
These bacterial pioneers facilitate the arrival of other pathogens by providing more diverse adhesion sites. They also begin to build the matrix that holds the biofilm together. If there are species that are unable to attach to a surface on their own, they are often able to anchor themselves to the matrix or directly to earlier colonists. The expression of 800 genes have been shown to be altered when a single bacterial species joins a biofilm.24


According to Costerton, the genes that allow a biofilm to develop are activated after enough cells attach to a solid surface.

It appears that attachment itself is what stimulates synthesis综合体 of the extracellular matrix in which the sessile bacteria 固着菌are embedded. This notion– that bacteria have a sense of touch that enables detection of a surface and the expression of specific genes– is in itself an exciting area of research.


William Costerton et al. 25

Research on the molecular and genetic basis of biofilm development has shown that when cells switch from planktonic to community mode, they also undergo a shift in behavior that involves alterations改变 in the activity 活动of numerous genes. There is evidence that specific genes must be transcribed转录 during the attachment phase of biofilm development. In many cases, the activation of these genes is required for synthesis of the extracellular matrix that protects the pathogens inside.


时间: 2024-10-04 23:01:14



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History of biofilm research Perhaps because many biofilms are thick enough to be visible to the naked eye, the microbial communities were among the first to be studied by early microbiologists. Anton van Leeuwenhoek scraped the plaque biofilm from hi


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深度学习与计算机视觉(11)_基于deep learning的快速图像检索系统

作者: 寒小阳 && 龙心尘 时间:2016年3月. 出处:http://blog.csdn.net/han_xiaoyang/article/details/50856583 http://blog.csdn.net/longxinchen_ml/article/details/50903658 声明:版权所有,转载请联系作者并注明出处 1.重点内容引言 本系统是基于CVPR2015的论文<Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Im


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