July 12th 2017 Week 28th Wednesday

No way is impossible to courage.


Without faith and courage, nothing is possible.

With them, nothing is impossible.

There are great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations, once you try to make them possible, you will unveil their masks step by step, eventually they will be realized, or at least, become less impossible.

When you want to fulfill your dreams, if you don‘t have sufficiently firm beliefs and enough courage, you will easily choose to give up once encountered some seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

But if you have them, if your goal is deeply embedded in your heart, there is nothing that will stop you from realizing them.

Just like the sun, you can‘t block it, it will shine regardlessly.

Never, never, never give up.


From Wiston Churchill.

Never give in, and never give up.

Thinking about the cases if you give up, is that what you want?

If it isn‘t, you might as well hold on to your struggle for one minute more.

When you are annoyed or frustrated by difficulties and barriers, be sure to tell yourself to be a little more persistence.

Luck happen more often because you insist on for a few more moment, took a few more steps.

Most battles are won at the 11th hour, and most people who fail just because they give up before they can win.

And there is one thing more fearful, that is, if you give up for the first time, it may be hard for you, if you give up for the second time, it would be easier, and if you give up the third time, unfortunately, it may be starting to become a habit, then, you will be destined to be a tragedy.

时间: 2024-08-14 17:55:57

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