
Hi, I graduated from an ordinary 211 university and chose to major in computer unexpectedly. However, I am a very studious student, although it is really difficult for me to learn computer. The reason is that I didn‘t know anything about computers before.

After four years of college study, I have figured out some basic operation and coding specifications for learning the idea of computer. Today I graduated in June. I think I have done well in my studies, but I dare not choose to do background development, so I choose to be a test engineer.

In the true sense of graduation, China soft international signed three parties, which was considered as the stability of my first job. After graduation, I came to shenzhen alone, imagining the future life with the longing that all young people have.

Introduce the company, China soft international, is a computer service outsourcing company with close cooperation with huawei, at that time, the company‘s reputation in the network is a mess, such as: squeeze employees, and tired wages are not high, wage increases are not large, and so on. Fortunately, I don‘t care about any of these, I just want to find a job with a higher salary and go out to have a look. So the story begins.

Because in the company for nearly half a year, he found himself working overtime every day things were a bit serious, so want to every day what is the purpose of writing the blog yourself eventually, take time to think about, in this day have what meaning, because I am a the girl, looks ok, don‘t have a boyfriend, already at work on exactly right thinking like this, I know it‘s need to work hard, but I want to do more work, fish people communicate more humor and make other people feel interesting this is what I want.

Change your current state, work less overtime, do something more meaningful, and enrich your life. This is what I want to achieve now, not only to get the salary every month, learn to invest, learn to communicate with people smoothly.


时间: 2024-10-26 21:21:59



最近,部门刚毕业入职的小MM跟大家提议,让大家把自己的软件测试工作经验分享一下,我整理了一下,可能不全. 测试工作经验分享 一.测试阶段划分 1. 单个模块功能测试时间相对较长,但每一个项目都应该有专门的集成测试阶段,并且应该不止进行一轮. 每一轮集成测试,应该都有自己的目的,比如第一轮集成测试,是根据集成测试要点验证整体功能情况:第二轮集成测试是回归测试:第三轮集成测试是交叉测试. 每个项目应进行几轮集成测试,根据项目实际情况而定,而决定的因素多与工期.项目问题多少而定. 2. 每个项目都应该


超人学院美女研究生Hadoop工作经验分享: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgBrgI8 更多精彩请关注:http://bbs.superwu.cn 关注超人学院微信二维码:


浙大研究生Hadoop工作经验分享http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjt5YKP 更多精彩内容请关注: 


美女研究生Hadoop工作经验分享: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mgBrgI8 更多精彩请关注:http://bbs.superwu.cn 关注超人学院微信二维码:


分享超人学院90后小伙,Hadoop大数据高薪工作经验分享 http://pan.baidu.com/play/video#video/path=%2F%E5%A4%A7%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%2F%E8%B6%85%E4%BA%BA%E5%AD%A6%E9%99%A2%E9%AB%98%E8%96%AA%E5%B0%B1%E4%B8%9A%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB%2F90%E5%90%8EHadoop%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%


超人学院90后小伙,Hadoop大数据高薪就业工作经验分享. http://pan.baidu.com/play/video#video/path=%2F%E5%A4%A7%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%2F%E8%B6%85%E4%BA%BA%E5%AD%A6%E9%99%A2%E9%AB%98%E8%96%AA%E5%B0%B1%E4%B8%9A%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB%2F90%E5%90%8EHadoop%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD


日起日落,过往的一切好像都没有发生似的.只知道,那晚我喝了好多酒,但是没醉:吃了好多菜,但是没饱:说了好多话,但是没哭.就在那种发生而又没有发生的感觉中,我们毕业了,离开了校园,开始了新的生活. 时间倒回2014年的 2月12日,每个人都还沉浸在新年的气氛中时,自己却只身一人提前来到了北京,开始了找工作的旅程.这次旅程,不仅蜕变了自己,也让我明白一个道理:人,都是一样的!(你的想法有时比他人的想法更有价值,相信自己,敢于表达自己.) 与很多毕业生一样,突然从学校走到社会,感觉无从下手,不知道该去


IT 大环境 先说说我看到的 IT 需求市场吧!不是卖方市场也不是买方市场!找工作的人是一堆一堆的,一个待遇不咋地的工作也是一堆人抢着上,眼高手低的多,真正能踏实做事的少.招人的想找个合适的人也是跪了,好不容易物色到几个合适的人,在他们入职前都会常常犯嘀咕,担心他们不来入职.我虽然没有直接参与招人,但身边有同事在忙这事,经常一起吃饭,还是很了解他们的心里动态,朋友圈也有些童鞋开始嘚瑟,分享当面试官的经验了:招人难,跟当年找工作是一样的难. 技术准备 对于那些准备跳槽的童鞋,如果平时写代码之余喜欢

找工作 群分享转载

鄙人根据4年从业经验,给新人或者正在找工作的人一些意见. 1.夸夸其谈的老板不能跟,跟你谈理想,谈大道理,跟传销一样,他用一大堆利益来忽悠你,让你很容易迷失,比如公司计划明年营业收入几千万,后年可以上市,你就拥有多少原始股,你就可以买房子车子,这种人其实抠门抠到死,他对你的要求是比鸡起得早,比狗睡得晚,一到发工资的时候,乱七八糟给你扣一大堆,然后还给你谈怎么对公司付出. 2.外行老板不能跟,球都不懂,还要你做个球那种,以为开发的是万能的,网站让你做,系统让你做,前端让你做,windows应用程序