Greedy:萨鲁曼军队(POJ 3069)




问题大意:萨鲁曼白想要让他的军队从sengard到Helm’s Deep,为了跟踪他的军队,他在军队中放置了魔法石(军队是一条线),魔法石可以看到前后距离为R的距离,为了让魔法石发挥最大的效益,魔法石戴在军人的身上,问你怎么才能使用最少的石头





 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <stdlib.h>
 3 #define SWAP(a,b) { (*a)^=(*b);(*b)^=(*a);(*a)^=(*b);}
 4 #define CUTOFF 20
 6 typedef int Position;
 8 void Quick_Sort(Position *, Position, Position);
 9 int Get_Pivot(Position, Position, Position,Position *);
10 void Insertion_Sort(Position *, Position, Position);
11 void Search(Position *, const int, const int);
13 int main(void)
14 {
15     int R, T, i;
16     Position *Troops = NULL;
17     while (~scanf("%d%d", &R, &T)
18         && R >= 0
19         && T >= 0)
20     {
21         Troops = (Position *)malloc(sizeof(int)*T);
22         for (i = 0; i < T; i++)
23             scanf("%d", &Troops[i]);
24         Quick_Sort(Troops, 0, T - 1);
25         Search(Troops, R, T);
26         free(Troops);
27     }
28 }
30 int Get_Pivot(Position left, Position right, Position mid,Position *A)
31 {
32     if (A[left] > A[mid]) SWAP(&A[left], &A[mid]);
33     if (A[left] > A[right]) SWAP(&A[left], &A[right]);
34     if (A[mid] > A[right]) SWAP(&A[mid], &A[right]);
36     SWAP(&A[mid], &A[right]);//隐藏枢纽元
37     return A[right];
38 }
40 void Quick_Sort(Position *A, Position left, Position right)
41 {
42     Position i = left, j = right , mid = (left + right) / 2;
43     int pivot;
44     if (right - left > CUTOFF)
45     {
46         pivot = Get_Pivot(left, right, mid, A);
47         while (1)
48         {
49             while (A[--j] > pivot);
50             while (A[++i] < pivot);
51             if (i < j)
52                 SWAP(&A[i], &A[j])
53             else break;
54         }
55         SWAP(&A[i], &A[right]);//重新显示枢纽元
56         Quick_Sort(A, left, i - 1);
57         Quick_Sort(A, i + 1, right);
58     }
59     else Insertion_Sort(A, left, right);//转插入排序
60 }
62 void Insertion_Sort(Position *A, Position left, Position right)
63 {
64     Position i, j;
65     int tmp;
66     for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
67     {
68         tmp = A[i];
69         for (j = i; j > left && A[j - 1] > tmp; j--)
70             A[j] = A[j - 1];
71         A[j] = tmp;
72     }
73 }
75 void Search(Position *Troops, const int R, const int T)
76 {
77     Position i = 0, mark, s, ans = 0;
78     for (; i < T;)
79     {
80         s = Troops[i++];//获得区间的最左点
81         for (; i < T && Troops[i] <= s + R; i++);
82         mark = Troops[i - 1];//在R内的最右点,标记
83         for (; i < T && Troops[i] <= mark + R; i++);
84         ans++;
85     }
86     printf("%d\n", ans);
87 }
时间: 2024-12-14 18:18:23

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Saruman&#39;s Army (POJ 3069)

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