ADDSTRING                            0x0180
#define LB_INSERTSTRING                         0x0181
#define LB_DELETESTRING                         0x0182
#define LB_SELITEMRANGEEX                       0x0183
#define LB_RESETCONTENT                         0x0184
#define LB_SETSEL                               0x0185
#define LB_SETCURSEL                            0x0186
#define LB_GETSEL                               0x0187
#define LB_GETCURSEL                            0x0188
#define LB_GETTEXT                              0x0189
#define LB_GETTEXTLEN                           0x018a
#define LB_GETCOUNT                             0x018b
#define LB_SELECTSTRING                         0x018c
#define LB_DIR                                  0x018d
#define LB_GETTOPINDEX                          0x018e
#define LB_FINDSTRING                           0x018f
#define LB_GETSELCOUNT                          0x0190
#define LB_GETSELITEMS                          0x0191
#define LB_SETTABSTOPS                          0x0192
#define LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT                  0x0193
#define LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT                  0x0194
#define LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH                       0x0195
#define LB_ADDFILE                              0x0196
#define LB_SETTOPINDEX                          0x0197
#define LB_GETITEMRECT                          0x0198
#define LB_GETITEMDATA                          0x0199
#define LB_SETITEMDATA                          0x019a
#define LB_SELITEMRANGE                         0x019b
#define LB_SETANCHORINDEX                       0x019c
#define LB_GETANCHORINDEX                       0x019d
#define LB_SETCARETINDEX                        0x019e
#define LB_GETCARETINDEX                        0x019f
#define LB_SETITEMHEIGHT                        0x01a0
#define LB_GETITEMHEIGHT                        0x01a1
#define LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT                      0x01a2
#define LBCB_CARETON                            0x01a3
#define LBCB_CARETOFF                           0x01a4
#define LB_SETLOCALE                            0x01a5
#define LB_GETLOCALE                            0x01a6
#define LB_SETCOUNT                             0x01a7
#define LB_INITSTORAGE                          0x01a8
#define LB_ITEMFROMPOINT                        0x01a9
#define LB_INSERTSTRINGUPPER                    0x01aa
#define LB_INSERTSTRINGLOWER                    0x01ab
#define LB_ADDSTRINGUPPER                       0x01ac
#define LB_ADDSTRINGLOWER                       0x01ad
#define LBCB_STARTTRACK                         0x01ae
#define LBCB_ENDTRACK                           0x01af
#define LB_MSGMAX_OLD                           0x01b0
#define LB_MULTIPLEADDSTRING                    0x01b1
#define LB_GETLISTBOXINFO                       0x01b2
#define LB_MSGMAX                               0x01b3
#define undefined_133                           0x01b4
#define undefined_134                           0x01b5
#define undefined_135                           0x01b6
#define undefined_136                           0x01b7
#define undefined_137                           0x01b8
#define undefined_138                           0x01b9
#define undefined_139                           0x01ba
#define undefined_140                           0x01bb
#define undefined_141                           0x01bc
#define undefined_142                           0x01bd
#define undefined_143                           0x01be
#define undefined_144                           0x01bf
#define undefined_145                           0x01c0
#define undefined_146                           0x01c1
#define undefined_147                           0x01c2
#define undefined_148                           0x01c3
#define undefined_149                           0x01c4
#define undefined_150                           0x01c5
#define undefined_151                           0x01c6
#define undefined_152                           0x01c7
#define undefined_153                           0x01c8
#define undefined_154                           0x01c9
#define undefined_155                           0x01ca
#define undefined_156                           0x01cb
#define undefined_157                           0x01cc
#define undefined_158                           0x01cd
#define undefined_159                           0x01ce
#define undefined_160                           0x01cf
#define undefined_161                           0x01d0
#define undefined_162                           0x01d1
#define undefined_163                           0x01d2
#define undefined_164                           0x01d3
#define undefined_165                           0x01d4
#define undefined_166                           0x01d5
#define undefined_167                           0x01d6
#define undefined_168                           0x01d7
#define undefined_169                           0x01d8
#define undefined_170                           0x01d9
#define undefined_171                           0x01da
#define undefined_172                           0x01db
#define undefined_173                           0x01dc
#define undefined_174                           0x01dd
#define undefined_175                           0x01de
#define undefined_176                           0x01df
#define MN_FIRST                                0x01e0
#define MN_GETHMENU                             0x01e1
#define undefined_177                           0x01e2
#define undefined_178                           0x01e3
#define undefined_179                           0x01e4
#define undefined_180                           0x01e5
#define undefined_181                           0x01e6
#define undefined_182                           0x01e7
#define undefined_183                           0x01e8
#define undefined_184                           0x01e9
#define undefined_185                           0x01ea
#define undefined_186                           0x01eb
#define undefined_187                           0x01ec
#define undefined_188                           0x01ed
#define undefined_189                           0x01ee
#define undefined_190                           0x01ef
#define undefined_191                           0x01f0
#define undefined_192                           0x01f1
#define undefined_193                           0x01f2
#define undefined_194                           0x01f3
#define undefined_195                           0x01f4
#define undefined_196                           0x01f5
#define undefined_197                           0x01f6
#define undefined_198                           0x01f7
#define undefined_199                           0x01f8
#define undefined_200                           0x01f9
#define undefined_201                           0x01fa
#define undefined_202                           0x01fb
#define undefined_203                           0x01fc
#define undefined_204                           0x01fd
#define undefined_205                           0x01fe
#define undefined_206                           0x01ff
#define WM_MOUSEMOVE                            0x0200
#define WM_LBUTTONDOWN                          0x0201
#define WM_LBUTTONUP                            0x0202
#define WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK                        0x0203
#define WM_RBUTTONDOWN                          0x0204
#define WM_RBUTTONUP                            0x0205
#define WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK                        0x0206
#define WM_MBUTTONDOWN                          0x0207
#define WM_MBUTTONUP                            0x0208
#define WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK                        0x0209
#define WM_MOUSEWHEEL                           0x020a
#define WM_XBUTTONDOWN                          0x020b
#define WM_XBUTTONUP                            0x020c
#define WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK                        0x020d
#define WM_MOUSEHWHEEL                          0x020e
#define undefined_207                           0x020f
#define WM_PARENTNOTIFY                         0x0210
#define WM_ENTERMENULOOP                        0x0211
#define WM_EXITMENULOOP                         0x0212
#define WM_NEXTMENU                             0x0213
#define WM_SIZING                               0x0214
#define WM_CAPTURECHANGED                       0x0215
#define WM_MOVING                               0x0216
#define undefined_208                           0x0217
#define WM_POWERBROADCAST                       0x0218
#define WM_DEVICECHANGE                         0x0219
#define undefined_209                           0x021a
#define undefined_210                           0x021b
#define undefined_211                           0x021c
#define undefined_212                           0x021d
#define undefined_213                           0x021e
#define undefined_214                           0x021f
#define WM_MDICREATE                            0x0220
#define WM_MDIDESTROY                           0x0221
#define WM_MDIACTIVATE                          0x0222
#define WM_MDIRESTORE                           0x0223
#define WM_MDINEXT                              0x0224
#define WM_MDIMAXIMIZE                          0x0225
#define WM_MDITILE                              0x0226
#define WM_MDICASCADE                           0x0227
#define WM_MDIICONARRANGE                       0x0228
#define WM_MDIGETACTIVE                         0x0229
#define WM_DROPOBJECT                           0x022a
#define WM_QUERYDROPOBJECT                      0x022b
#define WM_BEGINDRAG                            0x022c
#define WM_DRAGLOOP                             0x022d
#define WM_DRAGSELECT                           0x022e
#define WM_DRAGMOVE                             0x022f
#define WM_MDISETMENU                           0x0230
#define WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE                        0x0231
#define WM_EXITSIZEMOVE                         0x0232
#define WM_DROPFILES                            0x0233
#define WM_MDIREFRESHMENU                       0x0234
#define undefined_215                           0x0235
#define undefined_216                           0x0236
#define undefined_217                           0x0237
#define WM_POINTERDEVICECHANGE                  0x0238
#define WM_POINTERDEVICEINRANGE                 0x0239
#define WM_POINTERDEVICEOUTOFRANGE              0x023a
#define WM_STOPINERTIA                          0x023b
#define WM_ENDINERTIA                           0x023c
#define WM_EDGYINERTIA                          0x023d
#define undefined_218                           0x023e
#define undefined_219                           0x023f
#define WM_TOUCH                                0x0240
#define WM_NCPOINTERUPDATE                      0x0241
#define WM_NCPOINTERDOWN                        0x0242
#define WM_NCPOINTERUP                          0x0243
#define WM_NCPOINTERLAST                        0x0244
#define WM_POINTERUPDATE                        0x0245
#define WM_POINTERDOWN                          0x0246
#define WM_POINTERUP                            0x0247
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_248                 0x0248
#define WM_POINTERENTER                         0x0249
#define WM_POINTERLEAVE                         0x024a
#define WM_POINTERACTIVATE                      0x024b
#define WM_POINTERCAPTURECHANGED                0x024c
#define WM_TOUCHHITTESTING                      0x024d
#define WM_POINTERWHEEL                         0x024e
#define WM_POINTERHWHEEL                        0x024f
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_250                 0x0250
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_251                 0x0251
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_252                 0x0252
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_253                 0x0253
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_254                 0x0254
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_255                 0x0255
#define WM_POINTER_reserved_256                 0x0256
#define WM_POINTERLAST                          0x0257
#define undefined_220                           0x0258
#define undefined_221                           0x0259
#define undefined_222                           0x025a
#define undefined_223                           0x025b
#define undefined_224                           0x025c
#define undefined_225                           0x025d
#define undefined_226                           0x025e
#define undefined_227                           0x025f
#define undefined_228                           0x0260
#define undefined_229                           0x0261
#define undefined_230                           0x0262
#define undefined_231                           0x0263
#define undefined_232                           0x0264
#define undefined_233                           0x0265
#define undefined_234                           0x0266
#define undefined_235                           0x0267
#define undefined_236                           0x0268
#define undefined_237                           0x0269
#define undefined_238                           0x026a
#define undefined_239                           0x026b
#define undefined_240                           0x026c
#define undefined_241                           0x026d
#define undefined_242                           0x026e
#define undefined_243                           0x026f
#define WM_VISIBILITYCHANGED                    0x0270
#define WM_VIEWSTATECHANGED                     0x0271
#define WM_UNREGISTER_WINDOW_SERVICES           0x0272
#define WM_CONSOLIDATED                         0x0273
#define undefined_244                           0x0274
#define undefined_245                           0x0275
#define undefined_246                           0x0276
#define undefined_247                           0x0277
#define undefined_248                           0x0278
#define undefined_249                           0x0279
#define undefined_250                           0x027a
#define undefined_251                           0x027b
#define undefined_252                           0x027c
#define undefined_253                           0x027d
#define undefined_254                           0x027e
#define undefined_255                           0x027f
#define WM_IME_REPORT                           0x0280
#define WM_IME_SETCONTEXT                       0x0281
#define WM_IME_NOTIFY                           0x0282
#define WM_IME_CONTROL                          0x0283
#define WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL                  0x0284
#define WM_IME_SELECT                           0x0285
#define WM_IME_CHAR                             0x0286
#define WM_IME_SYSTEM                           0x0287
#define WM_IME_REQUEST                          0x0288
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_289                   0x0289
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_28a                   0x028a
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_28b                   0x028b
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_28c                   0x028c
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_28d                   0x028d
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_28e                   0x028e
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_28f                   0x028f
#define WM_IME_KEYDOWN                          0x0290
#define WM_IME_KEYUP                            0x0291
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_292                   0x0292
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_293                   0x0293
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_294                   0x0294
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_295                   0x0295
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_296                   0x0296
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_297                   0x0297
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_298                   0x0298
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_299                   0x0299
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_29a                   0x029a
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_29b                   0x029b
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_29c                   0x029c
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_29d                   0x029d
#define WM_KANJI_reserved_29e                   0x029e
#define WM_KANJILAST                            0x029f
#define WM_NCMOUSEHOVER                         0x02a0
#define WM_MOUSEHOVER                           0x02a1
#define WM_NCMOUSELEAVE                         0x02a2
#define WM_MOUSELEAVE                           0x02a3
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2a4        0x02a4
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2a5        0x02a5
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2a6        0x02a6
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2a7        0x02a7
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2a8        0x02a8
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2a9        0x02a9
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2aa        0x02aa
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2ab        0x02ab
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2ac        0x02ac
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2ad        0x02ad
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT__reserved_2ae        0x02ae
#define WM_TRACKMOUSEEVENT_LAST                 0x02af
#define undefined_256                           0x02b0
#define WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE                    0x02b1
#define undefined_257                           0x02b2
#define undefined_258                           0x02b3
#define undefined_259                           0x02b4
#define undefined_260                           0x02b5
#define undefined_261                           0x02b6
#define undefined_262                           0x02b7
#define undefined_263                           0x02b8
#define undefined_264                           0x02b9
#define undefined_265                           0x02ba
#define undefined_266                           0x02bb
#define undefined_267                           0x02bc
#define undefined_268                           0x02bd
#define undefined_269                           0x02be
#define undefined_270                           0x02bf
#define WM_TABLET_FIRST                         0x02c0
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c1                 0x02c1
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c2                 0x02c2
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c3                 0x02c3
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c4                 0x02c4
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c5                 0x02c5
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c6                 0x02c6
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2c7                 0x02c7
#define WM_POINTERDEVICEADDED                   0x02c8
#define WM_POINTERDEVICEDELETED                 0x02c9
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2ca                 0x02ca
#define WM_FLICK                                0x02cb
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2cc                 0x02cc
#define WM_FLICKINTERNAL                        0x02cd
#define WM_BRIGHTNESSCHANGED                    0x02ce
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2cf                 0x02cf
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d0                 0x02d0
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d1                 0x02d1
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d2                 0x02d2
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d3                 0x02d3
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d4                 0x02d4
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d5                 0x02d5
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d6                 0x02d6
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d7                 0x02d7
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d8                 0x02d8
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2d9                 0x02d9
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2da                 0x02da
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2db                 0x02db
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2dc                 0x02dc
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2dd                 0x02dd
#define WM_TABLET__reserved_2de                 0x02de
#define WM_TABLET_LAST                          0x02df
#define WM_DPICHANGED                           0x02e0
#define undefined_271                           0x02e1
#define undefined_272                           0x02e2
#define undefined_273                           0x02e3
#define undefined_274                           0x02e4
#define undefined_275                           0x02e5
#define undefined_276                           0x02e6
#define undefined_277                           0x02e7
#define undefined_278                           0x02e8
#define undefined_279                           0x02e9
#define undefined_280                           0x02ea
#define undefined_281                           0x02eb
#define undefined_282                           0x02ec
#define undefined_283                           0x02ed
#define undefined_284                           0x02ee
#define undefined_285                           0x02ef
#define undefined_286                           0x02f0
#define undefined_287                           0x02f1
#define undefined_288                           0x02f2
#define undefined_289                           0x02f3
#define undefined_290                           0x02f4
#define undefined_291                           0x02f5
#define undefined_292                           0x02f6
#define undefined_293                           0x02f7
#define undefined_294                           0x02f8
#define undefined_295                           0x02f9
#define undefined_296                           0x02fa
#define undefined_297                           0x02fb
#define undefined_298                           0x02fc
#define undefined_299                           0x02fd
#define undefined_300                           0x02fe
#define undefined_301                           0x02ff
#define WM_CUT                                  0x0300
#define WM_COPY                                 0x0301
#define WM_PASTE                                0x0302
#define WM_CLEAR                                0x0303
#define WM_UNDO                                 0x0304
#define WM_RENDERFORMAT                         0x0305
#define WM_RENDERALLFORMATS                     0x0306
#define WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD                     0x0307
#define WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD                        0x0308
#define WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD                       0x0309
#define WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD                     0x030a
#define WM_SIZECLIPBOARD                        0x030b
#define WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME                      0x030c
#define WM_CHANGECBCHAIN                        0x030d
#define WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD                     0x030e
#define WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE                      0x030f
#define WM_PALETTEISCHANGING                    0x0310
#define WM_PALETTECHANGED                       0x0311
#define WM_HOTKEY                               0x0312
#define WM_SYSMENU                              0x0313
#define WM_HOOKMSG                              0x0314
#define WM_EXITPROCESS                          0x0315
#define WM_WAKETHREAD                           0x0316
#define WM_PRINT                                0x0317
#define WM_PRINTCLIENT                          0x0318
#define WM_APPCOMMAND                           0x0319
#define WM_THEMECHANGED                         0x031a
#define WM_UAHINIT                              0x031b
#define WM_DESKTOPNOTIFY                        0x031c
#define WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE                      0x031d
#define WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED                0x031e
#define WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED                0x031f
#define WM_DWMWINDOWMAXIMIZEDCHANGE             0x0321
#define WM_DWMEXILEFRAME                        0x0322
#define WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL               0x0323
#define WM_MAGNIFICATION_STARTED                0x0324
#define WM_MAGNIFICATION_ENDED                  0x0325
#define WM_DWMTHUMBNAILSIZECHANGED              0x0327
#define WM_MAGNIFICATION_OUTPUT                 0x0328
#define WM_BSDRDATA                             0x0329
#define WM_DWMTRANSITIONSTATECHANGED            0x032a
#define undefined_302                           0x032b
#define WM_KEYBOARDCORRECTIONCALLOUT            0x032c
#define WM_KEYBOARDCORRECTIONACTION             0x032d
#define WM_UIACTION                             0x032e
#define WM_ROUTED_UI_EVENT                      0x032f
#define WM_MEASURECONTROL                       0x0330
#define WM_GETACTIONTEXT                        0x0331
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_332                0x0332
#define WM_FORWARDKEYDOWN                       0x0333
#define WM_FORWARDKEYUP                         0x0334
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_335                0x0335
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_336                0x0336
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_337                0x0337
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_338                0x0338
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_339                0x0339
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_33a                0x033a
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_33b                0x033b
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_33c                0x033c
#define WM_CE_ONLY__reserved_33d                0x033d
#define WM_CE_ONLY_LAST                         0x033e
#define WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX                    0x033f
#define WM_NOTIFYWOW                            0x0340
#define undefined_303                           0x0341
#define undefined_304                           0x0342
#define undefined_305                           0x0343
#define undefined_306                           0x0344
#define undefined_307                           0x0345
#define undefined_308                           0x0346
#define undefined_309                           0x0347
#define undefined_310                           0x0348
#define undefined_311                           0x0349
#define undefined_312                           0x034a
#define undefined_313                           0x034b
#define undefined_314                           0x034c
#define undefined_315                           0x034d
#define undefined_316                           0x034e
#define undefined_317                           0x034f
#define undefined_318                           0x0350
#define undefined_319                           0x0351
#define undefined_320                           0x0352
#define undefined_321                           0x0353
#define undefined_322                           0x0354
#define undefined_323                           0x0355
#define undefined_324                           0x0356
#define undefined_325                           0x0357
#define WM_HANDHELDFIRST                        0x0358
#define WM_HANDHELD_reserved_359                0x0359
#define WM_HANDHELD_reserved_35a                0x035a
#define WM_HANDHELD_reserved_35b                0x035b
#define WM_HANDHELD_reserved_35c                0x035c
#define WM_HANDHELD_reserved_35d                0x035d
#define WM_HANDHELD_reserved_35e                0x035e
#define WM_HANDHELDLAST                         0x035f
#define WM_AFXFIRST                             0x0360
#define WM_AFX_reserved_361                     0x0361
#define WM_AFX_reserved_362                     0x0362
#define WM_AFX_reserved_363                     0x0363
#define WM_AFX_reserved_364                     0x0364
#define WM_AFX_reserved_365                     0x0365
#define WM_AFX_reserved_366                     0x0366
#define WM_AFX_reserved_367                     0x0367
#define WM_AFX_reserved_368                     0x0368
#define WM_AFX_reserved_369                     0x0369
#define WM_AFX_reserved_36a                     0x036a
#define WM_AFX_reserved_36b                     0x036b
#define WM_AFX_reserved_36c                     0x036c
#define WM_AFX_reserved_36d                     0x036d
#define WM_AFX_reserved_36e                     0x036e
#define WM_AFX_reserved_36f                     0x036f
#define WM_AFX_reserved_370                     0x0370
#define WM_AFX_reserved_371                     0x0371
#define WM_AFX_reserved_372                     0x0372
#define WM_AFX_reserved_373                     0x0373
#define WM_AFX_reserved_374                     0x0374
#define WM_AFX_reserved_375                     0x0375
#define WM_AFX_reserved_376                     0x0376
#define WM_AFX_reserved_377                     0x0377
#define WM_AFX_reserved_378                     0x0378
#define WM_AFX_reserved_379                     0x0379
#define WM_AFX_reserved_37a                     0x037a
#define WM_AFX_reserved_37b                     0x037b
#define WM_AFX_reserved_37c                     0x037c
#define WM_AFX_reserved_37d                     0x037d
#define WM_AFX_reserved_37e                     0x037e
#define WM_AFXLAST                              0x037f
#define WM_PENWINFIRST                          0x0380
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_381                  0x0381
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_382                  0x0382
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_383                  0x0383
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_384                  0x0384
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_385                  0x0385
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_386                  0x0386
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_387                  0x0387
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_388                  0x0388
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_389                  0x0389
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_38a                  0x038a
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_38b                  0x038b
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_38c                  0x038c
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_38d                  0x038d
#define WM_PENWIN_reserved_38e                  0x038e
#define WM_PENWINLAST                           0x038f
#define WM_COALESCE_FIRST                       0x0390
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_391               0x0391
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_392               0x0392
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_393               0x0393
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_394               0x0394
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_395               0x0395
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_396               0x0396
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_397               0x0397
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_398               0x0398
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_399               0x0399
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_39a               0x039a
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_39b               0x039b
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_39c               0x039c
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_39d               0x039d
#define WM_COALESCE__reserved_39e               0x039e
#define WM_COALESCE_LAST                        0x039f
#define WM_MM_RESERVED_FIRST                    0x03a0
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a1            0x03a1
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a2            0x03a2
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a3            0x03a3
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a4            0x03a4
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a5            0x03a5
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a6            0x03a6
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a7            0x03a7
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a8            0x03a8
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3a9            0x03a9
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3aa            0x03aa
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ab            0x03ab
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ac            0x03ac
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ad            0x03ad
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ae            0x03ae
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3af            0x03af
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b0            0x03b0
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b1            0x03b1
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b2            0x03b2
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b3            0x03b3
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b4            0x03b4
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b5            0x03b5
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b6            0x03b6
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b7            0x03b7
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b8            0x03b8
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3b9            0x03b9
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ba            0x03ba
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3bb            0x03bb
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3bc            0x03bc
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3bd            0x03bd
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3be            0x03be
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3bf            0x03bf
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c0            0x03c0
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c1            0x03c1
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c2            0x03c2
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c3            0x03c3
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c4            0x03c4
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c5            0x03c5
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c6            0x03c6
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c7            0x03c7
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c8            0x03c8
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3c9            0x03c9
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ca            0x03ca
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3cb            0x03cb
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3cc            0x03cc
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3cd            0x03cd
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3ce            0x03ce
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3cf            0x03cf
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d0            0x03d0
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d1            0x03d1
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d2            0x03d2
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d3            0x03d3
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d4            0x03d4
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d5            0x03d5
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d6            0x03d6
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d7            0x03d7
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d8            0x03d8
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3d9            0x03d9
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3da            0x03da
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3db            0x03db
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3dc            0x03dc
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3dd            0x03dd
#define WM_MM_RESERVED__reserved_3de            0x03de
#define WM_MM_RESERVED_LAST                     0x03df
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE_FIRST                   0x03e0
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e1           0x03e1
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e2           0x03e2
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e3           0x03e3
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e4           0x03e4
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e5           0x03e5
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e6           0x03e6
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e7           0x03e7
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e8           0x03e8
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3e9           0x03e9
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3ea           0x03ea
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3eb           0x03eb
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3ec           0x03ec
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3ed           0x03ed
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE__reserved_3ee           0x03ee
#define WM_INTERNAL_DDE_LAST                    0x03ef
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED_FIRST                   0x03f0
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f1           0x03f1
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f2           0x03f2
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f3           0x03f3
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f4           0x03f4
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f5           0x03f5
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f6           0x03f6
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f7           0x03f7
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f8           0x03f8
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3f9           0x03f9
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3fa           0x03fa
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3fb           0x03fb
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3fc           0x03fc
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3fd           0x03fd
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED__reserved_3fe           0x03fe
#define WM_CBT_RESERVED_LAST                    0x03ff
时间: 2025-01-02 05:58:17

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