leetCode系列----Unique Paths II




struct baseData {

int x;   //横向偏移

int y;   //纵向偏移

baseData* bottom; 

baseData* right;  


还有一个 vector<baseData*>
toDo; 用来存储没有遍历过的节点


baseData* head =

head->x =

head->y =


while (toDo.size()>0) {


baseData* top = toDo[toDo.size()-1];



if (top->x == XNUMBER-1 && top->y == YNUMBER-1) {





if (top->y<XNUMBER-1 && obstacleGrid[top->x][top->y+1]==0)

baseData* right =
new baseData();

right->x = top->x;

right->y = top->y+1;


top->right = right;


top->right =



if (top->x<YNUMBER-1 && obstacleGrid[top->x+1][top->y]==0)

baseData* bottom =
new baseData();

bottom->x = top->x+1;

bottom->y = top->y;


top->bottom = bottom;


top->bottom =



//delete top;



刚开始没有释放处理过的节点的内存,结果除了 堆栈溢出的问题。于是做了delete top的处理。

但是又报了一个,超时的问题。这一下子,这样的做法就完全行不通了。分析了一下,应该是频繁的new 和 delete消耗了大量的时间,尤其是当数据量比较大时尤为明显。



int XNUMBER = obstacleGrid.size();

int YNUMBER = obstacleGrid[0].size();

vector<vector<int>> grid(obstacleGrid.size(),vector<int>(obstacleGrid[0].size()));


grid[0][0] = obstacleGrid[0][0] ==
0 ? 1:0;


for (int i=1; i<YNUMBER; i++) {

if (obstacleGrid[0][i]==0) {

grid[0][i] = grid[0][i-1];


grid[0][i] =




for (int j=1;j<XNUMBER ; j++) {

if (obstacleGrid[j][0]==0) {

grid[j][0] = grid[j-1][0];


grid[j][0] =




for (int i=1; i<XNUMBER; i++) {

for (int j=1; j<YNUMBER; j++) {

if (obstacleGrid[i][j]==0) {

grid[i][j] = grid[i-1][j]+grid[i][j-1];






return grid[XNUMBER-1][YNUMBER-1];

时间: 2024-10-14 00:17:54

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