Efficient Pattern Mining Methods

Efficient Pattern Mining Methods

@(Pattern Discovery in Data Mining)


The Downward Closure Property of Frequent Patterns

  1. Property

    The downward closure (also called “Apriori”) property of frequent patterns:

    • If {beer, diaper, nuts} is frequent, so is {beer, diaper}
    • Every transaction containing {beer, diaper, nuts} also contains {beer, diaper}
    • Apriori: Any subset of a frequent itemset must be frequent
  2. Efficient mining methodology
    • If any subset of an itemset S is infrequent, then there is no chance for S to

      ??be frequent — why do we even have to consider S!? (It is an efficient way to prune)

  3. Principle

    Apriori pruning principle: If there is any itemset which is infrequent, its superset should not even be generated! (Agrawal & Srikant @VLDB’94, Mannila, et al. @ KDD’ 94)

  4. Scalable mining Methods
    • Level-wise, join-based approach: Apriori (Agrawal &[email protected]’94)
    • Vertical data format approach: Eclat (Zaki, Parthasarathy, Ogihara, Li @KDD’97)
    • Frequent pattern projection and growth: FPgrowth (Han, Pei, Yin @SIGMOD’00)

The Apriori Algorithm

  1. Outline of Apriori (level-wise, candidate generation and test)

    • Initially, scan DB once to get frequent 1-itemset
    • Repeat
      • Generate length-(k+1) candidate itemsets from length-k frequent itemsets
      • Test the candidates against DB to find frequent (k+1)-itemsets
      • Set k := k +1
    • Until no frequent or candidate set can be generated
    • Return all the frequent itemsets derived
  2. Psuedo Code

  3. Tricks

    joining & pruning


Extensions or Improvements of Apriori

  • Reduce passes of transaction database scans

    • Partitioning (e.g., Savasere, et al., 1995)
    • Dynamic itemset counting (Brin, et al., 1997) —> one of Google’s cofounder
  • Shrink the number of candidates
    • Hashing (e.g., DHP: Park, et al., 1995)
    • Pruning by support lower bounding (e.g., Bayardo 1998) ? Sampling (e.g., Toivonen, 1996)
  • Exploring special data structures
    • Tree projection (Aggarwal, et al., 2001)
    • H-miner (Pei, et al., 2001)
    • Hypecube decomposition (e.g., LCM: Uno, et al., 2004)

Mining Frequent Patterns by Exploring Vertical Data Format

FPGrowth: A Frequent Pattern-Growth Approach

  1. 构造FP-Tree,快速迭代生成frequent patterns


    • 计算每个single itemset的frequency
    • 将每个个Transaction中item的根据frequency进行排序
    • 类似于前缀树,生成FP-Tree,其中每个节点代表了一个item


  1. 生成Frequent Itemset




    2)计算e的频数,判断e是否是frequent item。方法是遍历e节点的链表(虚线连接)计算节点数目,得sup(e)=3 > 2,所以继续下述步骤。

    3)因为e是频繁的,找到所有以e结尾的frequent itemlist,也就是说,分拆问题,进行迭代。

    这里我们首先需要拿到e的Conditional FP-Tree。

    4)Conditional FP-Tree的生成:



    1 - 更新e的前缀路径子树中的support值

    2 - 删除包含e的节点

    3 - 删除不频繁(infrequent)的节点,这里的c和d根据前述计算频数的方法知道满足最小support条件。至此,已经得到了关于e的Conditional FP-Tree。

    5)利用前面得到的关于e的CFPT,找到所有以de、ce、ae结尾(be不考虑因为b已经被删除)的frequent itemlist。这里直接调用分治的过程进行递归。例如对于de来说,在e的CFPT中找到关于de的前缀路径子树……得到de的CFPT。


讨论:对于单枝前缀路径子树,一次就能生成所有frequent patterns。例如:

* 此处红框选中的子树是m-cond. based,单枝树为{}-f3-c3-a3.

* 这是一个迭代的过程,节点a产生了第二棵树{}-f3-c3. 节点c产生了树{}-f3.

然后第二棵树中的节点c产生了最后一棵树{}-f3. 节点f无法再产生新的树。

* 第一棵树是m-cond. based,产生了组合fm,cm,am

* 第二棵树是am-cond. based,产生了fam,cam

* 第三棵树是cm-cond. based,产生了fcm

* 最后一棵树产生了fcam

* 所以我们可以得到并集 fm, cm, am, fam, fcm, cam, fcam。


这里Parallel Project比较耗费空间,因为它是根据需要计算的不同的X-cond. based进行任务分割来计算的,但是比较快;而Partition则根据树枝进行切分,这样是真正意义上的“partition”。

Mining Closed Patterns

时间: 2024-08-13 22:00:49

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