
Kei Iwasaki Keichi Matsuzawa Tomoyuki Nishita The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81.3.5841.4096 Fax: +81.3.5803.7288
{kei-i, keichi, nis}@nis-lab.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp


In the field of computer graphics, simulation of physi- cal phenomena is of great interest. We focus on the optical effects of soap bubbles. Soap bubbles have fascinating col- oration and interesting physical properties. Therefore they are useful for the entertainment such as movies and games. Soap bubbles change their shapes by surface tension and external forces, and therefore their surface thickness also changes. Since the thickness of the soap bubble is several hundred nanometers, interference of the light occurs. This paper proposes a fast rendering method for the soap bub- bles taking into account light interference and dynamics. In our method, the reflectivities of the thin film that is the cause of the light interference are calculated in advance and stored as textures. This makes it possible to render the de- formable soap bubbles in real-time.

Keywords: light interference, graphics hardware, real-time animation

1. Introduction

The simulation of natural phenomena is one of the most challenging research fields in computer graphics. Soap bub- bles have interesting physical properties and attractive col- oration [15]. In this paper, we propose a real-time render- ing method for soap bubbles taking into account light in- terference. Soap bubbles form very thin layers. Since the thickness of the soap bubble is close to the wavelength of the visible light, fringes due to the light interference can be seen. Several methods have been developed to render the fringes [1, 2, 11, 12]. These methods employed a ray tracing algorithm to render the soap bubbles. Although re- alistic images can be generated by the ray tracing method, the computational cost is expensive. Thus, it is only suit- able for images and movies that do not require real-time response. However, applications such as virtual reality and games require real-time response. Therefore, the demand to accelerate the rate of rendering is high.

To address this problem, this paper presents a real-time rendering method for deformable soap bubbles taking into account light interference. In the proposed method, the re- flectivities of the thin film are calculated in advance and stored as textures. Moreover, the rendering of objects re- flected at the bubble surface is performed by using the dy- namic cubical environment map method.

2. Previous Work

Several methods have been proposed to simulate and ren- der the soap bubbles.

Dias [1] developed a method that modeled the interfer- ence light phenomenon and displayed the soap bubble with fringes. Li and Peng [11] extended Dias’ method to take the polarization of light into account. Icart et al. [9] simulated two dimensional soap froth. Glassner [4, 5] modeled the clusters of two or three soap bubbles by using analytical so- lutions for the geometry of soap bubble clusters. Dˇ urikoviˇc [3] treated a bubble as a set of particles and triangle patches. He simulated the deformation of soap bubbles due to wind forces and contacts with other objects. Ku ?ck et al. [10] sim- ulated and rendered the liquid forms by representing foam bubbles as fixed-size spheres. Realistic images of soap bub- bles can be generated by using these methods. However, these methods used a ray tracing algorithm whose compu- tational cost is expensive. There have been several related work about rendering light interference. Dias [2] proposed a rendering method of optical phenomena of Newton’s ring. Hirayama et al. [7, 8] developed a rendering method for the interference effect on multilayer films. They took into ac- count the smoothness of the surfaces coated with multilayer films and demonstrated several materials such as alminum, silicon, and copper. Sun [14] presented a method for trans- forming colors into spectrum and rendering light interfer- ence. These methods also employed a ray tracing algorithm for the rendering.

In this paper, we accelerate the rendering of soap bubbles taking into account light interference. The proposed method can calculate the light interference caused by the variation


时间: 2024-11-05 06:17:25


Xcode6的 实时渲染 在storyboard修改自定义属性

在storyboard 中修改属性可以看到 对应的界面效果,但是自定义类怎么实现呢?Xcode6的 实时渲染可以帮我们实现. 只需要加几句简单代码就可实现,如下图:

[Xcode] Attributes Inspector 界面自定义实时渲染属性

在工程里面新建文件 Cocoa Touch Class  模版选对应的 比如 对 ImageView 扩展 就创建UIImageView 这个对应的类可以在 Identity Inspector 里面看默认的类名字 import UIKit @IBDesignable // 添加这个实现StoryBoard实时渲染结果 class addAttributes: UIImageView { @IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0 { // @IBI


7月31日,2018云创大会游戏论坛在杭州国际博览中心103B圆满举行.本场游戏论坛聚焦探讨了可能对游戏行业发展有重大推动的新技术.新实践,如AR.区块链.安全.大数据等.Unity大中华区技术经理成亮表示,实时渲染技术的跨平台性能让游戏体验变得更好 Unity大中华区技术经理成亮做了<解秘Unity2018最新实时渲染技术>的主题演讲,分享了2018年Unity在实时渲染方面实现的三个重要技术,包括图形相关的可编程渲染管线.基于渲染管线推出的Shader Graph.PostProcess工


UE4的实时渲染流程,简单易懂! 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tianshanhangui/p/10041443.html

克服VR眩晕之帧数 提升UE4内容实时渲染效率

克服VR眩晕之帧数:提升UE4内容实时渲染效率 Li Wen Lei, HuNing 在 2015/10/29 23:00:31 | 新闻 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn VR已经成为了当今最火热的一个话题,带上头盔之后,从此进入一个奇妙的世界,在这里你不再是观众,你参与这个世界发生的每一件事件.整个世界从此与众不同.在赛道上飞驰,在战场上纵横     但是生理机制让我们的大脑在身体并没有


基于当前主相机的RenderTexture,好处是可以自定义分辨率等参数,脚本会输出品质为100的jpg序列,基本无损. 而用Application.CaptureScreenshot虽然可以录制包括OnGUI在内全部内容,但有是会png文件头损坏而无法输出视频,且分辨率不可设置 需要注意,unity不会按照渲染帧率来运行,如果是录制用来渲染需要另外写一个时间,用这个每帧间隔相等的时间驱动动画. 用管理员权限运行Unity,脚本挂在任意节点上,运行自动录制. 第二次运行自动删除之前录制的内容,重


在渲染管线中是最慢的阶段决定整个渲染的速度. 我们一般使用吞吐量(throughput)来描述一个阶段的处理速度,而不是帧率.因为帧率会受到设备更新的限制而导致实际速度比帧率所标示的更慢. 一个例子: 假设一个设备为60赫兹,这意味着这个设备16.666666ms刷新一次,这时恰好有一管线阶段花费了62.5ms执行完成,由于63大于16.666666*3,小于16.666666*4,所以他实际上想要最终完成工作必须等待下一次设备刷新.所以真实的执行时间折算下来其实不止62.5ms而是趋近于66m

[实时渲染] 2.3 几何处理阶段

? ? ?几何处理阶段的职责是逐多边形和逐顶点操作,该阶段被进一步分成例如以下几个阶段:模型视图变换,顶点着色.投影,裁剪以及屏幕映射(图2.3),再次强调一下.依据实现的不同,这些功能阶段可能相当也可能不相当于管线阶段,有时几个连续的功能阶段能够合成一个管线阶段(与其他管线并行地运行).有时一个功能管线可能被分成几个更小的管线阶段. ? ? ? ? ?在极端情况下.在整个渲染管线中的全部阶段能够以软件的形式运行一下处理器上.因此也能够说整个管线仅仅包括一个管线阶段.当然这也仅仅是在独立加速芯片

vue 父到子动态传值 子组件实时渲染

近期项目中需要一个功能,根据选择不同的 团队片区 id 展示不同的数据,团队id 在父组件  数据在子组件中展示. 根据不同的团队 动态渲染数据总览. 父组件: <Cards ref="getCardId"></Cards> data() { return { params:{ enterprises:'', }, }; }, 引入子组件 import {Cards} from "./components" export default {