linux(x86) exploit 开发系列6:使用return-to-plt绕过ASLR

What is ASLR?

Address space layout randomization (ASLR) is an exploit mitigation technique that randomizes

  • Stack address.

  • Heap address.
  • Shared library address.
#echo 2 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

libc base address would get randomized.

NOTE: Only libc base address is randomized, offset of a particular function from its base address always remains constant!! Hence if we can bypass shared library base address randomization, vulnerable programs can be successfully exploited (using below three techniques) even when ASLR is turned on!!

  • Return-to-plt (this post)

  • Brute force (part 2)
  • GOT overwrite and GOT dereference (part 3)

What is return-to-plt?

In this technique instead of returning to a libc function (whose address is randomized), attacker returns to a function’s PLT (whose address is NOT randomized – its address is known prior to execution itself). Since ‘[email protected]’ is not randomized, attacker no more needs to predict libc base address instead he can simply return to ‘[email protected]’ inorder to invoke ‘function’.

What is PLT, how does invoking ‘[email protected]’ invokes ‘function’?






过程连接表(PLT):PLT对于每个全局函数包含了一段桩代码。text段的函数调用并不是直接调用函数(function),而是调用了桩程序([email protected])。这段桩代码在动态链接器的帮助下解析函数的地址并将其复制到GOT中,这个解析过程只在第一次调用函数时发生,如果之后再次调用函数(调用桩代码),桩代码不会再解析函数地址,而是直接从GOT中获取函数地址,然后跳转过去。Thus PIC uses this table to relocate function addresses with two level of indirection.

这种技术需要程序使用了我们需要的函数才有[email protected]

时间: 2024-10-23 19:06:09

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