
2015-02-14 Created By BaoXinjian


本文介绍如何通过ADF TaskFlows创建应用页面,包括页面顺序,向导和安全

Step 1: Creating a New Fusion Application and Business Components

Step 2: Create a Bounded Task Flow

Step 3: Build the Task Flow Pages

Step 4: Bind the Task Flow Pages to Data Controls

Step 5: Set the Transaction Control to the Task Flow

Step 6: Define a Second Task Flow

Step 7: Defining the Task Flow Components and the Router Rules

Step 8: Create the JSF Page and Bind the Task Flow as a Region to the page

Step 9: Run the Master Page

 1: Creating a New Fusion Application and Business Components

Step1. 创建Fusion Web Application

Step2. 查看所创建的初始Application

Step3.  定义数据Database Connection

Step4. 创建EO

Step5. 定义EO的参数属性

Step6. 查看所创建的Model层

2: Create a Bounded Task Flow

Step1.  创建ADF Task Flow

Step2. 定义Taskflow属性参数

Step3. 查看所常见的Taskflow

3: Build the Task Flow Pages

Step1. 创建infro页面


Step3. 创建update页面

4: Bind the Task Flow Pages to Data Controls

Step1. 定义Search页面,从DataControl中绑定Employee信息到页面中

Step2. 定义Update页面,从DataControl中绑定Employee信息到页面中

5: Set the Transaction Control to the Task Flow

Step1. 定义Behavior

Step2. 创建Commit和Rollback的TaskFlow组件

Step3. 定义组件的Behavior中commit

Step4.  定义组件的Behavior中rollback

Step5. 新增按钮commit

Step6. 新增按钮rollback

Thanks and Regards

时间: 2024-08-16 02:51:13



Step 1: Creating a New Fusion Application and Business Components Step 2: Create a Bounded Task Flow Step 3: Build the Task Flow Pages Step 4: Bind the Task Flow Pages to Data Controls Step 5: Set the Transaction Control to the Task Flow Step 6: Defi


Step 1: Creating a New Fusion Application and Business Components Step 2: Create a Bounded Task Flow Step 3: Build the Task Flow Pages Step 4: Bind the Task Flow Pages to Data Controls Step 5: Set the Transaction Control to the Task Flow Step 6: Defi


.title { text-align: center } .todo { font-family: monospace; color: red } .done { color: green } .tag { background-color: #eee; font-family: monospace; padding: 2px; font-size: 80%; font-weight: normal } .timestamp { color: #bebebe } .timestamp-kwd


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[WPF系列]-DataBinding 绑定计算表达式

        Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=ActualWidth, Converter={StaticResource MathConverter}, ConverterParameter=(@VALUE-100.0)}"   Width="{Binding ElementName=RootWindow, Path=ActualWidth, Converter={StaticResou


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前言 本文主要给大家介绍了关于React事件绑定的几种方法对比的相关呢荣,分享出来供大家参考学习,下面话不多说了,来一起看看详细的介绍吧. React事件绑定 由于类的方法默认不会绑定this,因此在调用的时候如果忘记绑定,this的值将会是undefined. 通常如果不是直接调用,应该为方法绑定this.绑定方式有以下几种: 1. 在构造函数中使用bind绑定this ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 class Button extends


2014-11-30 BaoXinjian 一.摘要 ORACLE中的支持正则表达式的函数主要有下面四个: 1 REGEXP_LIKE :与LIKE的功能相似 2 REGEXP_INSTR :与INSTR的功能相似 3 REGEXP_SUBSTR :与SUBSTR的功能相似 4 REGEXP_REPLACE :与REPLACE的功能相似 它们在用法上与Oracle SQL 函数LIKE.INSTR.SUBSTR 和REPLACE 用法相同. 二.调用格式 1. 格式: REGEXP_INSTR

ADF_Data Binding系列1_使用Bean Data Control

2015-02-16 Created By BaoXinjian 一.摘要 本文介绍通过JavaBean和ADF Faces开发一个数据显示Application Step 1: Create a New Application and Project Step 2: Create a Simple JavaBean Class Step 3: Create a Service Class Step 4: Create a Data Control for the Service Class S