September 11th 2017 Week 37th Monday

I believe there is a hero in all of us.


For every of us, there are two version with vastly different characters living in us, one is evil and negative, the other is good and positive.

Which side would prevail depends on our own decisions, well, our decisions on which kind of person we want to be.

So, if there are some heroes and fine examples in the real world that we can follow, I am sure the good one would gain the upper hand.

After a deadly fire which killed nineteen people and injured more in a logding house in Beijing, the government began to take some controversial measures, including sweeping out those tenants who lived in those cheap apartments.

I feel very disappointed with the authority, but there is nothing I can do to change the situation.

Maybe this is not our country, this is not our government, this just belongs to those wealthy and powerful.

Are we abandoned by our homeland?

As a communist, I think there must be some changes.

Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge.


From The Wonderful Wizard of OZ.

To grow up into an expert who can make  great contributions to his group, just reading books is far from enough.

We must practise with the knowledge we learned from others, otherwise it can‘t become a part of our own knowledge system.

Do more, and show off less, the higher your profile, the more people would want you.

Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

Be careful with the path you travel now. even those stronger than you had lost their ways before.

时间: 2024-08-30 08:30:15

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