OSX dynamic linking 一些转载以及自己的方法

Note:some of these are copied from other website,for learning purpose

Dynamic linking on Mac OS X, a tiny example
1) create a library libmylib.dylib containing mymod.o
2) compile and link a "callmymod" which calls it
3) call mymod from callmymod, using DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES
Problem: you "just" want to create a library for other modules to use. However there‘s a daunting pile of programs -- gcc, ld, macosx libtool, dyld -- with zillions of options, some well-rotted compost, and differences between MacOSX and Linux. There are tons of man pages (I count 7679 + 1358 + 228 + 226 lines in 10.4.11 ppc) but not much in the way of examples, or programs with a "tell me what you‘re doing" mode.
(The most important thing in understanding is to make a simplified OVERVIEW for yourself: draw some pictures, run some small examples, explain it to someone else).
Background: apple OverviewOfDynamicLibraries, Wikipedia Dynamic_library

Step 1, create libmylib.dylib --
#include <stdio.h>
void mymod( int x )
printf( "mymod: %d\n", x );
gcc -c mymod.c # -> mymod.o
gcc -dynamiclib -current_version 1.0 mymod.o -o libmylib.dylib
# calls libtool with many options -- see man libtool
# -compatibility_version is used by dyld, see also cmpdylib

file libmylib.dylib # Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc
otool -L libmylib.dylib # versions, refs /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib

Step 2, compile and link callmymod --
extern void mymod( int x );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
mymod( 42 );
gcc -c callmymod.c
gcc -v callmymod.o ./libmylib.dylib -o callmymod
# == gcc callmymod.o -dynamic -L. -lmylib
otool -L callmymod # refs libmylib.dylib
nm -gpv callmymod # U undef _mymod: just a reference, not mymod itself

Step 3, run callmymod linking to libmylib.dylib --
export DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 # see what dyld does, for ALL programs
dyld: loaded: libmylib.dylib ...
mymod: 42

mv libmylib.dylib /tmp
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp # dir:dir:...
dyld: loaded: /tmp/libmylib.dylib ...
mymod: 42

That ends one tiny example; hope it helps understand the steps.
(If you do this a lot, see GNU Libtool which is glibtool on macs, and SCons.)
-- denis


my way


1.新建xcode framework 工程。




时间: 2024-10-05 05:38:22

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