Windows 10 IoT Core Samples

Windows 10 IoT Core Samples

Welcome to the Windows 10 IoT Core Samples

These samples have been validated on Windows IoT Core November Update (10.0.10586.0):

These samples have been validated using these tools:

Please download, build, deploy, and contribute!! For more information and descriptions about the samples found here, see the samples tab here

For more information about Windows 10 IoT Core, see our online documentation here

We are working hard to improve Windows 10 IoT Core and deeply value any feedback we get.

时间: 2024-10-11 21:22:50

Windows 10 IoT Core Samples的相关文章

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玩转树莓派——安装 Windows 10 IoT Core

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Windows 10 IoT Core 正式版进阶体验

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Windows 10 IoT Core 正式版初体验

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如何在Raspberry Pi 3B中安装Windows 10 IoT Core

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[IOT] - Raspberry Pi 3B + Windows 10 IOT Core + .Net Core Web 部署

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树莓派3 Windows 10 IoT Core

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玩转树莓派——升级NOOBS离线安装介质到Raspbian 4.9和Windows 10 IoT C

为树莓派做系统升级是我一直想做的事.时间总是觉得不够,于是也好久没有碰. 直到前几天MVP群里有兄弟问大家的github来互相关注,我才突然想起之前写过的制作离线安装介质的文章: 因为之前把制作Windows 10 IoT Core需要的文件放到了github上.前不久刚把电脑的Windows 10更新到了1703,也是时候更新树莓派上的Windows 10 IoT Core了.(据说有不少新东西,比如Cort