uva 11636 Hello World!(找规律)

uva 11636 Hello World!

When you first madethe computer to print the sentence
“Hello World!”, you felt so happy, not knowinghow complex and interesting the world of programming and algorithmwill turn out to be. Then you did not know anything about loops, soto print 7 lines of “Hello World!”, you just
had to copy and pastesome lines. If you were intelligent enough, you could make a codethat prints “Hello World!” 7 times, using just 3 paste commands.Note that we are not interested about the number of copy commandsrequired. A simple program that prints “Hello
World!” is shown inFigure 1. By copying the single print statement and pasting it weget a program that prints two “Hello World!” lines. Then copyingthese two print statements and pasting them, we get a program thatprints four “Hello World!” lines. Then copying
three of these fourstatements and pasting them we can get a program that prints seven“Hello World!” lines (Figure 4). So three pastes commands areneeded in total and Of course you are not allowed to delete anyline after pasting. Given the number of “Hello
World!” lines youneed to print, you will have to find out the minimum number ofpastes required to make that program from the origin program shownin Figure 1.

Figure 1

Figure 2


Figure 4


The input file cancontain up to 2000 lines of inputs. Each line contains an integer N(0

Input is terminatedby a line containing a negative integer.


For each line ofinput except the last one, produce one line of output of the form“Case X: Y” where X is the serial of output and Y denotes theminimum number of paste commands required to make a program thatprints N lines of “Hello


SampleInput                            Output
for Sample Input




Case 1: 1

Case 2: 4



int main() {
	int n, Case = 1;
	while (scanf("%d", &n) == 1, n >= 0) {
		int temp = 1, ans = 0;
		while (temp < n) {
			temp *= 2;
		printf("Case %d: %d\n", Case++, ans);
	return 0;
时间: 2024-10-27 11:21:40

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