poj水题-1579 将递归记录会变快





#include <stdio.h>
long s[21][21][21] = {0};
int w(int a,int b,int c)
    if (a <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0)
        return s[0][0][0]=1;

    if (a > 20 || b > 20 || c > 20)
        return w(20, 20, 20);
    if(s[a][b][c])return s[a][b][c];

    if (a < b && b < c)
        return s[a][b][c]=w(a, b, c-1) + w(a, b-1, c-1) - w(a, b-1, c);

return s[a][b][c]=w(a-1, b, c) + w(a-1, b-1, c) + w(a-1, b, c-1) - w(a-1, b-1, c-1);

int main()
    int a,b,c;

        printf("w(%d, %d, %d) = %d\n",a,b,c,w(a,b,c));

return 0;

poj水题-1579 将递归记录会变快

时间: 2024-12-29 07:27:03

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