Verilog (一) assignment


case-sensitive, all keywords are lowercase

1  continuous assignment

assign  data_left  =  data_right;  // right drive left(net)

例 1)  mux

assign  data_out  =  select ? data_in1 : data_in0;

2  procedural assignment

1)  blocking ("=")

execute sequential

2)  nonblocking ("<=")

read (right)  -> schedule (left) ->  execute (<=)

例 2)  synchronizer

reg  [1:0]  data_sync;

always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)
  if (rst)
        data_sync  <=  2‘b00;
        data_sync  <= {data_sync[0], data_in};

assign  data_out  =  data_sync[1];



时间: 2024-08-28 13:57:10

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