Trajectory Estimation for Geo-Fencing Applications on Small-Size Fixed-Wing UAVs

张宁 Trajectory Estimation for Geo-Fencing Applications on Small-Size Fixed-Wing UAVs

—The steadily increasing popularity of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is creating new opportunities in diverse ?elds of technology and business. However, this increase of popularity also raises safety concerns. To tackle the primary concern of keeping the UAV inside a designated region, a novel trajectory estimation algorithm for geo-fencing applications is proposed.WederivetheBeta-Trajectorythattakesintoaccount constraints in curvature as well as constraints in the change of curvature which is bounded by the maximum roll-rate of the aircraft. We incorporate the Beta-Trajectory into a geofencing algorithm. By using our open-source uavAP autopilot, the applicability and necessity of accurate trajectory estimation algorithms for geo-fencing applications are shown on small ?xed-wing aircraft. The model and algorithm are validated in high-?delity simulations as well as in real ?ight testing.

Mirco Theile, Simon Yu, Or D. Dantsker and Marco Caccamo


时间: 2024-07-31 01:32:54

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