Multiple plot function



multiplot(p1, p2, p3, p4, cols=2)

# Multiple plot function
# ggplot objects can be passed in ..., or to plotlist (as a list of ggplot objects)
# - cols: Number of columns in layout
# - layout: A matrix specifying the layout. If present, ‘cols‘ is ignored.
# If the layout is something like matrix(c(1,2,3,3), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE),
# then plot 1 will go in the upper left, 2 will go in the upper right, and
# 3 will go all the way across the bottom.
multiplot <- function(..., plotlist=NULL, file, cols=1, layout=NULL) {

# Make a list from the ... arguments and plotlist
plots <- c(list(...), plotlist)

numPlots = length(plots)

# If layout is NULL, then use ‘cols‘ to determine layout
if (is.null(layout)) {
# Make the panel
# ncol: Number of columns of plots
# nrow: Number of rows needed, calculated from # of cols
layout <- matrix(seq(1, cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)),
ncol = cols, nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols))

if (numPlots==1) {

} else {
# Set up the page
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nrow(layout), ncol(layout))))

# Make each plot, in the correct location
for (i in 1:numPlots) {
# Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
matchidx <- == i, arr.ind = TRUE))

print(plots[[i]], vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
layout.pos.col = matchidx$col))

时间: 2024-08-04 04:58:19

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