谷歌浏览器的源码分析 9

为了处理字符消息实现自动完成的功能,这是怎么样实现的呢?其实是先记录字符消息响应前的字符串以及选中状态,接着再处理消息,最后才查询可能的输入,做出智能提示。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

#001  void AutocompleteEdit::OnBeforePossibleChange() {

#002    // Record our state.


#003    text_before_change_ = GetText();


#004    GetSelection(sel_before_change_);

#005    select_all_before_change_ = IsSelectAll(sel_before_change_);

#006  }


#001  bool AutocompleteEdit::OnAfterPossibleChange() {

#002    // Prevent the user from selecting the "phantom newline" at the end of the

#003    // edit.  If they try, we just silently move the end of the selection back to

#004    // the end of the real text.


#005    CHARRANGE new_sel;

#006    GetSelection(new_sel);

#007    const int length = GetTextLength();

#008    if ((new_sel.cpMin > length) || (new_sel.cpMax > length)) {

#009      if (new_sel.cpMin > length)

#010        new_sel.cpMin = length;

#011      if (new_sel.cpMax > length)

#012        new_sel.cpMax = length;

#013      SetSelectionRange(new_sel);

#014    }


#015    const bool selection_differs = (new_sel.cpMin != sel_before_change_.cpMin) ||

#016        (new_sel.cpMax != sel_before_change_.cpMax);


#018    // See if the text or selection have changed since OnBeforePossibleChange().

#019    const std::wstring new_text(GetText());

#020    const bool text_differs = (new_text != text_before_change_);


#022    // Update the paste state as appropriate: if we‘re just finishing a paste

#023    // that replaced all the text, preserve that information; otherwise, if we‘ve

#024    // made some other edit, clear paste tracking.

#025    if (paste_state_ == REPLACING_ALL)

#026      paste_state_ = REPLACED_ALL;

#027    else if (text_differs)

#028      paste_state_ = NONE;



#030    // If something has changed while the control key is down, prevent

#031    // "ctrl-enter" until the control key is released.  When we do this, we need

#032    // to update the popup if it‘s open, since the desired_tld will have changed.

#033    if ((text_differs || selection_differs) &&

#034        (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE)) {

#035      control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE;

#036      if (!text_differs && !popup_->is_open())

#037        return false;  // Don‘t open the popup for no reason.

#038    } else if (!text_differs &&

#039        (inline_autocomplete_text_.empty() || !selection_differs)) {

#040      return false;

#041    }


#043    const bool had_keyword = !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty();



#045    // Modifying the selection counts as accepting the autocompleted text.

#046    InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(new_text));

#047    has_temporary_text_ = false;


#049    if (text_differs) {

#050      // When the user has deleted text, don‘t allow inline autocomplete.  Make

#051      // sure to not flag cases like selecting part of the text and then pasting

#052      // (or typing) the prefix of that selection.  (We detect these by making

#053      // sure the caret, which should be after any insertion, hasn‘t moved

#054      // forward of the old selection start.)

#055      just_deleted_text_ = (text_before_change_.length() > new_text.length()) &&

#056        (new_sel.cpMin <= std::min(sel_before_change_.cpMin,

#057                                   sel_before_change_.cpMax));


#059      // When the user doesn‘t have a selected keyword, deleting text or replacing

#060      // all of it with something else should reset the provider affinity.  The

#061      // typical use case for deleting is that the user starts typing, sees that

#062      // some entry is close to what he wants, arrows to it, and then deletes some

#063      // unnecessary bit from the end of the string.  In this case the user didn‘t

#064      // actually want "provider X", he wanted the string from that entry for

#065      // editing purposes, and he‘s no longer looking at the popup to notice that,

#066      // despite deleting some text, the action we‘ll take on enter hasn‘t changed

#067      // at all.


#068      if (!had_keyword && (just_deleted_text_ || select_all_before_change_)) {

#069        popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();

#070      }

#071    }


#073    // Disable the fancy keyword UI if the user didn‘t already have a visible

#074    // keyword and is not at the end of the edit.  This prevents us from showing

#075    // the fancy UI (and interrupting the user‘s editing) if the user happens to

#076    // have a keyword for ‘a‘, types ‘ab‘ then puts a space between the ‘a‘ and

#077    // the ‘b‘.

#078    disable_keyword_ui_ = (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) &&

#079        ((new_sel.cpMax != length) || (new_sel.cpMin != length));



#081    UpdatePopup();


#083    if (!had_keyword && !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()) {

#084      // Went from no selected keyword to a selected keyword. Set the affinity to

#085      // the keyword provider.  This forces the selected keyword to persist even

#086      // if the user deletes all the text.

#087      popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();

#088      popup_->manually_selected_match_.provider_affinity =

#089          popup_->autocomplete_controller()->keyword_provider();

#090    }



#092    if (text_differs)

#093      TextChanged();


#095    return true;

#096  }





时间: 2024-08-02 09:34:42

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1 背景 还记得前一篇<Android触摸屏事件派发机制详解与源码分析一(View篇)>中关于透过源码继续进阶实例验证模块中存在的点击Button却触发了LinearLayout的事件疑惑吗?当时说了,在那一篇咱们只讨论View的触摸事件派发机制,这个疑惑留在了这一篇解释,也就是ViewGroup的事件派发机制. PS:阅读本篇前建议先查看前一篇<Android触摸屏事件派发机制详解与源码分析一(View篇)>,这一篇承接上一篇. 关于View与ViewGroup的区别在前一篇的A