_username="liulu"_password="123456" username=input("username:")password=input("password:") if username==_username and password==_password: print("welcome {name} login...".format(name=username))else: print("invalid username and password!") 猜年龄:
my_age=23 guess_age=int(input("please guess my age:")) #因为input默认的是字符串,所以需要int
if guess_age==my_age: print("you got it!")elif guess_age>my_age: print("think smaller...")else: print("think bigger...") while循环猜年龄,最多猜三次,猜不中不能再猜
my_age=23 count=0 while True: #True要大写 #可以简化为while count <3: if count==3: break#break 可结束运行本次循环。continue是跳出本次循环。 guess_age=int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age==my_age: print("you got it") break elif guess_age>my_age: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...") count+=1
else: print("you have no more chance to guess...") for循环猜年龄,最多猜三次,猜不中不能再猜
my_age=23 for i in range(3) guess_age=int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age==my_age: print("you got it") break elif guess_age>my_age: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...") else: print("you have no more chance to guess...") 步长
# 从0到10for i in range(10): print("loop",i) # 只打02468for i in range(0,10,2): print("loop",i) if 与 while 混合使用案例:
my_age=23 count=0 while count<3: guess_age=int(input("guess age:")) if guess_age==my_age: print("you got it") break elif guess_age>my_age: print("think smaller...") else: print("think bigger...") count+=1 if count==3: continue_confirm=input("would you like to keep guessing?") if continue_confirm!="n": count=0 for循环嵌套
for i in range(10): print("------",i) for j in range(10): print(j) if j>5: break
时间: 2024-10-03 10:10:17