Deep Learning for Natural Language Processeing : Convex Optimization


今天开启新的课程, 第一章是凸优化,convex Optimazition

凸集 Convex Set


A set C is convex if, for any x, y ∈ C and θ ∈ R with 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1,
θx + (1 ? θ)y ∈ C.



凸方程 Convex Function

定义:定义域D(f)为凸集,且对于任意两个属于D(f)的两个数x,y ; θ ∈ R, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1,满足
f(θx + (1 ? θ)y) ≤ θf(x) + (1 ? θ)f(y).

first-order approximation:

first order condition for convexity

当且仅当 D(f)是凸集且对于所有满足

则f 是凸方程

second order condition for convexity :

当且仅当 D(f)是凸集且f的海瑟Hessian矩阵(二阶导复合)是半正定:

x ∈ D(f),

Jensen’s Inequality




f(E[x]) ≤ E[f(x)]

即为Jensen‘s Inequality

α-Sublevel Sets

定义:对于凸函数f和α ∈ R,{x ∈ D(f) : f(x) ≤ α}

凸集:f(θx + (1 ? θ)y) ≤ θf(x) + (1 ? θ)f(y) ≤ θα + (1 ? θ)α = α

Convex Optimization Problems

where f is a convex function, gi are convex functions, and hi are affine functions, and x is the optimization variable

affine function 

optimal value

locally optimal if there are no “nearby” feasible points that have a lower objective value

globally optimal if there are no feasible points at all that have a lower objective value



Linear Programming

Quadratic Programming

Quadraticallly Constrained Quadratic Programming

Semidefinite Programming

Support Vector Machines 是凸优化中一个典型应用



假定训练数据 :





Constrained least squares

Maximum Likelihood for Logistic Regression

minimize ?(θ)


Linear SVM using CVX

时间: 2025-01-02 14:16:21

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