SELECT * FROM open_app WHERE 1 and `client_id` = ‘a08f5e32909cc9418f‘ and `is_valid` = ‘1‘ order by id desc limit 32700,100; # Time: 160616 10:05:10 # [email protected]: shuqin[qqqq] @ [] Id: 46765069 # Schema: db_xxx Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0 # Query_time: 0.561383 Lock_time: 0.000048 Rows_sent: 100 Rows_examined: 191166 Rows_affected: 0 # Bytes_sent: 14653 SET timestamp=1466042710; SELECT * FROM open_app WHERE 1 and `client_id` = ‘a08f5e32909cc9418f‘ and `is_valid` = ‘1‘ order by id desc limit 36700,100; # [email protected]: shuqin[ssss] @ [] Id: 46765069 # Schema: db_yyy Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0 # Query_time: 0.501094 Lock_time: 0.000042 Rows_sent: 100 Rows_examined: 192966 Rows_affected: 0 # Bytes_sent: 14966 SET timestamp=1466042727;
要求从中解析出相应的信息, Python 程序:
import re globalRegex = r‘^\s*(.*?)# ([email protected]:.*?)# (Schema:.*?)# (Query_time:.*?)# Bytes_sent:(.*?)SET timestamp=(\d+);\s*$‘ costRegex = r‘Query_time:\s*(.*)\s*Lock_time:\s*(.*)\s*Rows_sent:\s*(\d+)\s*Rows_examined:\s*(\d+)\s*Rows_affected:\s*(\d+)\s*‘ schemaRegex = r‘Schema:\s*(.*)\s*Last_errno:(.*)\s*Killed:\s*(.*)\s*‘ def readSlowSqlFile(slowSqlFilename): f = open(slowSqlFilename) ftext = ‘‘ for line in f: ftext += line f.close() return ftext def findInText(regex, text): return re.findall(regex, text, flags=re.DOTALL+re.MULTILINE) def parseSql(sqlobj, sqlText): try: if sqlText.find(‘#‘) != -1: sqlobj[‘sql‘] = sqlText.split(‘#‘)[0].strip() sqlobj[‘time‘] = sqlText.split(‘#‘)[1].strip() else: sqlobj[‘sql‘] = sqlText.strip() sqlobj[‘time‘] = ‘‘ except: sqlobj[‘sql‘] = sqlText.strip() def parseCost(sqlobj, costText): matched = re.match(costRegex, costText) sqlobj[‘Cost‘] = costText if matched: sqlobj[‘QueryTime‘] = matched.group(1).strip() sqlobj[‘LockTime‘] = matched.group(2).strip() sqlobj[‘RowsSent‘] = int(matched.group(3)) sqlobj[‘RowsExamined‘] = int(matched.group(4)) sqlobj[‘RowsAffected‘] = int(matched.group(5)) def parseSchema(sqlobj, schemaText): matched = re.match(schemaRegex, schemaText) sqlobj[‘Schema‘] = schemaText if matched: sqlobj[‘Schema‘] = matched.group(1).strip() sqlobj[‘LastErrno‘] = int(matched.group(2)) sqlobj[‘Killed‘] = int(matched.group(3)) def parseSQLObj(matched): sqlobj = {} try: if matched and len(matched) > 0: parseSql(sqlobj, matched[0].strip()) sqlobj[‘UserHost‘] = matched[1].strip() sqlobj[‘ByteSent‘] = int(matched[4]) sqlobj[‘timestamp‘] = int(matched[5]) parseCost(sqlobj, matched[3].strip()) parseSchema(sqlobj, matched[2].strip()) return sqlobj except: return sqlobj if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: files = [‘slow_sqls.txt‘] alltext = ‘‘ for f in files: text = readSlowSqlFile(f) alltext += text allmatched = findInText(globalRegex, alltext) tablenames = [‘open_app‘] if not allmatched or len(allmatched) == 0: print ‘No matched. exit.‘ exit(1) sqlobjMap = {} for matched in allmatched: sqlobj = parseSQLObj(matched) if len(sqlobj) == 0: continue for tablename in tablenames: if sqlobj[‘sql‘].find(tablename) != -1: if not sqlobjMap.get(tablename): sqlobjMap[tablename] = [] sqlobjMap[tablename].append(sqlobj) break resultMap = {} for (tablename, sqlobjlist) in sqlobjMap.iteritems(): sqlstat = {} for sqlobj in sqlobjlist: if sqlobj[‘sql‘] not in sqlstat: sqlstat[sqlobj[‘sql‘]] = 0 sqlstat[sqlobj[‘sql‘]] += 1 resultMap[tablename] = sqlstat f_res = open(‘/tmp/res.txt‘, ‘w‘) f_res.write(‘-------------------------------------: \n‘) f_res.write(‘Bref results: \n‘) for (tablename, sqlstat) in resultMap.iteritems(): f_res.write(‘tablename: ‘ + tablename + ‘\n‘) sortedsqlstat = sorted(sqlstat.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[1], reverse = True) for sortedsql in sortedsqlstat: f_res.write(‘sql = %s\ncounts: %d\n\n‘ % (sortedsql[0], sortedsql[1])) f_res.write(‘-------------------------------------: \n\n‘) f_res.write(‘-------------------------------------: \n‘) f_res.write(‘Detail results: \n‘) for (tablename, sqlobjlist) in sqlobjMap.iteritems(): f_res.write(‘tablename: ‘ + tablename + ‘\n‘) f_res.write(‘sqlinfo: \n‘) for sqlobj in sqlobjlist: f_res.write(‘sql: ‘ + sqlobj[‘sql‘] + ‘ QueryTime: ‘ + str(sqlobj.get(‘QueryTime‘)) + ‘ LockTime: ‘ + str(sqlobj.get(‘LockTime‘)) + ‘\n‘) f_res.write(str(sqlobj) + ‘\n\n‘) f_res.write(‘-------------------------------------: \n‘) f_res.close()
时间: 2024-09-29 21:03:48