Atitit java onvif 开源类库 getProfiles getStreamUri

Atitit java onvif 开源类库 getProfiles getStreamUri

1. ONVIF Java Library by Milgo1


1.2. getProfiles  respones file4

1.3. getStreamUri:rtsp://

1.4. Code---5

1. ONVIF Java Library by Milgo


The ONVIF Java library by Milgo aims to be the first library to interact with the API features related to standardize communication between IP-based security products. ONVIF stands for open network video interface forum. ONVIF API is targeted to installers, system integrators, architects, engineers, and end users.

nvifDevice nvt = new OnvifDevice("", "admin", "password");

nvt.getDevices(); // Basic methods for configuration and information

nvt.getMedia(); // Methods to get media information like stream or screenshot URIs or to change your video encoder configuration

nvt.getImaging(); // A few functions to change your image settings, really just for your image settings!

nvt.getPtz(); // Functionality to move your camera (if supported!)

Our first goal is to get a snapshot URI of our camera (not every must support this, but most NVT should do). So we will work on with our media methods and there are some methods to achieve our goal. Don‘t get irritated by the fact that there are methods to get snapshot- and screenshot-URIs, they return the same and have just different names.

getDefaultSnapshotUri() : String

getSnapshotUri(profileToken : String) : String

You can get your device profiles with the initial devices.

OnvifDevice nvt = new OnvifDevice("", "admin", "password");

List<Profile> profiles = nvt.getDevices().getProfiles();

snapshot URI.


import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;

import org.onvif.ver10.schema.Profile;

import de.onvif.soap.OnvifDevice;

public class OnvifTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {

OnvifDevice nvt = new OnvifDevice("", "admin", "password");

List<Profile> profiles = nvt.getDevices().getProfiles();

String profileToken = profiles.get(0).getToken();

System.out.println("Snapshot URI: "+nvt.getMedia().getSnapshotUri(profileToken));


catch (ConnectException e) {

System.err.println("Could not connect to NVT.");


catch (SOAPException e) {






1.2. getProfiles  respones file

1.3. getStreamUri:rtsp://

Request SOAP Message (GetStreamUri): <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""><env:Header><wsse:Security><wsse:UsernameToken><wsse:Username/><wsse:Password Type="">K3vtv2ZkAdcl0DFdQz/cjBsPcU8=</wsse:Password><wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">MTQ4MzgwMzUyMw==</wsse:Nonce><wsu:Created>2016-12-21T15:04:00Z</wsu:Created></wsse:UsernameToken></wsse:Security></env:Header><env:Body><ns2:GetStreamUri xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns7="" xmlns:ns8="" xmlns:xmime=""><ns2:StreamSetup/><ns2:ProfileToken>PROFILE_000</ns2:ProfileToken></ns2:GetStreamUri></env:Body></env:Envelope>

Response SOAP Message (GetStreamUriResponse): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:xmime="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xop="" xmlns:tt="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wstop="" xmlns:tds="" xmlns:trt="" xmlns:tev="" xmlns:tptz="" xmlns:timg="" xmlns:ter="" ><s:Body><trt:GetStreamUriResponse><trt:MediaUri><tt:Uri>rtsp://</tt:Uri><tt:InvalidAfterConnect>false</tt:InvalidAfterConnect><tt:InvalidAfterReboot>false</tt:InvalidAfterReboot><tt:Timeout>PT60S</tt:Timeout></trt:MediaUri></trt:GetStreamUriResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>


1.4. Code---



* @author attilax

*2016年12月21日 下午10:38:11




import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;



import org.onvif.ver10.schema.Profile;

import org.onvif.ver10.schema.StreamSetup;

import org.onvif.ver10.schema.Transport;

import de.onvif.soap.OnvifDevice;

public class OnvifTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64

// org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64

try {

// OnvifDevice nvt = new OnvifDevice("", "admin",

// "password");

OnvifDevice nvt = new OnvifDevice("", "", "");

List<Profile> profiles = nvt.getDevices().getProfiles();

for (Profile profile : profiles) {

// String profileToken = profiles.get(0).getToken();



// System.out.println("Snapshot URI: "+nvt.getMedia().getSnapshotUri(profileToken));

String profileToken = profiles.get(0).getToken();  //PROFILE_000

StreamSetup streamSetup = new StreamSetup();

String getStreamUri = nvt.getMedia().getStreamUri(profileToken, streamSetup);

System.out.println("getStreamUri:" + getStreamUri);

catch (ConnectException e) {

System.err.println("Could not connect to NVT.");

catch (SOAPException e) {




作者:: 绰号:老哇的爪子claw of Eagle 偶像破坏者Iconoclast image-smasher

捕鸟王"Bird Catcher 王中之王King of Kings 虔诚者Pious 宗教信仰捍卫者 Defender Of the Faith. 卡拉卡拉红斗篷 Caracalla red cloak

简称:: Emir Attilax Akbar 埃米尔 阿提拉克斯 阿克巴

全名::Emir Attilax Akbar bin Mahmud bin  attila bin Solomon bin adam Al Rapanui 埃米尔 阿提拉克斯 阿克巴 本 马哈茂德 本 阿提拉 本 所罗门 本亚当  阿尔 拉帕努伊

常用名:艾提拉(艾龙),  EMAIL:[email protected]


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时间: 2024-08-07 16:45:06

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