RSNAKE 的 Slowloris DOS攻击工具初试

Slowloris 号称低带宽对服务器进行DDOS攻击

原理就是对WEB服务器发送 不完整的包并且以 单一  \r\n结尾,并不是 完整的HTTP包。造成WEB服务器堵塞达到最大连接数。


  • Apache 1.x
  • Apache 2.x
  • dhttpd
  • GoAhead WebServer
  • WebSense "block pages" (unconfirmed)
  • Trapeze Wireless Web Portal (unconfirmed)
  • Verizon‘s MI424-WR FIOS Cable modem (unconfirmed)
  • Verizon‘s Motorola Set-Top Box (port 8082 and requires auth - unconfirmed)
  • BeeWare WAF (unconfirmed)
  • Deny All WAF (unconfirmed)


  • IIS6.0
  • IIS7.0
  • lighttpd
  • Squid
  • nginx
  • Cherokee (verified by user community)
  • Netscaler
  • Cisco CSS (verified by user community)



=head1 TITLE


=head1 VERSION

Version 0.7 Beta

=head1 DATE


=head1 AUTHOR

RSnake <[email protected]> with threading from John Kinsella


Slowloris both helps identify the timeout windows of a HTTP server or Proxy server, can bypass httpready protection and ultimately performs a fairly low bandwidth denial of service.  It has the added benefit of allowing the server to come back at any time (once the program is killed), and not spamming the logs excessively.  It also keeps the load nice and low on the target server, so other vital processes don‘t die unexpectedly, or cause alarm to anyone who is logged into the server for other reasons.

=head1 AFFECTS

Apache 1.x, Apache 2.x, dhttpd, GoAhead WebServer, others...?


IIS6.0, IIS7.0, lighttpd, nginx, Cherokee, Squid, others...?


Slowloris is designed so that a single machine (probably a Linux/UNIX machine since Windows appears to limit how many sockets you can have open at any given time) can easily tie up a typical web server or proxy server by locking up all of it‘s threads as they patiently wait for more data.  Some servers may have a smaller tolerance for timeouts than others, but Slowloris can compensate for that by customizing the timeouts.  There is an added function to help you get started with finding the right sized timeouts as well.

As a side note, Slowloris does not consume a lot of resources so modern operating systems don‘t have a need to start shutting down sockets when they come under attack, which actually in turn makes Slowloris better than a typical flooder in certain circumstances.  Think of Slowloris as the HTTP equivalent of a SYN flood.

=head2 Testing

If the timeouts are completely unknown, Slowloris comes with a mode to help you get started in your testing:

=head3 Testing Example:

./ -dns -port 80 -test

This won‘t give you a perfect number, but it should give you a pretty good guess as to where to shoot for.  If you really must know the exact number, you may want to mess with the @times array (although I wouldn‘t suggest that unless you know what you‘re doing).

=head2 HTTP DoS

Once you find a timeout window, you can tune Slowloris to use certain timeout windows.  For instance, if you know that the server has a timeout of 3000 seconds, but the the connection is fairly latent you may want to make the timeout window 2000 seconds and increase the TCP timeout to 5 seconds.  The following example uses 500 sockets.  Most average Apache servers, for instance, tend to fall down between 400-600 sockets with a default configuration.  Some are less than 300.  The smaller the timeout the faster you will consume all the available resources as other sockets that are in use become available - this would be solved by threading, but that‘s for a future revision.  The closer you can get to the exact number of sockets, the better, because that will reduce the amount of tries (and associated bandwidth) that Slowloris will make to be successful.  Slowloris has no way to identify if it‘s successful or not though.

=head3 HTTP DoS Example:

./ -dns -port 80 -timeout 2000 -num 500 -tcpto 5

=head2 HTTPReady Bypass

HTTPReady only follows certain rules so with a switch Slowloris can bypass HTTPReady by sending the attack as a POST verses a GET or HEAD request with the -httpready switch. 

=head3 HTTPReady Bypass Example

./ -dns -port 80 -timeout 2000 -num 500 -tcpto 5 -httpready

=head2 Stealth Host DoS

If you know the server has multiple webservers running on it in virtual hosts, you can send the attack to a seperate virtual host using the -shost variable.  This way the logs that are created will go to a different virtual host log file, but only if they are kept separately.

=head3 Stealth Host DoS Example:

./ -dns -port 80 -timeout 30 -num 500 -tcpto 1 -shost

=head2 HTTPS DoS

Slowloris does support SSL/TLS on an experimental basis with the -https switch.  The usefulness of this particular option has not been thoroughly tested, and in fact has not proved to be particularly effective in the very few tests I performed during the early phases of development.  Your mileage may vary.

=head3 HTTPS DoS Example:

./ -dns -port 443 -timeout 30 -num 500 -https

=head2 HTTP Cache

Slowloris does support cache avoidance on an experimental basis with the -cache switch.  Some caching servers may look at the request path part of the header, but by sending different requests each time you can abuse more resources.  The usefulness of this particular option has not been thoroughly tested.  Your mileage may vary.

=head3 HTTP Cache Example:

./ -dns -port 80 -timeout 30 -num 500 -cache

=head1 Issues

Slowloris is known to not work on several servers found in the NOT AFFECTED section above and through Netscalar devices, in it‘s current incarnation.  They may be ways around this, but not in this version at this time.  Most likely most anti-DDoS and load balancers won‘t be thwarted by Slowloris, unless Slowloris is extremely distrubted, although only Netscalar has been tested. 

Slowloris isn‘t completely quiet either, because it can‘t be.  Firstly, it does send out quite a few packets (although far far less than a typical GET request flooder).  So it‘s not invisible if the traffic to the site is typically fairly low.  On higher traffic sites it will unlikely that it is noticed in the log files - although you may have trouble taking down a larger site with just one machine, depending on their architecture.

For some reason Slowloris works way better if run from a *Nix box than from Windows.  I would guess that it‘s probably to do with the fact that Windows limits the amount of open sockets you can have at once to a fairly small number.  If you find that you can‘t open any more ports than ~130 or so on any server you test - you‘re probably running into this "feature" of modern operating systems.  Either way, this program seems to work best if run from FreeBSD.  

Once you stop the DoS all the sockets will naturally close with a flurry of RST and FIN packets, at which time the web server or proxy server will write to it‘s logs with a lot of 400 (Bad Request) errors.  So while the sockets remain open, you won‘t be in the logs, but once the sockets close you‘ll have quite a few entries all lined up next to one another.  You will probably be easy to find if anyone is looking at their logs at that point - although the DoS will be over by that point too.

=head1 What is a slow loris?

What exactly is a slow loris?  It‘s an extremely cute but endangered mammal that happens to also be poisonous.  Check this out:

常用点的高级命令=head3 HTTP DoS Example:

./ -dns -port 80 -timeout 2000 -num 500 -tcpto 5                              2000 second send 500 socks 。 根据调节。


ubuntu 12.0.4下测试:



perl -MCPAN -e ‘install IO::Socket::INET‘
perl -MCPAN -e ‘install IO::Socket::SSL‘


perl -dns

此类ddos攻击针对web服务器, 使用 ping 命令检测看不到效果, 必须浏览器访问打不开才证明web服务器瘫痪了。

感觉效果很不明显哦。 apache 2.X 服务器 怎么都打不死。打不死。 此文留作纪念。

RSNAKE 的 Slowloris DOS攻击工具初试,布布扣,

时间: 2024-08-04 10:06:32

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网站遭遇DOS攻击 一.事件背景 长假对于IT人员来说是个短暂的休整时期,可IT系统却一时也不能停,越是节假日,越可能出大问题,下面要讲述的就是一起遭受DOS攻击的案例. 春节长假刚过完,小李公司的Web服务器就出了故障.下午1点,吃完饭回来,小李习惯性的检查了Web服务器.Web服务器的流量监控系统显示下行的红色曲线,与此同时收到了邮件报警,可以判断服务器出现了状况. 根据上述问题,小李马上开始核查Web服务器的日志,尝试发现一些关于引起中断的线索.正当查询线索过程中,部门经理告诉小李,他已经


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自从互联网络诞生以来,DoS攻击就伴随着互联网络的发展而一直存在,也不断发展和升级.值得一提的是,要找DoS的工具一点不难,黑客群居的网络社区都有共享黑客软件的传统,并会在一起交流攻击的心得经验,可以很轻松地从互联网上获得这些工具,像以上提到的这些DoS攻击软件都是可从网上随意找到的公开软件. 所以任何一个上网者都可能构成网络安全的潜在威胁.DoS攻击给飞速发展的互联网络安全带来重大的威胁.然而从某种程度上可以说,DoS攻击永远不会消失而且从技术上目前还没有根本的解决办法. 从网络攻击的各种方法


 网站遭遇DOS攻击 一个.事件背景 长假对于IT人员来说是个短暂的休整时期,可IT系统却一时也不能停.越是节假日,越可能出大问题,以下要讲述的就是一起遭受DOS攻击的案例. 春节长假刚过完,小李公司的Webserver就出了故障.下午1点.吃完饭回来,小李习惯性的检查了Webserver.Webserver的流量监控系统显示下行的红色曲线,与此同一时候收到了邮件报警,能够推断server出现了状况. 依据上述问题.小李立即開始核查Webserver的日志.尝试发现一些关于引起中断的线索.