Well, I try to install soot in Eclipse through "help -> install...", but when I finish it, I can not find "soot" on the right click of project.
So, I use soot in command line.
Firstly, put soot-trunk.jar under bin. And run soot.
java -cp soot-trunk.jar soot.tools.CFGViewer --soot-classpath .;"%JAVA_HOME%"\jre\lib\rt.jar homeWork.homeWork
Tipes: The first one is package name, and the second one is class name.
Then, open the file. There is a new file called "sootOutput".
As we can see, A new document is created in sootOutput.
Open the document, it is difficult for us to read clearly.
Thus, install graphviz. Use graphviz dot to switch a document to a picture. Before that, we should config environment.
The name of the document is too long, so I change the name.
Run graphviz dot.
dot -Tpng -o homeWork.png homeWork.dot
Give the name of the picture and the last one is the name of your document.
时间: 2025-01-11 16:06:52