Solid Edge ST7 发布MP8


Doug Stainbrook, Global Technical Business Development


Edge Answers


Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 8 Released




Siemens PLM Software employees:


Channel Partners:



Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 8 for Solid Edge is available for download.

The Solid Edge Team

Release Notes:

Maintenance Packs are released for CRITICAL items only. Maintenance Packs are available up to a maximum
of 15 months following the release date of the English version. The release date for Solid Edge ST7 English was
08/08/14, making the Maintenance Pack cutoff date 11/08/15.

Download Location:

ST7 Maintenance Packs can be downloaded from:


There were Solid Edge Embedded Client policy file updates in MP2. It’s vitally important that you install SEEC
Administrator, which delivers the policy files to TC_DATA.

Maintenance Pack Executables (.exe files) patch existing product dlls. Maintenance Pack executables
are all inclusive and can be installed on top of a base release or any released Maintenance Pack.

Maintenance Pack Installs (.zip files) are complete product setups. Therefore, existing versions must be
uninstalled using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel prior to installing the new setup.

E-mail Notification:

To receive direct e-mail notification for new Solid Edge Update or Maintenance Packs, subscribe
to the SFBmail notification.

To initiate your subscription, navigate to: for the web interface.

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:

PR 7368046: YouTube states it will no longer support older YouTube apps

PR 7382055: Failed relations in replace part with copy
PR 7377429: Dimension on Sync cylindrical face not shown if an assembly feature modifies part
PR 8266419: Path edits does not cause Frame feature to update
PR 7382761: Performance issue opening an assembly file
PR 7400876: Animation editor does not work

PR 7316543: Wrong result when copy-paste table in draft.
PR 7332149: Callout doesn‘t handle Chinese + Cyrillic chars from DraftCallout.txt correctly
PR 7384367: Parenthesis indicating reference dim are interfering with dual dimension bracket
PR 7396466: Draft - Copy/paste and attempted parts list placement crashed
PR 7395989: Incorrect dimension scale on Import of DXF files
PR 8505242: Dimension changes when opening this drawing file in SE ST7

===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===
PR 7387755: Solid Edge crashes after clicking cancel on warning dialog
PR 7399116: Hole feature problem since ST7MP7
PR 7280647: Smart dimension value differs from curve length about 0.5 mm
PR 7405986: Solid Edge closes with ‘System is Low on Memory‘ error

PR 1991413: SolidEdgeTranslationServices.exe cannot run multithreaded

PR 7373760: Slow key-in in Property Manager- Insight actions during edit
PR 7378436: Search Dialog "Results per page:" row is misaligned
PR 2249492: Property Manager errors when changing properties of parts
PR 7396003: Insight Free Text search returns only one file for same filename in diff folders

===Solid Edge SP, Server, Standalone Client, Solid Edge Client===
PR 7390126: Error during upload to SESP when unmanaged parts are inserted in a managed assembly
PR 7370133: Workflow with option "beliebig" (any) doesn‘t work on a German SESP Server
PR 7402064: DP - Modify Tool does not create tmp file for tif files (any image file)

===Solid Edge Embedded Client===
PR 7371603: Dimensions values are rounded down with SEEC in French version
PR 8505291: Solid Edge check out SEEC license when SEEC is turn off
PR 8270039: Variables values are rounded down on FOP with SEEC in French version
PR 7402020: When do not specify a variant the assembly will be blank after it is open
PR 8270157: SEEC - sub-classed item type missing forms
PR 7408247: Change Ownership on SE Assembly doesn‘t change attached Form
PR 8271312: Material property sync causes doubled Edge.exe process

To access the current Edge Answers, Employees and Partners can click the following link.

Happy selling!!

Doug Stainbrook
Senior Application Engineer
Global Technical Business Development


时间: 2024-08-25 07:30:38

Solid Edge ST7 发布MP8的相关文章

Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 9

From: Doug Stainbrook, Global Technical Business Development To: Edge Answers Subject: Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack 9 Date: 09/08/2015 Distribution: Siemens PLM Software employees: Yes Channel Partners: Yes Edgers, Solid Edge ST7 Maintenance Pack

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Solid Edge ST8 新功能展示(1)

西门子PLM已于近日发布了Solid Edge ST8!为了满足大家的好奇心,今天特节选Solid Edge ST8 三个新增功能,帮你开启Solid Edge ST8的工作时代!这三个功能分别是:创建螺旋曲线.电子表格阵列.相似阵列识别.--- 后续将会有更多的新功能分享. 1)创建螺旋曲线 2)电子表格阵列 3)相似阵列识别 ** 鸣谢上海坤德的黄奇铭.以上视频的翻译均来自他的辛苦努力! 对工业设计和机械设计有需求感兴趣的朋友,请关注[solidedge联盟]微信公众号~~~

Solid Edge ST8 新功能展示(3)

Solid Edge ST8 继续向大家展示其新增的功能.这次将展示:工程图比较.工程图增强.IFC for BIM(建筑信息模型).由于三个新功能展示均通过视频来完成,请大家在WIFI环境下观看,或者直接键入文章中的地址. 1)图纸比较 2)工程图增强 3)IFC for BIM

如何在Solid Edge SP中获得一个装配的所有图纸

在设计工作完成后,经常需要把整个装配下面的所有图纸挑选出来,进行批量打印.在大多数PDM系统中,这项工作需要进行二次开发完成.不过在Solid Edge SP(以下简称SESP)中,这件事很容易做到.方法如下: 1.进入SESP PDM 界面,选中需要打印图纸的装配的版本.例如我们要打印"PRT-00086/C-立柱装配"的所有图纸,就选中这个版本. 2.在工具条上点击"创建包"按钮. 3.在创建包的输出类型中,请选择"ZIP",不要选择&quo

Solid Edge ST8 网络发布会

主题介绍: 最新版本的西门子Solid Edge? 软件(Solid Edge ST8)的增强功能和新功能,可以帮助用户提高设计速度,增强其利用同步建模技术的能力,并在平台和购买选项方面为用户带来更大的灵活性.除此以外,运行微软Windows 8.1操作系统的平板电脑现已可以安装完整版Solid Edge ST8,进一步扩大了用户随时随地进行设计的自由.??同步设计意图管理.表格阵列以及焊接.线缆等功能的增强,可以帮助用户专注于设计任务本身,而不是设计工具,从而加速建模过程.??此外,Solid

Teamcenter 使得不同生产地点共享Solid Edge设计数据库

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Solid Edge ST8 王者归来,粉丝热捧

Solid Edge ST8于2015年6月在美国出道,爬山涉水,远跨重洋,来到中国.首先在最南端登陆. 7月29.30.31日,台湾敦擎连续三天,在台南.台中.新竹,给台湾的用户奉献了Solid Edge ST8的大餐,而且场场爆满! Solid Edge ST8第一站:台南 第二站:台中,此站来宾超过140人! 第三站:新竹 经过短暂的修正,第二波由台湾CADEX(凯德)拉开序幕.8月12.13.14,也是连续三天,在台南.台中.桃园,继续为台湾的用户传道西门子工业4.0,与企业一起努力打造