

The SimpleCurl class is there to curl data from RESTful services. A lot of companies use it nowadays for example twitter, google and facebook.

There are four methods available these are get, post and put.

You will need to declare the SimpleCurl helper first to use these examples below. You can do it by adding a use statement at the top of the controller.

use Helpers\SimpleCurl as Curl

How to do a get request

This example will show you how to a get request to get the current bitcoin prices from coinbase

// Get the spot price of a bitcoin it returns a json object.
$spotrate = Curl::get(‘‘);
$data[‘spotrate‘] = json_decode($spotrate);

The get request returned the data as json data we encoded it and passed it to our view.

Inside your view you could simply do

echo $data[‘spotrate‘]->amount;
echo $data[‘spotrate‘]->currency;

This should print out the currency and rate.

How to do a post request

This example will show you how to post a gist to github gists.

// Post a gist to github
$content = "Hello World!";
$response = Curl::post(‘‘, json_encode(array(
  ‘description‘ => ‘PHP cURL Post Test‘,
  ‘public‘ => ‘true‘,
  ‘files‘ => array(
    ‘Test.php‘ => array(
      ‘content‘ => $content,

The response will be details of the file and the url where it‘s located.

How to do a put request

This example will show you how to do a put request to httpbin a test service for curl.

$response = Curl::put(‘‘, array(
  ‘id‘ => 1,
  ‘first_name‘ => ‘Nova‘,
  ‘last_name‘ => ‘Framework‘
时间: 2024-11-11 12:57:01


express 笔记 app.helpers 和 app.locals

app.helpers 和app.dynamicHelpers 是express2.X使用的 分别为静态/动态 视图助手通过其注册函数, 例如 [javascript] view plain copy print? app.helpers({ <span style="white-space:pre">    </span>inspect: function(obj) { <span style="white-space:pre">

ASP.NET MVC使用Bootstrap系列(5)——创建ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap Helpers

序言 ASP.NET MVC允许开发者创建自定义的HTML Helpers,不管是使用静态方法还是扩展方法.一个HTML Helper本质上其实是输出一段HTML字符串. HTML Helpers能让我们在多个页面上公用同一段HTML标记,这样不仅提高了稳定性也便于开发者去维护.当然对于这些可重用的代码,开发者也方便对他们进行单元测试.所以,创建ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap Helpers是及其有必要的. 内置的HTML Helpers ASP.NET MVC内置了若干标准HTML

The Difference Between @Helpers and @Functions In WebMatrix

from: Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:42 AM This is another post which was inspired by a recent question in the ASP.NET forums, when someone asked what the


1.实现一个debug函数 $.views.helpers({ "debug" : function() { var info = "debug helper"; } }); 2.在info处加上断点 3.在需要的地方使用    {{:~debug(someobj)}}

ex:Could not load file or assembly &#39;System.Web.Helpers, Version=, Culture=neutral, . 系统找不到指定的文件。

今天写的是一个小程序,采用webfrom 形式,.netframework4.0 项目中调用了System.Web.Helpers下的Json方法. 在本地测试没问题,结果搭建到服务器上,死活运行不正常. 报错: ex:Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Helpers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its depend


import "Date.h" @implementation NSDate(Helpers) //获取年月日如:19871127. - (NSString *)getFormatYearMonthDay { NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%02d%02d",[self getYear],[self getMonth],[self getDay]]; return string; } //该日期是


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在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用 HTML Helpers 方法,可以返回得到标准的 HTML 标签,就像 <input>.<button> 或者 <img> 等等. 同样,你也可以创建自己的 HTML Helpers 方法,生成更加复杂的 HTML 内容. 几种不同类型的 HTML Helpers 从以下三种类型去考察 HTML Helpers 的创建和使用 01 在 View 中创建并重复使用 1 @helper ListingItems(string[] ite

MVC Bootstrap Helpers

ASP.NET MVC Bootstrap Helpers 阅读目录 序言 内置的HTML Helpers 创建自定义的Helpers 使用静态方法创建Helpers 使用扩展方法创建Helpers 创建Fluent Helpers 创建自动闭合的Helpers 小结 回到顶部 序言 ASP.NET MVC允许开发者创建自定义的HTML Helpers,不管是使用静态方法还是扩展方法.一个HTML Helper本质上其实是输出一段HTML字符串. HTML Helpers能让我们在多个页面上公用