1 使用nuget安装redis缓存 StackExchange.Redis
2 使用nuget安装RedisSession服务 RedisSessionStateProvider
3 从nuget添加RedisSession之后,它会在你的config文件中写入以下内容,主要是对session进行持久化设置的
<sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="MySessionStateStore" timeout="30"> <providers> <!-- Either use ‘connectionString‘ and provide all parameters as string OR use ‘host‘,‘port‘,‘accessKey‘,‘ssl‘,‘connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds‘ and ‘operationTimeoutInMilliseconds‘. --> <!-- ‘throwOnError‘,‘retryTimeoutInMilliseconds‘,‘databaseId‘ and ‘applicationName‘ can be used with both options. --> <!-- <add name="MySessionStateStore" host = "" [String] port = "" [number] accessKey = "" [String] ssl = "false" [true|false] throwOnError = "true" [true|false] retryTimeoutInMilliseconds = "5000" [number] databaseId = "0" [number] applicationName = "" [String] connectionTimeoutInMilliseconds = "5000" [number] operationTimeoutInMilliseconds = "1000" [number] connectionString = "<Valid StackExchange.Redis connection string>" [String] loggingClassName = "<Assembly qualified class name that contains logging method specified below>" [String] loggingMethodName = "<Logging method should be defined in loggingClass. It should be public, static, does not take any parameters and should have a return type of System.IO.TextWriter.>" [String] /> --> <add name="MySessionStateStore" type="Microsoft.Web.Redis.RedisSessionStateProvider" host="" accessKey="" ssl="false" /> </providers> </sessionState>
4 下载是新版本的redis服务端,可以是windows版的,我用的是2.6.13,低版本的redis会出现Eval命令无法识别的问题
5 处理完成,可以测试你的session了,默认过期时间为1200秒
时间: 2024-10-06 03:15:05