
第4章  排序:智能收件箱



  • 社交特征:收件人与发件人之间的交互程度
  • 内容特征:收件人对邮件采取行为(回复、标记等)与某些特征词之间相关
  • 线程特征:记录用户在当前线程下的交互行为
  • 标签特征:检查用户通过过滤器给邮件赋予的标签(标记)


  • 社交特征:来自某一发件人的邮件量(发件人地址)
  • 时间量度:(接受时间日期)
  • 线程特征:是否活跃(主题)
  • 内容特征:高频词分析(邮件正文)

#machine learing for heckers
#chapter 4


easyham.path <- "ML_for_Hackers/03-Classification/data/easy_ham/"




parse.email <- function(path){
  full.msg <- msg.full(path)
  date <- get.date(full.msg)
  from <- get.from(full.msg)
  subj <- get.subject(full.msg)
  msg <- get.msg(full.msg)
  return(c(date, from, subj, msg, path))



msg.full <- function(path){
  con <- file(path, open = "rt", encoding = "latin1")
  msg <- readLines(con)


#两种格式:From: JM<[email protected]>; From: [email protected](JM)
#grepl()以"From: "作为匹配条件,返回是(1)否(0)匹配;匹配的一行存入from中

get.from <- function(msg.vec){
  from <- msg.vec[grepl("From: ", msg.vec)]
  from <- strsplit(from, ‘[":<> ]‘)[[1]]
  from <- from[which(from != "" & from != " ")]
  return(from[grepl("@", from)][1])



get.msg <- function(msg.vec){
  msg <- msg.vec[seq(which(msg.vec == "")[1]+1, length(msg.vec), 1)]
  return(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))



get.subject <- function(msg.vec){
  subj <- msg.vec[grepl("Subject: ", msg.vec)]
  if(length(subj) > 0){
    return(strsplit(subj, "Subject: ")[[1]][2])


#1. 邮件头中会有许多行与"Date: "匹配,但是真正需要的是只有字符串首部出现的
#利用这一点,要求正则表达式只匹配在字符串首部的"Date: ",使用脱字符"^Date: "
#2. 有可能在正文中也匹配上,所以只需要保存第一次匹配成功的字符串即可
#3. 处理文本:拆分字符:加号或减号或冒号
#4. 将首部或者尾部的空白字符替换掉
#5. 只返回符合格式的部分,除掉25字符以后的内容

get.date <- function(msg.vec){
  date.grep <- grepl("^Date: ", msg.vec)
  date.grep <- which(date.grep == TRUE)
  date <- msg.vec[date.grep[1]]
  date <- strsplit(date, "\\+|\\-|: ")[[1]][2]
  date <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", date)
  return(strtrim(date, 25))



easyham.docs <- dir(easyham.path)
easyham.docs <- easyham.docs[which(easyham.docs != "cmds")]
easyham.parse <- lapply(easyham.docs,
                        function(p) parse.email(paste(easyham.path, p, sep = "")))
ehparse.matrix <- do.call(rbind, easyham.parse)
allparse.df <- data.frame(ehparse.matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(allparse.df) <- c("Date", "From.EMail", "Subject", "Message", "Path")



#将形如(Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:36:32)和(04 Dec 2002 11:49:23)格式的字符串转换成POSIX格式

date.converter <- function(dates, pattern1, pattern2){
  pattern1.convert <- strptime(dates, pattern1)
  pattern2.convert <- strptime(dates, pattern2)
  pattern1.convert[is.na(pattern1.convert)] <- pattern2.convert[is.na(pattern2.convert)]



pattern1 <- "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"
pattern2 <- "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"



Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
allparse.df$Date <- date.converter(allparse.df$Date, pattern1, pattern2)



allparse.df$Subject <- tolower(allparse.df$Subject)
allparse.df$From.EMail <- tolower(allparse.df$From.EMail)


#根据时间排序 注意排序方法,使用with( , order()),虽然不直观,但是会经常用到,默认升序排列

priority.df <- allparse.df[with(allparse.df, order(Date)), ]
priority.train <- priority.df[1:(round(nrow(priority.df) / 2)), ]





priority.train.temp1 <- priority.train[, c(2,3,4,5)]
priority.train.temp2 <- priority.train
priority.train.temp2$Date <- as.character(priority.train.temp2$Date)
from.weight <- ddply(priority.train.temp2, .(From.EMail), summarise, Freq = length(Subject))



from.weight <- melt(with(priority.train, table(From.EMail)), value.name="Freq")



from.weight <- from.weight[with(from.weight, order(Freq)), ]
from.ex <- subset(from.weight, Freq > 6)
from.scales <- ggplot(from.ex) +
  geom_rect(aes(xmin = 1:nrow(from.ex) - 0.5,
                xmax = 1:nrow(from.ex) + 0.5,
                ymin = 0,
                ymax = Freq,
                fill = "lightgrey",
                color = "darkblue")) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:nrow(from.ex), labels = from.ex$From.EMail) +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightgrey" = "lightgrey"), guide = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("darkblue" = "darkblue"), guide = "none") +
  ylab("Number of Emails Received (truncated at 6)") +
  xlab("Sender Address") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5, hjust = 1))



from.weight <- transform(from.weight,
                         Weight = log(Freq + 1),
                         log10Weight = log10(Freq + 1))
from.rescaled <- ggplot(from.weight, aes(x = 1:nrow(from.weight))) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Weight, linetype = "ln")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = log10Weight, linetype = "log10")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Freq, linetype = "Absolute")) +
  scale_linetype_manual(values = c("ln" = 1,
                                   "log10" = 2,
                                   "Absolute" = 3),
                        name = "Scaling") +
  xlab("") +
  ylab("Number of emails Receieved") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank())




#针对"re: "回复操作,可以找到相关线程
#返回所有带有"re: "的邮件的发件人和初始线程的主题

find.threads <- function(email.df){
  response.threads <- strsplit(email.df$Subject, "re: ")
  is.thread <- sapply(response.threads, function(subj) ifelse(subj[1] == "", TRUE, FALSE))
  threads <- response.threads[is.thread]
  senders <- email.df$From.EMail[is.thread]
  threads <- sapply(threads, function(t) paste(t[2:length(t)], collapse = "re: "))
  return(cbind(senders, threads))
threads.matrix <- find.threads(priority.train)



email.thread <- function(threads.matrix){
  senders <- threads.matrix[, 1]
  senders.freq <- table(senders)
  senders.matrix <- cbind(names(senders.freq), senders.freq, log(senders.freq + 1))
  senders.df <- data.frame(senders.matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  row.names(senders.df) <- 1:nrow(senders.df)
  names(senders.df) <- c("From.EMail", "Freq", "Weight")
  senders.df$Freq <- as.numeric(senders.df$Freq)
  senders.df$Weight <- as.numeric(senders.df$Weight)
senders.df <- email.thread(threads.matrix)



get.threads <- function(threads.matrix, email.df){
  threads <- unique(threads.matrix[, 2])
  thread.counts <- lapply(threads,
                          function(t) thread.counts(t, email.df))
  thread.matrix <- do.call(rbind, thread.counts)
  return(cbind(threads, thread.matrix))



thread.counts <- function(thread, email.df){
  thread.times <- email.df$Date[which(email.df$Subject == thread |
                                      email.df$Subject == paste("re:", thread))]
  freq <- length(thread.times)
  min.time <- min(thread.times)
  max.time <- max(thread.times)
  time.span <- as.numeric(difftime(max.time, min.time, units = "secs"))
  if(freq < 2){
    return(c(NA, NA, NA))
    trans.weight <- freq / time.span
    log.trans.weight <- 10 + log(trans.weight, base = 10)
    return(c(freq, time.span, log.trans.weight))



thread.weights <- get.threads(threads.matrix, priority.train)
thread.weights <- data.frame(thread.weights, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(thread.weights) <- c("Thread", "Freq", "Response", "Weight")
thread.weights$Freq <- as.numeric(thread.weights$Freq)
thread.weights$Response <- as.numeric(thread.weights$Response)
thread.weights$Weight <- as.numeric(thread.weights$Weight)
thread.weights <- subset(thread.weights, is.na(thread.weights$Freq) == FALSE)




term.counts <- function(term.vec, control){
  vec.corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(term.vec))
  vec.tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(vec.corpus, control = control)



thread.terms <- term.counts(thread.weights$Thread, control = list(stopwords = stopwords()))
thread.terms <- names(thread.terms)
term.weights <- sapply(thread.terms,
                        function(t) mean(thread.weights$Weight[grepl(t, thread.weights$Thread, fixed = TRUE)]))
term.weights <- data.frame(list(Term = names(term.weights), Weight = term.weights),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1:length(term.weights))



msg.terms <- term.counts(priority.train$Message,
                         control = list(stopwords = stopwords(),
                                        removePunctuation = TRUE, removeNumbers = TRUE))
msg.weights <- data.frame(list(Term = names(msg.terms), Weight = log(msg.terms, base = 10)),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1:length(msg.terms))
msg.weights <- subset(msg.weights, Weight > 0)




get.weights <- function(search.term, weight.df, term = TRUE){
  if(length(search.term) > 0 ){
      term.match <- match(names(search.term), weight.df$Term)
      term.match <- match(search.term, weight.df$Thread)
    match.weights <- weight.df$Weight[which(!is.na(term.match))]
    if(length(match.weights) < 1){



rank.message <- function(path){
  msg <- parse.email(path)
  # Weighting based on message author

  # First is just on the total frequency
  from <- ifelse(length(which(from.weight$From.EMail == msg[2])) > 0,
                 from.weight$Weight[which(from.weight$From.EMail == msg[2])], 1)

  # Second is based on senders in threads, and threads themselves
  thread.from <- ifelse(length(which(senders.df$From.EMail == msg[2])) > 0,
                        senders.df$Weight[which(senders.df$From.EMail == msg[2])], 1)
  subj <- strsplit(tolower(msg[3]), "re: ")
  is.thread <- ifelse(subj[[1]][1] == "", TRUE, FALSE)
    activity <- get.weights(subj[[1]][2], thread.weights, term = FALSE)
    activity <- 1

  # Next, weight based on terms    

  # Weight based on terms in threads
  thread.terms <- term.counts(msg[3], control = list(stopwords = TRUE))
  thread.terms.weights <- get.weights(thread.terms, term.weights)

  # Weight based terms in all messages
  msg.terms <- term.counts(msg[4], control = list(stopwords = TRUE,  removePunctuation = TRUE,
                                                  removeNumbers = TRUE))
  msg.weights <- get.weights(msg.terms, msg.weights)

  # Calculate rank by interacting all weights
  rank <- prod(from, thread.from, activity, thread.terms.weights, msg.weights)
  return(c(msg[1], msg[2], msg[3], rank))



train.paths <- priority.df$Path[1:(round(nrow(priority.df) / 2))]
test.paths <- priority.df$Path[((round(nrow(priority.df) / 2)) + 1):nrow(priority.df)]



train.ranks <- lapply(train.paths, rank.message)
train.ranks.matrix <- do.call(rbind, train.ranks)
train.ranks.matrix <- cbind(train.paths, train.ranks.matrix, "TRAINING")
train.ranks.df <- data.frame(train.ranks.matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(train.ranks.df) <- c("Message", "Date", "From", "Subj", "Rank", "Type")
train.ranks.df$Rank <- as.numeric(train.ranks.df$Rank)



priority.threshold <- median(train.ranks.df$Rank)
train.ranks.df$Priority <- ifelse(train.ranks.df$Rank >= priority.threshold, 1, 0)



threshold.plot <- ggplot(train.ranks.df, aes(x = Rank)) +
  stat_density(aes(fill="darkred")) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = priority.threshold, linetype = 2) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkred" = "darkred"), guide = "none") +



书中提到与标准差作为阈值,此时阈值为90. 中位数的做法有较大包容性,而标准差的方式将大部分邮件排除在外了


test.ranks <- suppressWarnings(lapply(test.paths,rank.message))
test.ranks.matrix <- do.call(rbind, test.ranks)
test.ranks.matrix <- cbind(test.paths, test.ranks.matrix, "TESTING")
test.ranks.df <- data.frame(test.ranks.matrix, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(test.ranks.df) <- c("Message","Date","From","Subj","Rank","Type")
test.ranks.df$Rank <- as.numeric(test.ranks.df$Rank)
test.ranks.df$Priority <- ifelse(test.ranks.df$Rank >= priority.threshold, 1, 0)



final.df <- rbind(train.ranks.df, test.ranks.df)
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
final.df$Date <- date.converter(final.df$Date, pattern1, pattern2)
final.df <- final.df[rev(with(final.df, order(Date))), ]



testing.plot <- ggplot(subset(final.df, Type == "TRAINING"), aes(x = Rank)) +
  stat_density(aes(fill = Type, alpha = 0.65)) +
  stat_density(data = subset(final.df, Type == "TESTING"),
               aes(fill = Type, alpha = 0.65)) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = priority.threshold, linetype = 2) +
  scale_alpha(guide = "none") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("TRAINING" = "darkred", "TESTING" = "darkblue")) +







时间: 2025-01-31 00:28:07



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第5章  回归模型:预测网页访问量 回归模型:用已知数据集预测另外一个数据集,已知数据集称为输入,也叫预测变量或特征,想要预测的数据称为输出.回归模型与分类模型的不同之处在于回归模型的输出是有意义的数值. 基准模型:用均值作为预测 #machine learing for heckers #chapter 5 library(ggplot2) ages <- read.csv('ML_for_Hackers/05-Regression/data/longevity.csv') #密度图 ggpl


第7章  优化:密码破译 优化简介:最优点(optimum),优化(optimization) 本章研究的问题:构建一个简单的密码破译系统,把解密一串密文当做一个优化问题. 优化方法:网格搜索(grid search),主要问题是1.步长的选择:2.维度灾难(Curse of Dimensionality):问题规模过大 optim函数:比网格搜索更快,可以通过已经计算出的信息推断出下一步的方向,同时对所有变量一起优化.(根据书中后文,可能的原理是根据导数得出下一步的进行方向,因为该函数对于不可


第2章  数据分析 #machine learing for heckers #chapter 2 library(ggplot2) heights.weights <- read.csv("ML_for_Hackers/02-Exploration/data/01_heights_weights_genders.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",") #不同区间宽度的直方图 ggplot(heights.weights, aes(x


第1章  使用R语言 #machine learing for heckers #chapter 1 library(ggplot2) library(plyr) #.tsv文件用制表符进行分割#字符串默认为factor类型,因此stringsAsFactors置FALSE防止转换#header置FALSE防止将第一行当做表头#定义空字符串为NA:na.strings = "" ufo <- read.delim("ML_for_Hackers/01-Introduct


第3章  分类:垃圾过滤 #machine learing for heckers #chapter 3 library(tm) library(ggplot2) #设置路径变量 spam.path <- "ML_for_Hackers/03-Classification/data/spam/" spam2.path <- "ML_for_Hackers/03-Classification/data/spam_2/" easyham.path <-


第9章 MDS:可视化地研究参议员相似性 基于相似性聚类:本章的主旨是,对不同的观测记录,如何理解用距离的概念来阐明它们之间的相似性和相异性. 多维定标技术(multidimensional scaling, MDS),目的是基于观察值之间的距离度量进行聚类.只通过所有点之间的距离度量对数据进行可视化. MDS处理过程:输入一个包含数据集中任意两点之间距离的距离矩阵,返回一个坐标集合,这个集合可以近似反映每对数据点之间的距离(维度低时信息会有缺失,只能说近似) 下面是一个简单的例子: #距离度量


第8章 PCA:构建股票市场指数 有监督学习:发掘数据中的结构,并使用一个信号量评价我们在探索真实情况这项工作是否进行得很好. 无监督学习:发掘数据中的结构,但没有任何已知答案指导 主成分分析(Principle Components Analysis, PCA):根据每一列包含原始数据信息的多少,对源数据进行排序,排在第一列的成为第一主成分(主成分),总是包含了整个数据集的绝大部分结构. 本章通过构建股市指数来讨论主成分分析问题. prices <- read.csv('ML_for_Hack
