Svn启动窗口报错 Could not load file or assembly 'SharpSvn.dll' or one of its

win10 64位系统生成没问题,测试都没问题,结果换到win7 64位系统上,点开就出现,网上搜了下,通过以下方式解决, 必须把bin 文件夹全部删除,重新生成.要不还是会报错.

Solve it.

  1. Change my platform to x86
  2. Output path to "bin\"
  3. Downloaded the x86 of SharpSVN (1.7008.2243.14245)
  4. Add SharpSVN.dll in GAC.
  5. Delete the bin folder and rebuild solution

This is the link for the explanation.


You either have to target x86, and use the x86 dll, or target x64 and use the x64 dll (with 2.0 runtime activation policy) – Sander Rijken May 14 ‘13 at 18:18

Yep, using the x86 version solved my problem too. Changing the target CPU to x64 when using the x64 version didn‘t help! – user2173353 Aug 1 ‘13 at 13:23

But then it re-appeared and it got corrected when I switched back to x64... What the hack! – user2173353

Svn启动窗口报错 Could not load file or assembly 'SharpSvn.dll' or one of its

时间: 2024-08-04 23:05:34

Svn启动窗口报错 Could not load file or assembly 'SharpSvn.dll' or one of its的相关文章

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