Cassandra remove the offline node

Use the nodetool tool that under the cassandra/bin directory

nodetool status

There are two nodes have been off line.

nodetool removenode 199553f1-f310-41e1-b4a4-f5a1fef7d1b8

wait for a moment

and on cassandra server terminal you will see:

INFO 10:50:36 Removing host: 199553f1-f310-41e1-b4a4-f5a1fef7d1b8
INFO 10:50:36 Sleeping for 30000ms to ensure / does not change
INFO 10:51:06 Advertising removal for /
INFO 10:51:07 [Stream #60607920-429e-11e6-b2ec-cbf9a478e7df] Executing streaming plan for Restore replica count
INFO 10:51:07 Handshaking version with /


INFO  10:51:07 Completing removal of /

and now , execute nodetool status, you will see


时间: 2024-12-23 06:19:30

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