
select * from
select rownum as 编号,gxrxm as 承租人 ,(case trim(gxrxb ) when ‘1‘ then ‘男‘ when ‘2‘ then ‘女‘ else ‘不详‘ end ) as 性别,
       rtrim( mobilephone ||‘,‘|| LXDH, ‘,‘) as 联系方式 , (select (select gxmc from gxxx where t2. gx= gxdm and rownum= 1) from wrxxb t2
       where t1.djh=djh and rownum=1 and rq=(select min( rq) from wrxxb where t1. djh= djh)) 关系 ,rq as 办理日期 ,‘租用‘ as 业务类型
       --,mwje as 墓价,zmj 成交价,(mwje-zmj) as 优惠金额 ,(SELECT mj FROM mwdmxx WHERE djh=T1.djh) as 面积
       from ywdjb t1 where to_char(rq ,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>= ‘2015-07-01‘ and to_char(rq, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)<=‘2015-07-31‘   and zxflag= ‘0‘
union all
select rownum as 编号,t2.gxrxm  as 承租人 ,(case trim(t2 .gxrxb ) when ‘1‘ then ‘男‘ when ‘2‘ then ‘女‘ else ‘不详‘ end ) as 性别,rtrim( t2.mobilephone|| ‘,‘||t2.LXDH,‘,‘ ) as 联系方式 ,
       (select (select gxmc from gxxx where t3 .gx =gxdm and rownum=1) from wrxxb t3
       where t1.djh=djh and rownum=1 and rq=(select min( rq) from wrxxb where t1. djh= djh)) 关系 ,t1.rq as 办理日期 ,t1 .ywmc as 业务类型
       from qtywb t1 ,ywdjb t2 where t1 .djh =t2 .djh and to_char(t1. rq, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>=‘2015-07-01‘ and
       to_char(t1.rq,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘ )<=‘2015-07-31‘  and t1 .zxflag =‘0‘ and  t1.ywmc= ‘续租‘
union all
select rownum as 编号,t2.gxrxm  as 承租人 ,(case trim(t2 .gxrxb ) when ‘1‘ then ‘男‘ when ‘2‘ then ‘女‘ else ‘不详‘ end ) as 性别,rtrim( t2.mobilephone|| ‘,‘||t2.LXDH,‘,‘ ) as 联系方式 ,
       (select (select gxmc from gxxx where t3 .gx =gxdm and rownum=1) from wrxxb t3
       where t1.djh=djh and rownum=1 and rq=(select min( rq) from wrxxb where t1. djh= djh)) 关系 ,t1.rq  as 办理日期 ,t1 .ywmc as 业务类型
       from qtywb t1 ,ywdjb t2 where t1 .djh =t2 .djh and to_char(t1. rq, ‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>=‘2015-07-01‘ and
       to_char(t1.rq,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘ )<=‘2015-07-31‘  and t1 .zxflag =‘0‘ and  t1.ywmc= ‘合葬‘
union all
select rownum as 编号,t2.gxrxm  as 承租人 ,(case trim(t2 .gxrxb ) when ‘1‘ then ‘男‘ when ‘2‘ then ‘女‘ else ‘不详‘ end ) as 性别,rtrim( t2.mobilephone|| ‘,‘||t2.LXDH,‘,‘ ) as 联系方式 ,
       (select (select gxmc from gxxx where t3 .gx =gxdm and rownum=1) from wrxxb t3
       where t1.djh=djh and rownum=1 and rq=(select min( rq) from wrxxb where t1. djh= djh)) 关系 ,t1.rq as 办理日期 ,t1 .ywmc as 业务类型
       from qtywb t1 ,ywdjb t2 where t1 .djh =t2 .djh and to_char(t1 .rq ,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘)>= ‘2015-07-01‘ and
       to_char(t1.rq,‘yyyy-mm-dd‘ )<=‘2015-07-31‘  and t1 .zxflag =‘0‘ and t1.ywmc= ‘老墓改造‘
order by 办理日期
时间: 2024-10-29 05:09:22



char a[100];    char *p=a;    printf("please enter <100 zifchuan:\n");    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {        scanf("%c",(p+i));                if (*(p+i)=='\n') {            *(p+i)='\0';           break;        }            }   

mysql 怎么通过sql语句批量去掉某一个表中某一个字段的多余字符

采用替换,把”<img src="“替换为空格," width="300" height="300" />也替换为空格,曾经在网上看到过这样的SQL,替换字段中字符串中的某些字符 update 表名 set 要修改的字段名= replace(要修改的字段名,‘<img src="’,'') update 表名 set 要修改的字段名= replace(要修改的字段名,‘width="300" hei


函数原型如下: int substr(char dst[], char src[], int start, int len){} 目标是: 从 src 数组起始位置向后偏移 start个字符的位置开始, 最多复制 len 个非NUL 字符到 dst数组.在复制完毕之后, dst 数组必须 以 NUL字节结尾.函数的返回值是存储于 dst 数组中的字符串的长度. #include<stdio.h> int main() { char dst[10]; char src[] = "Hel

PHP - 如何在函数内访问另一个文件中的变量

在A.PHP中代码如下: <?php $peoplename = "Lancelot" ?> 在B.PHP中代码如下: <?php Include_once "a.php" Function getName(){ Return $peoplename; } ?> 调用B.PHP的getName()函数,并未如愿以偿的得到"Lancelot",这其实是变量作用域的问题,在C语言中,一般来说,在函数外部定义的变量大都是全局变量


INSERT INTO `表名` (`字段1`,`字段2`,`字段3`,`字段4`) values ('数组1数据1','数组1数据2','数组1数据3','数组1数据4'), ('数组2数据1','数组2数据2','数组2数据3','数组2数据4'),('数组3数据1','数组3数据2','数组3数据3','数组3数据4');


直接上代码: 第一部分: case class OrdPacsresult_obj(pk_dcpv: String, result_obj: String) 第二部分: def ordsubj: Unit = { import sparkSession.implicits._ import sparkSession.sql val dataset: Dataset[OrdPacsresult_subj] = sql("select pk_dcpv,result_obj,result_subj f

php 去掉字符串的最后一个字符

在一个站长的空间看到这样的文章,觉得会有用,先记录下来 原字符串1,2,3,4,5,6, 去掉最后一个字符",",最终结果为1,2,3,4,5,6 代码如下: $str = "1,2,3,4,5,6,"; $newstr = substr($str,0,strlen($str)-1); echo $newstr; //echo 1,2,3,4,5,6 系统自带的函数即可实现这样的效果,两种方法: substr($str, 0, -1) //函数2 rtrim($st


转自:http://www.jb51.net/article/26604.htm 今天项目中用到,去掉字符串中的最后一个字符 原字符串1,2,3,4,5,6, 去掉最后一个字符",",最终结果为1,2,3,4,5,6 代码如下: 复制代码代码如下: $str = "1,2,3,4,5,6,"; $newstr = substr($str,0,strlen($str)-1); echo $newstr; 解读: 采用php的substr()方法, 语法: string


原字符串1,2,3,4,5,6, 去掉最后一个字符",",最终结果为1,2,3,4,5,6 结合运用substr和strlen两个函数实现. 代码: $str = "1,2,3,4,5,6,"; $newstr = substr($str,0,strlen($str)-1); echo $newstr;