MySQL Horizontal Scaling

single database => master / slave  => sharding

( at stage of master/slave, you might need to add a hot-standby master for failover, e.g. DRDB-based,,

after sharding, how to do "query routing"
a) application layer
b) library-as-sharding (e.g. so-called JDBC-sharding, do it at JDBC layer)
c) proxy-as-sharding

Qihoo 360 Atlas (quite primitive)

based on mysql-proxy, exposes MySQL client protocol;

add /* master */ to SQL in order to force send to master;

manual creation of partition table;

Alibaba B2B Cobar

proxy-based, query parsing / rewrite / routing, result gathering;

expose MySQL client protocol;

failover for data node; (need dual-direction replication between data nodes)

Taobao TDDL - Also as Aliyun DRDS

library-as-sharding, access external config service to determine paritioning rule;

works on JDBC layer;

DRDS : transparent and automatic scaling - just add machine

DRDS features :
a) Join : if it‘s driven by a small table, broadcast the small table to each partition, and do local join - instead of join at the end
b) read/write segregation : policy-driven, DRDS determines which datanode is master and how to route read/write; policy can be updated on the fly; SQL hint to force certain node (e.g. master)
c) redundancy data copy;
d) distributed transaction (read-commit level)


Cobar-based, proxy-based;

client : MySQL CLI, JDBC etc.

Server: MySQL client protocol handler => SQL Parser / Router => SQL Executor => MySQL Instances...

Server / DataNode : Heartbeat check etc.

Google(Youtube): Vitess (vai-tess)

vttablet : a server sits in front of a MySQL database; connection pool to backend MySQL, row cache, rewrite/optimize SQL;

vtgate : light proxy which routes traffic from application to vttablet; health check of vttablet;

topology : metadata store (e.g. Zookeeper)

no transaction support (yet) :!topic/vitess/e5N_YiODl14


2-phase commit and roll-back;

cross-node join and aggregations

时间: 2024-08-26 00:21:27

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