Openstack nova代码部分注释一

做个一个没怎么学过python的菜鸟,看源码是最好的学习方式了,现在就从nova入手,主要注释一下 nova/compute/ 中的 create_instance函数

   def _create_instance(self, context, instance_type,
               image_href, kernel_id, ramdisk_id,
               min_count, max_count,
               display_name, display_description,
               key_name, key_data, security_group,
               availability_zone, user_data, metadata,
               injected_files, admin_password,
               access_ip_v4, access_ip_v6,
               requested_networks, config_drive,
               block_device_mapping, auto_disk_config,
               reservation_id=None, create_instance_here=False,
        """Verify all the input parameters regardless of the provisioning
        strategy being performed and schedule the instance(s) for

        if not metadata:
            metadata = {}
        if not display_description:
            display_description = ''
        if not security_group:
            security_group = 'default'

        if not instance_type:
            instance_type = instance_types.get_default_instance_type()
        if not min_count:
            min_count = 1
        if not max_count:
            max_count = min_count
        if not metadata:
            metadata = {}

        block_device_mapping = block_device_mapping or []

        num_instances = quota.allowed_instances(context, max_count,
        if num_instances < min_count:
            pid = context.project_id
            if num_instances <= 0:
                msg = _("Cannot run any more instances of this type.")
                msg = (_("Can only run %s more instances of this type.") %
            LOG.warn(_("Quota exceeded for %(pid)s,"
                  " tried to run %(min_count)s instances. " + msg) % locals())
            raise exception.QuotaError(code="InstanceLimitExceeded")

        self._check_metadata_properties_quota(context, metadata)
        self._check_injected_file_quota(context, injected_files)
        self._check_requested_networks(context, requested_networks)

        (image_service, image_id) = nova.image.get_image_service(context,
        image =, image_id)

		#iamge 是一个字典,返回key='min_ram'对应的值, get是字典的一个方法。
        if instance_type['memory_mb'] < int(image.get('min_ram') or 0):
            raise exception.InstanceTypeMemoryTooSmall()
		#root_gb :虚拟机根硬盘大小;instance_type代表了创建虚拟机的需求或者说配置,image则是实际上存在镜像的一个东西。
        if instance_type['root_gb'] < int(image.get('min_disk') or 0):
            raise exception.InstanceTypeDiskTooSmall()

        config_drive_id = None
        if config_drive and config_drive is not True:
            # config_drive is volume id
            config_drive, config_drive_id = None, config_drive

        os_type = None
        if 'properties' in image and 'os_type' in image['properties']:
            os_type = image['properties']['os_type']
        architecture = None
        if 'properties' in image and 'arch' in image['properties']:
            architecture = image['properties']['arch']
        vm_mode = None
        if 'properties' in image and 'vm_mode' in image['properties']:
            vm_mode = image['properties']['vm_mode']

        # If instance doesn't have auto_disk_config overridden by request, use
        # whatever the image indicates
        if auto_disk_config is None:
            if ('properties' in image and
                'auto_disk_config' in image['properties']):
                auto_disk_config = utils.bool_from_str(

        if kernel_id is None:
            kernel_id = image['properties'].get('kernel_id', None)
        if ramdisk_id is None:
            ramdisk_id = image['properties'].get('ramdisk_id', None)
        # FIXME(sirp): is there a way we can remove null_kernel?
        # No kernel and ramdisk for raw images
        if kernel_id == str(FLAGS.null_kernel):
            kernel_id = None
            ramdisk_id = None
            LOG.debug(_("Creating a raw instance"))
        # Make sure we have access to kernel and ramdisk (if not raw)
		#locals() 返回一个名字/值对的字典
        LOG.debug(_("Using Kernel=%(kernel_id)s, Ramdisk=%(ramdisk_id)s")
                  % locals())

        if kernel_id:
  , kernel_id)
        if ramdisk_id:
  , ramdisk_id)
        if config_drive_id:
  , config_drive_id)


		#ssh 密钥文件名存在,但是数据不存在。
        if key_data is None and key_name:
            key_pair = self.db.key_pair_get(context, context.user_id, key_name)
            key_data = key_pair['public_key']

        if reservation_id is None:
            reservation_id = utils.generate_uid('r')

        root_device_name = block_device.properties_root_device_name(

        # NOTE(vish): We have a legacy hack to allow admins to specify hosts
        #             via az using az:host. It might be nice to expose an
        #             api to specify specific hosts to force onto, but for
        #             now it just supports this legacy hack.
        host = None
		#parition 函数进行分割字符串,如果分割成功,返回tuple,中间的为分隔符;如果找不到,返回1个有用字符串
        if availability_zone:
            availability_zone, _x, host = availability_zone.partition(':')
        if not availability_zone:
            availability_zone = FLAGS.default_schedule_zone
        if context.is_admin and host:
            filter_properties = {'force_hosts': [host]}
            filter_properties = {}

        filter_properties['scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints

        base_options = {
            'reservation_id': reservation_id,
            'image_ref': image_href,
            'kernel_id': kernel_id or '',
            'ramdisk_id': ramdisk_id or '',
            'power_state': power_state.NOSTATE,
            'vm_state': vm_states.BUILDING, #注意刚开始是创建中状态。
            'config_drive_id': config_drive_id or '',
            'config_drive': config_drive or '',
            'user_id': context.user_id,
            'project_id': context.project_id,
            'launch_time': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime()),#格式化一个时间字符串。
            'instance_type_id': instance_type['id'],#虚拟机的套餐类型。
            'memory_mb': instance_type['memory_mb'],#虚拟机的内存
            'vcpus': instance_type['vcpus'],#虚拟机的cpu核数。
            'root_gb': instance_type['root_gb'],#虚机根硬盘大小
            'ephemeral_gb': instance_type['ephemeral_gb'],
            'display_name': display_name,
            'display_description': display_description,
            'user_data': user_data or '',
            'key_name': key_name,#密钥文件名
            'key_data': key_data,#密钥数据
            'locked': False,
            'metadata': metadata,
            'access_ip_v4': access_ip_v4,
            'access_ip_v6': access_ip_v6,
            'availability_zone': availability_zone,
            'os_type': os_type,#操作系统类型。
            'architecture': architecture,
            'vm_mode': vm_mode,#虚机状态。
            'root_device_name': root_device_name,#根设备名称。
            'progress': 0,
            'auto_disk_config': auto_disk_config}

        LOG.debug(_("Going to run %s instances...") % num_instances)

        if create_instance_here:
            instance = self.create_db_entry_for_new_instance(
                    context, instance_type, image, base_options,
                    security_group, block_device_mapping)
            # Tells scheduler we created the instance already.
            base_options['uuid'] = instance['uuid']
            rpc_method = rpc.cast
            # We need to wait for the scheduler to create the instance
            # DB entries, because the instance *could* be # created in
            # a child zone.
            rpc_method =

        # TODO(comstud): We should use rpc.multicall when we can
        # retrieve the full instance dictionary from the scheduler.
        # Otherwise, we could exceed the AMQP max message size limit.
        # This would require the schedulers' schedule_run_instances
        # methods to return an iterator vs a list.
        instances = self._schedule_run_instance(
                context, base_options,
                availability_zone, injected_files,
                admin_password, image,
                num_instances, requested_networks,
                block_device_mapping, security_group,
        if create_instance_here:
            return ([instance], reservation_id)
        return (instances, reservation_id)


	#create_instance 调用,发送消息给调度器
    def _schedule_run_instance(self,
            context, base_options,
            availability_zone, injected_files,
            admin_password, image,
        """Send a run_instance request to the schedulers for processing."""

        pid = context.project_id
        uid = context.user_id

        LOG.debug(_("Sending create to scheduler for %(pid)s/%(uid)s's") %

        request_spec = {
            'image': utils.to_primitive(image),
            'instance_properties': base_options,
            'instance_type': instance_type,
            'num_instances': num_instances,
            'block_device_mapping': block_device_mapping,
            'security_group': security_group,

        return rpc_method(context,
                {"method": "run_instance",
                 "args": {"topic": FLAGS.compute_topic,
                          "request_spec": request_spec,
                          "admin_password": admin_password,
                          "injected_files": injected_files,
                          "requested_networks": requested_networks,
                          "is_first_time": True,
                          "filter_properties": filter_properties}})



时间: 2024-10-30 21:21:51

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做个一个没怎么学过python的菜鸟.看源代码是最好的学习方式了,如今就从nova入手,主要凝视一下 nova/compute/ 中的 create_instance函数 def _create_instance(self, context, instance_type, image_href, kernel_id, ramdisk_id, min_count, max_count, display_name, display_description, key_name, key_d


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java中代码的注释和快捷键 添加必要的注释,对一个有责任心.有道德模范的前端必须具备的好习惯, 可以大大提高代码的可维护性.可读性. java代码注释快捷键:ctrl+shift+/首先熟悉一下html.css.js的注释的写法:1.HTML注释语法: <!--注释的内容--> 2.css注释语法 /* 注释内容 */ /* ----------文字样式开始---------- */ 3.javaScript注释 //注释内容 /*注释内容*/ 接下来是对注释在这几种代码中使用的位置,如何写