【POJ2778】DNA Sequence(AC自动机)


生物课上我们学到,DNA序列中只有A, C, T和G四种片段。

经科学发现,DNA序列中,包含某些片段会产生不好的基因,如片段”ATC”是不好片段,则”AGATCC”, “CATCAA”, “ATCATC”都是不好的DNA序列,这些不好片段我们可以称为病毒片段

现在已知m个病毒片段, 问长度为n的DNA序列,有多少种可能不包含病毒片段。答案可能很大,取模 100000。


0<=m<=10  病毒片段长度不超过10,只含A,T,C,G字母







  for i:=1 to m do

  for eachedge(i,j)



  end;              }


  1 const mo=100000;
  2 type arr=array[1..110,1..110]of int64;
  3 var y,c,ans,d:arr;
  4     s:array[1..4]of char;
  5     map:array[1..10000,‘A‘..‘Z‘]of longint;
  6     f,b,q:array[1..200000]of longint;
  7     m,n,i,j,k,t,sum,num:longint;
  8     ch:string;
 10 procedure build;
 11 var i,k,d:longint;
 12 begin
 13  k:=1; d:=length(ch);
 14  for i:=1 to d do
 15  begin
 16   if map[k,ch[i]]=0 then begin inc(num); map[k,ch[i]]:=num; end;
 17   k:=map[k,ch[i]];
 18  end;
 19  b[k]:=1;
 20 end;
 22 procedure acauto;
 23 var t,w,i,u,p,son:longint;
 24 begin
 25  t:=0; w:=1; q[1]:=1;
 26  while t<w do
 27  begin
 28   inc(t); u:=q[t];
 29   for i:=1 to 4 do
 30    if map[u,s[i]]>0 then
 31    begin
 32     son:=map[u,s[i]];
 33     p:=f[u];
 34     if u=1 then f[son]:=1
 35      else f[son]:=map[p,s[i]];
 36     inc(w); q[w]:=son;
 37    end
 38     else
 39     begin
 40      p:=f[u];
 41      if u=1 then map[u,s[i]]:=1
 42       else map[u,s[i]]:=map[p,s[i]];
 43     end;
 44  end;
 45 end;
 47 begin
 48  assign(input,‘poj2778.in‘); reset(input);
 49  assign(output,‘poj2778.out‘); rewrite(output);
 50  readln(m,n);
 51  num:=1;
 52  s[1]:=‘A‘; s[2]:=‘C‘; s[3]:=‘G‘; s[4]:=‘T‘;
 53  for i:=1 to m do
 54  begin
 55   readln(ch);
 56   build;
 57  end;
 58  acauto;
 59  for i:=2 to num do
 60   if b[f[i]]=1 then b[i]:=1;
 62  for i:=1 to num do
 63   if b[i]=0 then
 64    for j:=1 to 4 do
 65     if b[map[i,s[j]]]=0 then inc(d[i,map[i,s[j]]]);
 67  t:=n;
 68  for i:=1 to num do ans[i,i]:=1;
 69  y:=d;
 70  while t>0 do
 71  begin
 72   if t and 1=1 then
 73   begin
 74    for i:=1 to num do
 75     for j:=1 to num do c[i,j]:=0;
 76    for i:=1 to num do
 77     for k:=1 to num do
 78     begin
 79      for j:=1 to num do c[i,k]:=c[i,k]+ans[i,j]*y[j,k];
 80      c[i,k]:=c[i,k] mod mo;
 81     end;
 82    for i:=1 to num do
 83     for j:=1 to num do ans[i,j]:=c[i,j];
 84   end;
 85   for i:=1 to num do
 86    for j:=1 to num do c[i,j]:=0;
 87   for i:=1 to num do
 88    for k:=1 to num do
 89    begin
 90     for j:=1 to num do c[i,k]:=c[i,k]+y[i,j]*y[j,k];
 91     c[i,k]:=c[i,k] mod mo;
 92    end;
 93   for i:=1 to num do
 94    for j:=1 to num do y[i,j]:=c[i,j];
 95   t:=t>>1;
 96  end;
 97  for i:=1 to num do sum:=(sum+ans[1,i]) mod mo;
 98  writeln(sum);
101  close(input);
102  close(output);
103 end.
时间: 2024-12-23 12:32:37

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