Get the log from android device


    How to get the log from device ?

     Detail:  Get the log from device, and write to the local file .

Google Source jar:

       Use the methods in ddmlib.jar mostly:  



The concrete process:     

    First step :   connect the devices through ADB                            

    //import package

    //Creat  AndroidDebugBridge 和 device class object
    private AndroidDebugBridge mBridge;
    private IDevice mDevice;

    //Get the device object you want connect
    String serial_number = "INV121501088";
    mBridge = AndroidDebugBridge.createBridge(location, true );
    mdevice = findAttachedDevice(deviceIdRegex);

    //Find the device from the devices through AndroidDebugBridge
    private IDevice findAttachedDevice(String deviceIdRegex) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(deviceIdRegex);
        for (IDevice device : mBridge.getDevices()) {
            String serialNumber = device.getSerialNumber();
            if (pattern.matcher(serialNumber).matches()) {
                return device;
        return null;

              Second step :   Get the Log to buffer    

1  mPrefStore = new PreferenceStore();
3  mPrefStore.setDefault(LogCatMessageList.MAX_MESSAGES_PREFKEY,
4                 LogCatMessageList.MAX_MESSAGES_DEFAULT);
6  mLogcatReceiver= new LogCatReceiver(mdevice, mprefStore);
时间: 2024-07-28 19:27:37

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