1. 定义
BFS是Breath First Search的缩写,是广度优先搜索的意思,是图的遍历方式的一种。
1. 为了防止搜索进入无限循环,节点需要判重,也就是已经访问过的节点不要再访问了,所以需要记录一个节点是不是已经访问过了。
2. 另外BFS有可能会要求记录路径,这时候需要记录一个节点的前驱节点。这些信息可以保存在节点数据结构里,也可以存在map里,比如C++的unordered_map。如果只记录一个前驱节点,那我们只能记录一个路径。但是如果记录所有前驱,则我们可以记录所有路径。
1 for each vertex u ∈ V [G] - {s}
2 do color[u] ← WHITE
3 d[u] ←∞
4 π[u] ← NIL
6 d[s] ← 0
7 π[s] ← NIL
8 Q ← ?
10 while Q ≠ ?
11 do u ← DEQUEUE(Q)
12 for each v ∈ Adj[u]
13 do if color[v] = WHITE
14 then color[v] ← GRAY
15 d[v] ← d[u] + 1
16 π[v] ← u
17 ENQUEUE(Q, v)
18 color[u] ← BLACK
2. 队列
(constructor) |
Construct queue (public member function ) |
empty |
Test whether container is empty (public member function ) |
size |
Return size (public member function ) |
front |
Access next element (public member function ) |
back |
Access last element (public member function ) |
push |
Insert element (public member function ) |
emplace |
Construct and insert element (public member function ) |
pop |
Remove next element (public member function ) |
swap |
Swap contents (public member function ) |
3. 例一:八数码问题
unordered_map<string,int> _set; string myswap(int i,int j,string s){ char temp=s[i]; s[i]=s[j]; s[j]=temp; return s; } vector<string> f(string s, int d){ vector<string> v; if(s.length()!=9){ return v; } int i=0; for(;i<9;i++){ if(s[i]=='0') break; } int x=i/3; int y=i%3; if(x-1>=0){ string temp=myswap((x-1)*3+y,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); pair<string&,int> p(temp,d+1); _set.insert(p); } } if(x+1<=2){ string temp=myswap((x+1)*3+y,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); pair<string&,int> p(temp,d+1); _set.insert(p); } } if(y-1>=0){ string temp=myswap(x*3+y-1,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); pair<string&,int> p(temp,d+1); _set.insert(p); } } if(y+1<=2){ string temp=myswap(x*3+y+1,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); pair<string&,int> p(temp,d+1); _set.insert(p); } } /*for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){ cout<<v[i]<<endl; }*/ return v; } int bfs(string s){ if(s.compare("123456780")==0) return 0; queue<string> q; q.push(s); _set.insert(make_pair<string&,int>(s,0)); while(!q.empty()){ string first=q.front(); q.pop(); vector<string> v=f(first,_set[first]); for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){ if(v[i].compare("123456780")==0){ return _set[v[i]]; } q.push(v[i]); } } return 0; } unordered_map<string,string> _set; string myswap(int i,int j,string s){ char temp=s[i]; s[i]=s[j]; s[j]=temp; return s; } vector<string> f(string s){ vector<string> v; if(s.length()!=9){ return v; } inti=0; for(;i<9;i++){ if(s[i]=='0') break; } int x=i/3; int y=i%3; if(x-1>=0){ string temp=myswap((x-1)*3+y,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); _set.insert(make_pair<string&,string&>(temp,s)); } } if(x+1<=2){ string temp=myswap((x+1)*3+y,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); _set.insert(make_pair<string&,string&>(temp,s)); } } if(y-1>=0){ string temp=myswap(x*3+y-1,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); _set.insert(make_pair<string&,string&>(temp,s)); } } if(y+1<=2){ string temp=myswap(x*3+y+1,i,s); if(_set.find(temp)==_set.end()){ v.push_back(temp); _set.insert(make_pair<string&,string&>(temp,s)); } } return v; } vector<string> bfs(string s){ vector<string> _v; if(s.compare("123456780")==0){ _v.insert(_v.begin(),s); return _v; } queue<string> q; q.push(s); string x="000000000"; _set.insert(make_pair<string&,string&>(s,x)); while(!q.empty()){ string first=q.front(); q.pop(); vector<string> v=f(first); for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++){ if(v[i].compare("123456780")==0){ for(string_s=v[i];_s.compare(x)!=0;_s=_set[_s]){ _v.insert(_v.begin(),_s); } return _v; } q.push(v[i]); } } return _v; }
4. 例二:word ladder
Given two words (beginWord and endWord),and a dictionary, find the length of shortest transformation sequence frombeginWord to endWord, such that:
Only one letter can be changed at a time
Each intermediate word must exist in thedictionary
For example,
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict =["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
As one shortest transformation is"hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" ->"dog" -> "cog",
return its length 5.
unordered_map<string,int>_map_depth_begin; unordered_map<string,int>_map_depth_end; vector<string> linked(string s){ vector<string> result; for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ char c=s[i]; for(char temp='a';temp<='z';temp++){ if(temp!=c){ s[i]=temp; result.push_back(s); } } s[i]=c; } return result; } int ladderLength(string beginWord, stringendWord, unordered_set<string>& wordDict) { wordDict.insert(beginWord); wordDict.insert(endWord); queue<string> q_begin; queue<string> q_end; q_begin.push(beginWord); q_end.push(endWord); _map_depth_begin[beginWord]=1; _map_depth_end[endWord]=1; while(!q_begin.empty() && !q_end.empty()){ string first=q_begin.front(); q_begin.pop(); vector<string> result=linked(first); for(int i=0;i<result.size();i++){ string second=result[i]; if(wordDict.find(second)!=wordDict.end()){ if(_map_depth_begin.find(second)==_map_depth_begin.end()){ _map_depth_begin[second]=_map_depth_begin[first]+1; if(second.compare(endWord)==0){ return_map_depth_begin[second]; } if(_map_depth_end.find(second)!=_map_depth_end.end()){ return_map_depth_begin[second]+_map_depth_end[second]-1; } q_begin.push(second); } } } string first_end=q_end.front(); q_end.pop(); vector<string> result_end=linked(first_end); for(int i=0;i<result_end.size();i++){ string second_end=result_end[i]; if(wordDict.find(second_end)!=wordDict.end()){ if(_map_depth_end.find(second_end)==_map_depth_end.end()){ _map_depth_end[second_end]=_map_depth_end[first_end]+1; if(second_end.compare(beginWord)==0){ return_map_depth_end[second_end]; } if(_map_depth_begin.find(second_end)!=_map_depth_begin.end()){ return_map_depth_begin[second_end]+_map_depth_end[second_end]-1; } q_end.push(second_end); } } } } return 0; }
5. 例三:Word Ladder II
Given two words (start and end), and adictionary, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from start to end,such that:
Only one letter can be changed at a time
Each intermediate word must exist in thedictionary
For example,
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict =["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
All words have the same length.
All words contain only lowercase alphabeticcharacters.
1. 分层记录节点,用两个队列(或一个队列一个set)
2. 记录每个节点的所有前驱节点
vector<vector<string>> myresult; unordered_map<string,vector<string>> _map; vector<string> neighbors(string s, unordered_set<string> &dict){ vector<string> result; for(int i=0;i<s.size();i++){ char temp=s[i]; for(char c='a';c<='z';c++){ if(c!=temp){ s[i]=c; if(dict.find(s)!=dict.end()){ result.push_back(s); } } } s[i]=temp; } for(int i=0;i<result.size();i++){ _map[result[i]].push_back(s); } return result; } void dfs(string start, string end,vector<string>& temp){ if(end.compare(start)==0){ myresult.push_back(temp); } else{ for(int i=0;i<_map[end].size();i++){ temp.push_back(_map[end][i]); dfs(start,_map[end][i],temp); temp.pop_back(); } } } void output(string start, string end, vector<string>& last, unordered_set<string> &dict){ for(int i=0;i<last.size();i++){ vector<string> temp; temp.push_back(end); temp.push_back(last[i]); dfs(start,last[i],temp); } for(int i=0;i<myresult.size();i++){ reverse(myresult[i].begin(),myresult[i].end()); } } vector<vector<string>> findLadders(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict){ bool flag=false; vector<string> last; dict.insert(start); dict.insert(end); queue<string> first; unordered_set<string> second; first.push(start); dict.erase(start); while(!first.empty()){ while(!first.empty()){ string _front=first.front(); first.pop(); vector<string> _neighbors=neighbors(_front,dict); for(int i=0;i<_neighbors.size();i++){ second.insert(_neighbors[i]); if(_neighbors[i].compare(end)==0){ flag=true; last.push_back(_front); } } } if(flag==false){ for (auto it=second.begin(); it != second.end(); ++it){ first.push(*it); dict.erase(*it); } second.clear(); } else{ output(start,end,last,dict); } } return myresult; }