super_log (广义欧拉降幂)(2019南京网络赛)


In Complexity theory, some functions are nearly O(1)O(1), but it is greater then O(1)O(1). For example, the complexity of a typical disjoint set is O(nα(n))O(nα(n)). Here α(n)α(n) is Inverse Ackermann Function, which growth speed is very slow. So in practical application, we often assume α(n) \le 4α(n)≤4.

However O(α(n))O(α(n)) is greater than O(1)O(1), that means if nn is large enough, α(n)α(n) can greater than any constant value.

Now your task is let another slowly function log*log∗ xx reach a constant value bb. Here log*log∗ is iterated logarithm function, it means “the number of times the logarithm function iteratively applied on xx before the result is less than logarithm base aa”.

Formally, consider a iterated logarithm function log_{a}^*loga∗?

Find the minimum positive integer argument xx, let log_{a}^* (x) \ge bloga∗?(x)≥b. The answer may be very large, so just print the result xx after mod mm.


The first line of the input is a single integer T(T\le 300)T(T≤300) indicating the number of test cases.

Each of the following lines contains 33 integers aa, bb and mm.

1 \le a \le 10000001≤a≤1000000

0 \le b \le 10000000≤b≤1000000

1 \le m \le 10000001≤m≤1000000

Note that if a==1, we consider the minimum number x is 1.


For each test case, output xx mod mm in a single line.


In the 4-th4−th query, a=3a=3 and b=2b=2. Then log_{3}^* (27) = 1+ log_{3}^* (3) = 2 + log_{3}^* (1)=3+(-1)=2 \ge blog3∗?(27)=1+log3∗?(3)=2+log3∗?(1)=3+(−1)=2≥b, so the output is 2727 mod 16 = 1116=11.


2 0 3
3 1 2
3 1 100
3 2 16
5 3 233




 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #include<cstdio>
 4 #include<cmath>
 5 #include<algorithm>
 6 #include<map>
 7 #include<vector>
 8 using namespace std;
 9 typedef long long ll;
11 const int maxn=1e7+10;
12 vector<int> prime;
13 int phi[maxn];
15 void db_Onion()
16 {
17     phi[1]=1;
18     for(int i=2;i<maxn;i++)
19     {
20         if(phi[i]==0)
21         {
22             prime.push_back(i);
23             phi[i]=i-1;
24         }
25         for(int j=0;j<prime.size()&&prime[j]*i<maxn;j++)
26         {
27             if(i%prime[j]==0)
28             {
29                 phi[i*prime[j]]=phi[i]*prime[j];
30                 break;
31             }
32             else
33             {
34                 phi[i*prime[j]]=phi[i]*(prime[j]-1);
35             }
36         }
37     }
38 }
39 ll a,b,m;
40 ll cal(ll x,ll m)
41 {
42     if(x<m)
43         return x;
44     else
45         return x%m+m;
46 }
48 ll ans;
50 ll ksm(ll r,ll n,ll m)
51 {
52     ll d=r,ans=1;
53     bool f=0;
54     if(r==0&&n==0)return 1;
55     while(n){
56         if(n&1){
57             ans=ans*d;
58             if(ans>=m){
59                 ans%=m;f=1;
60             }
61         }
62         d=d*d;
63         if(n>1&&d>=m){
64             d%=m;f=1;
65         }
66         n>>=1;
67     }
68     if(f)ans+=m;
69     return ans;
70 }
71 ll slove(ll p,int tot)
72 {
73     if(tot==b+1)
74         return 1;
75     if(p==1)
76         return 1;
78     ll tmp=slove(phi[p],tot+1);
79     return ksm(a,tmp,p);
80 }
82 int main()
83 {
84     db_Onion();
85     int t;
86     scanf("%d",&t);
87     while(t--)
88     {
89         scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&a,&b,&m);
90         if(b==0||a==1)
91         {
92             printf("%lld\n",1%m);
93             continue;
94         }
95         ans=0;
96         printf("%lld\n",slove(m,1)%m);
97     }
98 }


时间: 2024-08-30 13:17:19

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