Why does Delphi XE7 IDE hangs and fails on out of memory exception?



Why does Delphi XE7 IDE hangs and fails on out of memory exception? [closed]

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I‘m using Delphi XE7 IDE and it quite frequently hangs, starts to consume many system resources and fails on exceptions like:

  • system out of memory --> ([dcc32 Fatal Error] F2046 Out of memory)
  • external exceptions
  • [MSBuild Error] The "DependencyCheck" task failed unexpectedly. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Out of memory at Borland.Build.Tasks.Common.IBDSHostObject.GetFileTime(String filename) at Borland.Build.Tasks.Shared.DependencyCheck.DoGetFileTime(String filename) at Borland.Build.Tasks.Shared.DependencyCheck.GetFileNameTime(String filename) at Borland.Build.Tasks.Shared.DependencyCheck.Execute() at Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.TaskEngine.ExecuteInstantiatedTask(EngineProxy engineProxy, ItemBucket bucket, TaskExecutionMode howToExecuteTask, ITask task, Boolean& taskResult)

What is the reason for third exception?

What can I do to make it stable ?

delphi delphi-xe7 delphi-ide

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edited Dec 31 ‘14 at 7:07

asked Dec 30 ‘14 at 7:28



closed as unclear what you‘re asking by bummishree.pat18Sir RufoKen WhiteTLama Dec 30 ‘14 at 23:33

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What can be done? Showing some code you have problems with would be helpful. – waka Dec 30 ‘14 at 7:30

This problem is not related to specific project.When i start compiling the project, the ide hangs and throws system out of memory exception.It is occupying almost 800mb of cpu memory. Is there any tool for this problem? – kvsbhavani Dec 30 ‘14 at 8:11

Try using the IDEFixPackRegXE7.exe add on with DelphiXE7. andy.jgknet.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack – Johny Dec 30 ‘14 at 8:54 

Thanks!! Now i am able to compile without the exceptions – kvsbhavani Dec 30 ‘14 at 9:50

Delphi XE7 is a "train wreck" as people from EurekaLog put it. We pay lots of money to Embarcadero yet we have to rely on people as Andy (who don‘t get a dime) to have Delphi fixed. andy.jgknet.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack – All for free Apr 2 ‘15 at 8:13 

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1 Answer


up vote16down voteaccepted

See Quality embarcadero

The fequently ‘out of memory‘ in XE7 problem. Some solution to decrease ‘out of memory‘

  1. Add DDevExtensions and IDEFixPack

    DDevExtensions Options --> Compilations --> Check ‘Release compiler unit cache of other projects before compiling‘

  2. Use the external MSBuild addresses Here is how:

    Project | Options | Delphi Compiler, set Use MSBuild externally to compile

    Project | Options | Delphi Compiler | Compiling | Debugging, set Use debug .dcus to False

    Project | Options | Delphi Compiler | Linking, set Include remote debug symbols to True

  3. renaming Delphi‘s c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\bin\Borland.Studio.Delphi.DLL, the IDE will remain stable much longer and you are able to get some work done!! Note the IDE will give you an error when starting up about this DLL being missing. This appears to prevent a lot of the needless churning and burning the IDE was doing that was consuming memory and machine cycles
  4. try starting the IDE with the -noparser option... "BDS.EXE -noparser" this will switch the parser off for the structure pane

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answered Dec 30 ‘14 at 9:37





Thanks for your inputs!! I already tried 2nd option.Still it was throwing error.Now i installed idefixpack and it‘s working fine – kvsbhavani Dec 30 ‘14 at 9:51

Does the -noparser option work? And which versions support it? Documentation makes no mention of it. – Craig Young Jan 15 ‘15 at 15:41

I have the same problem ... IDE compiles fine, than crashs and takes hours to open some Units. I‘ll try these steps. – Jlouro Mar 24 ‘15 at 22:22 

@CraigYoung Fix Pack will work much better. "noparser" option did work for me but only for some time. So i downloaded idefixpack. You can even try to increase your RAM space. – kvsbhavani Apr 2 ‘15 at 10:04

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时间: 2024-08-27 12:28:39

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