1 [[email protected]01 bin]$ hive 2 /home/centos/app/apache-hive-2.1.0-bin/bin/hive: line 220: /tmp/centos/stderr: Permission denied 3 Unable to determine Hadoop version information. 4 ‘hadoop version‘ returned: 5 ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using default configuration: logging only errors to the console. 6 Hadoop 2.7.2 Subversion https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop.git -r b165c4fe8a74265c792ce23f546c64604acf0e41 Compiled by jenkins on 2016-01-26T00:08Z Compiled with protoc 2.5.0 From source with checksum d0fda26633fa762bff87ec759ebe689c This command was run using /home/centos/app/hadoop-2.7.2/share/hadoop/common/hadoop-common-2.7.2.jar
时间: 2024-12-14 19:29:36