jQuery base

1 $() vs $

$("someSelector") returns a array. This is defiend in jQuery.prototype.

$.methodName is a method defined in jQuery...


methods below will stop the jQuery to manipulate the DOM until the document
or window is ready...

the differences between them is, document just considerate the DOM, and
window will considerate the whole page, this means until the waiting circle

$(document).ready( // here comes lots of functions);

$(window).ready( // here comes lots of functions);

3 Conflicts

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

will make the $("...") the same as $j("...") in order to avoid
conflicts from other liberaries also with an alias

4 Attribute


$("selecteor").attr("someAttribute", someObject);



$( "a" ).attr( "href" ); // Returns
the href for the first a element in the document

5 Prseudo-selector

When using
the :visible and :hidden pseudo-selectors,
jQuery tests the actual visibility of the element, not its
CSS visibility or display properties.

jQuery looks to see if the element‘s physical height and width on the
page are both greater than zero.

6 manipulating the DOM elements

VS .after().

.insertBefore() VS .before()

.appendTo() VS .append()

.prependTo() VS .prepend()

.remove() the selected elements will removed from the page, do returns
something, but they are barely useless.

.detach() the selected elements will removed from the page,
and this method will return something useful...

.empty() this method is used to the parent element in order to
remove the children nodes~

7 create new elements

a : $("<p>This is a P</p>");

b :

$( "<a/>",

  html: "This is a
<strong>new</strong> link",

  "class": "new",
// Property names generally do not need to be quoted unless they
are reserved
 (as class is in this

  href: "foo.html"



8 manipulating attributes

a : single $( "#myDiv
a:first" ).attr( "href",
"newDestination.html" );

b : multiple

$( "#myDiv a:first"

    href: "newDestination.html",

    rel: "nofollow"



jQuery base

时间: 2024-10-07 09:56:46

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